Our family is in decline

Chapter 498 Trouble is approaching

"Mount your lance and prepare to charge!"

"Come on!"


Accompanied by the thunderous sound of horse hooves were the shouts of the knights charging to kill. The barbarian mercenaries reacted quickly and started running, but how could they be faster than the sprint of the war horses?

From discovery to contact, it only took a blink of an eye. Only a chaotic cry was heard in the darkness, and no one could clearly see what happened.

Anyway, when it calmed down again, the torch was raised, illuminating the knights led by Bruce.

There were also corpses scattered on the ground. It was useless to wear armor. They were directly penetrated by the lance, and the iron hoofs trampled through the bloody flesh.

Personal bravery is lost in the face of the advantages of equipment, which is why the priests of the Wolf Fang tribe know that the promotion of Wolf Warrior to legend will only increase internal competitiveness.

Because he participated in the war that year, were there not many barbarian legends who were besieged and killed?

The deputy charged just now and directly penetrated a barbarian with his lance. It was a great pleasure, but it was not enough. Seeing this, he couldn't help but remind him.

"Captain, they are almost finished."

Bruce glanced at them and saw that those barbarians were a little clever and fled away immediately. There were only so many people in the knights, and if they dispersed, they would lose their advantage.

“You lead a group of troops from here and drive them this way, and you cannot let them enter Bastia territory.

You lead a team this way, I'm here. "

Bruce emphasized, "Don't get too close. If you don't have enough people, it's easy to get backlash. Your task is just to drive them away."


The knights did not question Bruce's order and began to take action. Only the deputy was a little unhappy that he did not receive the order.

"Captain, those barbarians are running away like wild dogs. Why don't you charge them completely?"

If he had not stopped just now, he could have killed most of the barbarians by turning around and charging twice in a row, but he gave up this opportunity.

But Bruce also has something to say.

They were all disabled. Even if these people went to Hamlet's side, it would be useless. All he had to do was let them go.

Of course he couldn't say that, but he scolded him in a deep voice.

"You are so greedy, have you considered everyone's safety? The first charge was to seize the opportunity when the barbarians did not react. If you gather in a short time and launch the second charge, you will force them to confront us head-on.

Do you think you are smart for such a stupid thing, forcing a desperate beast to fight with you in such an environment at night? "

Bruce's tone was already unkind. This deputy's ability was indeed very good, but he was tired of it and could no longer accept questions.

Although my father said that if you want to be a big man, you must be broad-minded, but he also said that the authority of a superior cannot be rejected.

Although I had the intention to replace him, the replacement during the war is somewhat of a blow, so I can only put it aside for the time being and urge him instead.

"Act now."


A group of knights dispersed and began to chase the barbarians and drive them away...

When the morning light tore through the darkness, a heavily armed knights were returning to camp.

The movement woke up many recruits, and they couldn't help but turn their attention to the knights.

These recruits were driven to clean up the camp after the night attack last night, and they just stopped to rest against the wall. Unlike their tired and weak appearance, the knights who came back all rode on tall horses with their heads held high, showing a Different from the arrogance of ordinary people.

They were all more or less bloody, and there were still some wet blood stains on the lances hanging on the sides of the horses.

These are not direct enough, and the corpses carried on their horses prove their gains.

Because these are the barbarian mercenaries who attacked the camp last night.

The fight last night was huge, but when the battlefield was cleared, it was found that all of them were dead, and the barbarians didn't even leave any corpses behind.

They might be injured, or they might be dead but their bodies were taken away. Anyway, this scene only deepened their fear of the barbarians.

But the impact this knight's return to camp had on them showed that those barbarians were not invincible.

"Lord Bruce will win!"

"Must win!"


I don't know who screamed, and then the soldiers couldn't help but cheer.

During this period, they were frightened by these barbarians, and they couldn't sleep well at night. The pressure was about to crush them, but now they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The morale that was about to drop finally rose, and Bruce also gained a reputation among these people.

But Bruce didn't pay too much attention to this, because these knights were not serf soldiers eating black bread.

Their dietary structure does not worry about night blindness at all, and they have all been trained since childhood. They are fully armed and have rich combat experience. Each of them has killed countless people.

It can be said that any of these people are independent knights. What they lack is a clear fiefdom.

It is precisely because of this that they will not rest on their laurels. They are eager to make contributions and use their enemies in exchange for their own fiefdom to become a real noble.

It was precisely because of this that Bruce dared to pull them out and pursue them one after another at night.

In fact, he did not pursue them with all his strength, but drove those barbarian mercenaries away.

Bruce's eyes looked vaguely in one direction...

In the wilderness at the junction of Bastia and Hamlet, the barbarian mercenaries finally got a breather after getting into the woods.

"I didn't catch up."

"Finally got rid of it!"

The arrival of sunlight is also very precious to them. Even if they are accustomed to darkness, they will eventually long for light.

After all, they were chased like piglets all night, and their legs were almost broken. That is to say, barbarians like them had been practicing since childhood. If they were serfs, they could not run more than a few steps and they would be dead souls under the sword.

"Where is this?"

"Call everyone over here."

"Cuckoo!" A barbarian whistled, and the sound like some kind of bird penetrated the forest.

Bruce's driving kept them from being too far apart, and soon there were sounds in the surrounding area, and barbarians who had dispersed continued to gather around.

There are more than a hundred barbarian teams, probably one-third of which are barbarian mercenaries, and the rest are warriors from various tribes. If they follow them, they may not have any intention of training.

Although some people have been lost, the barbarians like to brag.

"These knights are really in trouble. They are too timid to come up."

"It would be hard to say if they charged desperately."

"These cowards don't dare follow us into the woods."

"If you dare to come in, we will kill them all."

In their understanding, what happened last night was that Bastia's knights did go astray, and it was definitely not Bruce's intention to let the situation slip.

Well, everyone thinks so.

Anyway, they are not their favorite, after all, they are the sons of the mountains.

However, last night's situation also exposed one of their shortcomings, that is, they are in bulk and lack a person who can lead the overall situation.

At first, they did a good job of covering each other's retreat, but they dispersed just a little further away.

Because I haven't seen those imperial people dare to come out for so many days, I have slacked off, so I was startled by the sudden appearance of the cavalry.

In fact, if these barbarians could be organized, they would not be so easily dispersed by the knights. The dozens of musketeers in the team fired a round of volleys, short spears, flying axes and other throwing weapons, and they could not kill anyone. But if the horse is injured, the knight is useless.

But the problem is that as mercenaries here, they are somewhat tainted with the fear of knights among ordinary people in the empire. In addition, they are not a tribe and have no cohesion, so they will disperse in a rush.

Bastia's soldiers are pulling apart, and so are the barbarians. None of them have fought a large-scale battle in so many years. Except for the core elites, everything else is about the same.

This is a worse world than anything else.

"No wonder those knights didn't catch up. They seem to have left Bastia."

Some of these people had worked as mercenaries and were familiar with Bastia. He pointed out a problem very directly.

"Then what do we do?"

"Of course keep doing it!"

"I don't want to be hungry in the winter."

The remaining barbarians gathered together and continued to plunder. For them, Bastia and other places were empires anyway, and they only wanted to plunder and didn't care about anything else.


In Hamlet, a huge convoy is walking on the disrepaired road. They are Gene's grain collection team.

Some of these roads were built in the past, and have not been repaired for many years due to the decline of Hamlet. It is difficult to maintain only some caravans walking along them.

But these roads were obviously not passable for the luxury carriage, so they had to send people in front to smooth the roads.

It's just that this unlucky thing cannot be Michel's personal guards, and Jean's convoy has laid off most of its people, so they can only let these Ovindo city defense troops go.

"How the hell did we end up building roads?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you offend those people, you won't be able to reap the consequences."

"That's right, I think you want to be whipped."

Although he was unhappy, he only dared to complain here and didn't even have the guts to yell.

Because yesterday there was an unlucky man who offended the guards for some things and was whipped directly, with bloody whip marks on his face.

Another one was beaten for some unknown reason and lost consciousness not long after crawling back. He is still lying in the truck and it is not known whether he can survive.

These city defense troops usually bully ordinary people every day, but now they are frightened along the way, and they can only say, "Evil people will have their own troubles."

When the man heard what his teammates said, he hurried to work, otherwise the team would have caught up.

"Get out of here! Don't fucking block my way." At this moment, a fast horse ran back from the front and drove those people away. After all, no one wanted to be whipped.

"What's going on here?"

"There must have been something wrong before."

The city defense army recognized that it was the reconnaissance cavalry of the noble guard. They were running so fast and they didn't know what they encountered.

The funny thing is that these city defense troops knew what might be happening ahead, but they all seemed casual and even wanted to chat.

It's not that they are all elite troops and are not afraid of any problems, but they have not encountered any trouble along the way and are naturally relaxed. Not to mention that the noble guards are there, so if something happens, it will not be their turn.

"Report! A village ahead seems to be occupied by bandits."

The cavalryman who came back from the reconnaissance reported the situation and soon alerted Jean.

"Sir, in this case let's change our route and go back." Gene tentatively asked Michelle for her opinion.

He didn't want to take risks, so he stayed away from here as soon as possible.

Anyway, if the town is controlled by bandits, the food he needs will naturally be gone. It is impossible for a businessman to take risks without profit.

But this was another matter for Michelle, who looked obviously interested.

"No, go over and kill those bandits!"

Michelle just wanted to go out to play because she was tired of life in the city. She had heard that it was very chaotic outside, but who knew that there were no robbers or bandits showing up along the way.

Now that I have finally met him, I don't want to let him go. He even looks a little excited.

When the leader of the Guards heard this, he actually agreed.

"Your Majesty is right. As long as those bandits are eliminated and occupy the village, we won't have to camp tonight."

The leader's words also made Jean react. Are these guys really here to suppress bandits? I'm afraid they want to plunder.

He even doubted whether he was really controlled by bandits.

But Jean didn't say much, because the village's food could only go into his own pocket, and he was also the beneficiary.

"Hurry!" Michelle even couldn't wait to get out of the carriage and ride on a tall horse.

The guards took action upon receiving the order, and they didn't look afraid of fighting at all. On the contrary, the city defense troops didn't even know what was going on, and seemed a little panicked when they saw those people taking the first step.

The reason is very simple. The leader of the city defense army is also a little knight. Michelle doesn't even bother to look at him, let alone explain anything to him.

And Gene is the bridge of communication.

"Let everyone catch up quickly. Just keep an eye on the team." Gene didn't have to follow, but he was worried about something happening to Michelle, so he could only follow.

The knight didn't have any objection after hearing this. He couldn't drink the soup, but there was no need to fight.

Whoever falls in love with you, he doesn't want to fall in love with you anyway.

It's okay for him to play with women, but who would risk his life with you~

So the Guards and the convoy separated, and when Jean caught up, he happened to see the strength of Michel's Guards.

The cavalry had spread out around the village, and reconnaissance confirmed that there was no enemy ambush. At the same time, they also vaguely controlled the outside of the village. If Lance saw the scene of their horses trampling on the farmland, he would probably want to send them all to a nursing home.

Damn, this is food that is close to the autumn harvest. Do you know that wasting food will cause thunder and lightning?

Even Jean felt a little distressed when he saw this scene, because it was all money.

But the guards didn't care. When the cavalry went up, the infantry also pressed up.

The village was nothing more than a low wall and a fence, which was okay to guard against some wild beasts, but it was instantly overwhelmed by the army. When the village gate was captured, it actually meant the end of the battle.

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