Our family is in decline

Chapter 576 Reactions from all parties

"The martyrs are the most elite and powerful men in the church. If you are not afraid of the power of the martyrs, you are no longer an ordinary person. These are obviously heretics!"

"We can no longer hesitate, we must strike hard!"

"Send the magistrate to send them to heaven one by one!"


In the church in Totnes, several high-level officials gathered together.

There is the bishop of the church in Totnes, the knight captain of the Knights of Holy Light, the chief judge of the Inquisition... There are also some characters who, even if they are inconspicuous here, are still big shots outside.

And these people all have strong hostility towards Hamlet at this moment.

The bishop's seemingly upright face couldn't help but have a hint of gloom.

They are not trying to stand up for the mendicant monks, but the majesty of the church cannot be challenged.

Now is a troubled time. The cults and strange things that have emerged within the empire have not been dealt with. If they are beaten and do nothing this time, I am afraid that people will appear from all over the world to challenge them.

But at this moment, someone interrupted the meeting and sent the bishop the latest information.

After reading it, the bishop who had already planned to take action suddenly looked strange.

Others seemed to have noticed something, and the restless atmosphere gradually calmed down. They all looked at the bishop and waited for an explanation.

"I need to ask the headquarters for instructions on this matter. We need to wait for orders from above."

Then he handed the information to others for circulation.

The people in the church also fell into deep thought after seeing the above content, but soon became excited again.

"I don't think you need to ask the headquarters for such a small problem. We can send people to deal with those blasphemers."

"that is!"

Others echoed one after another, after all, everyone can see the huge benefits in this.

But the bishop kept it secret and just said one sentence.

"There are some things you don't know..."

At the same time, there was also a discussion among the Doctors Association of Totnes.

The scholar who came back with the Roma ship also returned to the association. He was just a professor studying medicine in the school, so it was difficult to promise Lance too much.

But the news he brought back allowed a few big shots who really had the power to make decisions to make a judgment.

"We visited some people and found that there are many new ideas in Hamlet, such as hygiene, viruses, sterilization and disinfection..."

Although the observation team did not see the lepers due to the obstruction, compared to the church duo who encountered obstacles in Hamlet, they relied on their money to find out a lot of information, at least to find out some of the information.

"What is your opinion of Hamlet?"

"We have superb surgical capabilities, and we found some injured people. They all said they had received treatment and their injuries that could have been fatal were treated. Unfortunately, they were not willing to disclose too much information to us.

But the cure for leprosy only exists among those people, and we have no access to cases. "

The top leaders of the association didn't pay much attention to this, but brought the topic back to leprosy.

"If he really had a cure, why would he isolate lepers?"

"I don't know, but the lord did tell us that he had completed the treatment, but unfortunately he didn't reveal much."

As a scholar, the professor cares more about the explanations of new medical treatment shown in Hamlet than about the business logic.

If it wasn't for someone to come back, he would also want to stay in Hamlet and study it in depth.

The higher-ups of the association didn't seem to have much interest in this matter, because they felt that this territory had offended the church, and now if the association was involved, they might also offend the religious fanatics.

Even if Hamlet really has the ability to cure leprosy, it is not worth the loss compared to offending the church, because this disease has been defined by the church as divine punishment in the first place, and curing it will only cause trouble.

What's more important is that the main body of the association is businessmen who rely on medicine. Even if leprosy is cured, it will not make any money and it will offend people.

Without much hesitation, the so-called senior officials rejected the professor's suggestion and asked him to go back to school quickly. As for those scholars who wanted to understand Hamlet in depth and stayed behind, they also cut him off with one sentence.

Kick them out of the Doctors Association and explain their behavior as voluntary, so that the church will not be able to take the opportunity to cause trouble for them.

The professor couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene, and quickly said that those people had no choice but to stay, and he could go and notify them to come back.

But that doesn't matter to those guys at all.

"I'm telling you, they have nothing to do with the association anymore. The school will fire them by then. You'd better not make trouble in the name of the association. If you are caught by the church's tribunal, no one can save you."

Those people scared the professor away and even mocked him.

"This is so unimaginable. Didn't I almost burn a few people to death? I actually offended the church."

"Needless to say, one cannon barrel will kill you."

"Is he good at hitting? Being able to hit him is of no use. To get around, you need to talk about his power and background..."

When the professor left, he heard the ridicule behind him and felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

He didn't see Lance beating up the church duo, so he only saw the controlled church duo at the public trial.

Then we discussed and studied Hamlet's new medical treatment and monster corpses with those people, and then we went back to the ship directly, not being too sensitive about those things.

So what he describes is that two church members were caught and then put on trial.

The lack of most information made it unclear to those people that Lance did not rely on military suppression, but relied on a word to make the mob put down their weapons, and defeated the church's conjoined twins with just a pair of fists.

But what really touched the professor so much was what the lord said that night. Comparing these words to the top leaders of the Medical Association... the difference made him feel uncomfortable.


The professor walked out of that place and sighed. Looking at the familiar but increasingly unfamiliar place, he seemed to have made up his mind and walked towards the school...

Everyone in the room was still laughing at Hamlet, but not long after, a new piece of information came.

Suddenly they changed their appearance, and all of them had strange reactions.

"Ahem! I think curing leprosy is a global problem. How can our Medical Association be absent from this kind of medical technology?"

"Yes, it is necessary for us to go to Hamlet for an in-depth investigation."

"Cooperation is the fast track to development, and we will definitely provide strong assistance to Hamlet!"

It's a pity that the professor didn't see this funny scene, otherwise he would have felt even more disgusted.

The reason why there is such a huge contrast in attitude between the top management of the Doctors Association in Totnes is because of this intelligence.

This is certainly the work of Roma Serra.

The information about Michelle still needs to be reported to the organization for comprehensive intelligence analysis, but the information about Hamlet is first-hand information.

Moreover, Sera was worried that the people from the Doctors Association had already talked to Lance, and if it were to be leaked first, it would be worthless if it were delayed any longer, so she quickly integrated the matter about the ruins of Hamlet's old city as soon as she came back.

Even for this reason, they did not dare to use their identity as Roma. Instead, they turned into a few black market brokers and actively sold to various forces. They did not choose the target at all, including Roma, just to muddy the water.

At this time, Serra brought out the Roma sign, claiming that they had received information from a black market broker.

This is why Amanda stressed that Sierra should spread the news quickly, and on a large scale.

She is familiar with the organization's operations, and this is a means to "eliminate" her from being suspected of leaking information.

Because it is difficult to trace the identities of those black market brokers. After all, they are all involved in the black market and will not reveal their identities at all. Moreover, Sera is also very cautious, even if she uses it once, she will change her identity.

It can only be said that the Roma people are professional in intelligence and have a set of tried and tested methods. This is the foundation.

According to this situation, it is estimated that news about Hamlet will spread in Totnes soon, because Totnes is originally a port for communication with the outside world, and the news will even continue to spread through channels from all parties, to the mainland and even the world.

At present, all parties have received intelligence and know several things.

First, let’s introduce what level Hamlet was at that time, the wealth that the entire continent coveted, a place that was more prosperous than Totnes at the time.

Then Hamlet suffered a disaster and was destroyed overnight, and then faded out of people's sight. Now the ruins of the city have been discovered, and they are quite well preserved.

Serra could have sent it in parts, but considering the sensitivity of the news, he still packaged and sold the fact that there were undead monsters in the ruins and that most places were controlled by necromancers.

But she was very thief and left the location of the new town unexposed. Whether it was a route or a land route, in the past two days after this kind of information spread completely, the route could be sold for a lot of money.

After wandering outside for a night, when she returned to her room, she lay down on the small mountain of gold coins and giggled.

It is not only the Roma who are engaged in intelligence in Totnes. The slightly larger forces have their own intelligence channels, but the value of intelligence is greatest when it is only available in one hand.

It had been a long time since she had gotten such important first-hand information to disrupt the Totnes intelligence network.

The organization will also truly value her own strength because of this. She will rely on herself to become the organization's spokesperson in the empire and prove it to everyone, including her mother.

It can be said that she was originally a little resentful about her almost being in danger in Hamlet, but it all dissipated in the face of Lance's (gold) pawn (coin).

Not to mention the increased "responsibility" nowadays, what can't be overcome?

She even developed a bit of fondness for Hamlet. She liked this place full of surprises, and the danger was just a small test.

"That guy Amanda is my lucky star!" Sierra picked up a gold coin and played with it, looking at the luster on it and couldn't help but murmured.

She knew that Hamlet would become the focus of the world next, not even the Imperial Civil War could compare with it.

So what role do you play in it...

The news spread with terrifying speed in Totnes, and intelligence added much more about Hamlet.

For example, what outstanding medical technology can cure leprosy?

There is bread and milk for everyone, a paradise on earth with abundant products.

What about not being afraid of the church, tying up pastors and putting them on trial, etc.

Even the various rumors about Hamlet that were suppressed before are now brought out together.

It's obvious that it's not just Sierra, but there are more pushers spreading this matter, just to muddy the water.

Only in this way will it be impossible for the church to block this place. It can be said that in the face of interests, those forces must restrain their fear of the church.

Anyway, Hamlet is in front, and they have been unhappy with the church for a long time, so this may not be an opportunity.

Only with the decline of the church can they gain more say.

In this era, even if someone wants to block this news, it is impossible. So what if your church is powerful? Now no one can monopolize Hamlet.

Soon the matter was being discussed in the streets and alleys, and the returning crew members were still in the tavern unaware of the earth-shattering changes taking place outside.

Taking Hamlet's situation as material for them to brag about, some of those who committed crimes in Hamlet and were punished continued to belittle them in order to gain that pitiful sense of satisfaction.

"Oh! Such a desecrated place, the knights of the Church will bulldoze that place."

"That shabby place is like a prison. I don't want to go there a second time."

"that is……"

And just as they were bragging, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and a group of dock gangsters with obvious styles broke into the tavern and directly surrounded the crew members.

"Have you ever been to Hamlet?"

Most of the people here knew each other, and now the crew member fell into panic.

"Big, big...Brother, I will never brag again."

"I'm fucking asking you, have you ever been there? Why are you telling me all this nonsense? Is your skin itchy?"

"Been there! Been there!"

"Let's go, our eldest brother wants to see you."

Without even giving the crew a chance to say no, they were immediately taken away.

At the same time, similar situations continue to occur, and those who have been to Hamlet seem to have become the most popular people at this time, and everyone wants to control it.

The tavern was also very well-informed, and soon news about more Hamlet spread.

What does a heritage version of Totnes represent?

It doesn't matter to them whether it is undead or undead. This is the only way to show that no one has touched it, and it is a big treasure waiting to be developed!

In front of gold coins, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, someone will break in.

"Isn't it possible that all this gossip is deliberately concealing information?"

"That's for sure. They just want to scare us."


Soon everyone realized something. Those idiots came back and said this because they were afraid that they would get a share of the pie.

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