Our family is in decline

Chapter 625 Taking Control of the Situation

The thick smoke from that thing covered a large space in a short time, and some people felt dizzy before they could react before inhaling it.



"Run away!"

There was chaos in the room for a while, and those people took the initiative to open the door to escape, or escaped through the back door, windows, etc.

But waiting for them outside were heavily armed police, each wearing armor and wearing masks to cover their faces.

Seeing that there was no nonsense at all, he rushed forward and controlled the person.

So what if you are a good mercenary? Direct numerical suppression and equipment suppression.

Even if you are not completely dizzy, as long as you inhale a little, the drug will still have an effect. You can't even hold a weapon, let alone anything else.

One by one, they were shackled and escorted out. Only when the smoke dissipated did the special police go in and clean the rooms one by one.

There were still some people lying on the ground who had no time to run, and basically no one was standing.

But never underestimate those people, they still have unique skills to survive in this world.

A special police officer went up to shackle a mercenary who fell to the ground, and then the man lying on the ground suddenly turned over and waved the dagger in his hand.

The face at that moment showed a ferocious scene. Do you want to catch me?

But the next second something happened that he didn't expect.

The policeman leaned back to avoid the blade, and quickly drew the gun almost instinctively.


Gunshots broke out in an instant, and the policeman still maintained his shooting posture. However, when the smoke cleared, an exaggerated wound appeared on the mercenary's chest, and blood soaked a large area of ​​his clothes.

The man also fell to the ground at this time, with blood still coming out of his mouth. His consciousness had not dissipated, and he seemed not to understand why this was different from what he had promised.

Who are you playing with?

These special policemen were all transferred from the army. They were trained with cultists. Do you think they can guard against corpse fraud?

A cultist can move with only half of his body, so you are nothing more than a hammer.

I'll give you a shot and see if you can still pretend to be dead.

No need to pretend now, just die.

"what happened?"

Almost as soon as the gunfire rang out, companions greeted them, all of them ready to support at any time.

"The danger is over, everyone, be careful of the awakened target." The man stepped back a few steps away from the body, reloading while stopping his companions from approaching, his vigilant eyes still focused on the surrounding environment.

An experienced small mercenary group was directly controlled, and all eight members except one who wanted to die were captured and escorted out alive.

The armies produced by these brutal wars still suppressed even the mercenary groups.

The team that Lance worked hard to save in the early stage is probably only him who doesn't know how terrible it is.

But not all actions are so easy. After all, he is a cunning spy, and no matter how perfect the plan is, it cannot be completely ideal, which leads to some accidents.

A spy happened to be out and missed the first wave of contact. He may have realized that something was wrong and ran away.

The situation on the scene was immediately reported to the superiors. William led Figes up and found clothes in the room as odor samples.

"Smell carefully, we can always track the target!"

William untied the dog's leash and handed the clothes to the dog.

"Woof!" Figgus sniffed his clothes, then got into working mode, called back and ran outside.

"Let's go, follow." William directly led the people to follow him. No criminal could escape in front of Figes.

This is why Lance wants to keep those female wolves. In addition to their bloodline, the military and police also need animal companions to assist in their work.

There are also things like anti-drug, search and rescue, etc. Lance does not train pure hunting dogs, but working dogs to assist humans in their work.

For example, as it is now, there are some things that humans cannot do for us.

Initially, William thought the prisoner had absconded, but Figgus ran out and met his target head on.

"Woof woof woof!"

I can only say that sometimes it is easy to meet a wise man, and I don’t know what he thinks. Maybe he thinks that he is very smart, and those people can’t catch him at all. He insists on coming back to have a look, and he has not gone far at all.

"it's here!"

"It's him!"

Da Chongming was locked in instantly and immediately turned around and ran away.

But leaving the back to the hunter is a completely stupid decision.

"Put down his girl!"

William gave the order, and Figes jumped up with an astonishing explosion, and hit him with a flying dive, causing the man to lose his balance and fall.

But this was just the beginning. Figes, who had been suppressed for a long time, showed very ferocious aggression. He bit into it and tore and shook it desperately, making the spy scream.

Soon the others followed and controlled the target, and it took William a little effort to calm down the excited Figgus.

But looking at the torn and bleeding wounds on the target's arm muscles and the blood stains on the corners of Figs's mouth, you can tell how cruel it was.

"Oh~ girl." William squatted down and hugged the dog.

I also know that I was too busy during this period, so I didn’t take it for many activities, and I didn’t have much time to spend with it.

The lord is right, you still need to rest to adjust your condition.

It seems that after this incident is over, I will take a good vacation...

Not only was there a flaw here, there was also a problem in another mission. The complex situation in the hotel caused a suspect to climb out of the window and jump from the second floor.

But he was quickly followed by the police. He had never thought of hijacking him. After all, it was not popular to do so.

Because in another place, those people don't care about the safety of the hostages. You take the hostages and fight them together.

But this was Hamlet, and the man unexpectedly discovered that the police who were chasing him were concerned about ordinary people, so he grabbed a passerby.

"Don't come over here!" He grabbed the hostage with one hand and pulled out a dagger with the other hand and waved it wildly at William and the others in protest. "Come over here and I'll kill him..."


Just when the man wanted to take back the dagger and point it at the hostage, a simple gunshot rang out. Almost instantly, the target's palm holding the dagger was torn apart by the projectile, and the dagger flew out with something.


With a heart-breaking scream, the man wailed and tried to grab his hand. You could see that the entire palm was bloody and bloody, leaving only adhering tendons and broken flesh, and two fingers disappeared.

The hostage's face was stained with drops of blood, and he was so frightened that he even forgot to take the opportunity to escape.

Fortunately, the police who were stunned for a moment reacted, rushed forward to control the target, and rescued the hostages.

On the other side, Margaret, who was holding the musket, slowly put away her hand, locked by her, and there was no chance of missing.

The whole Hamlet was agitated because of this [rat eradication] operation, and people were constantly being raided and arrested.

Those people used various means to confront the police, but the heroes placed among them by Lance would also control the situation.

It's not that there aren't elites with good strength, but these heroes are all masters. Can you withstand Boudica's axe? Or Geralt's sword?

Not to mention that the police equipment was supported by Paracelsus' medicinal props.

In order to obtain more complete experimental subjects, the doctor prepared many props that can cause dizziness and confusion.

This operation even forced out many people with ulterior motives, but they were easily caught anyway.

Frontal confrontation was ineffective, and many people fled directly, using various abilities, and even the extraordinary power brought by mysticism was involved.

But Amanda specializes in restraining spellcasters, and she became stronger after being strengthened by Lance's blessing.

Those targets with extraordinary traces have been marked in advance, and those who find them are more professional personnel.

What you face when you are inside are the police and the heroes hiding among them, even if you can escape.

But Hamlet's army blocked the perimeter, warning them when they met, and shooting if they didn't listen.

It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, if you show up you will die. Anyway, they only obey the orders of the lord.

Lance's request for this operation was to get to the point surgically, strike accurately in the shortest possible time before they could react, control the situation as quickly as possible, and demonstrate the power of the police.

The leaders of the police department have conducted countless deductions and proved their capabilities with practical actions. Although some problems did arise, they were all within control.

And with such exaggerated operational efficiency, the mission was completed in less than two hours and the spies who were registered on the list were captured.

But the action is not over yet. Spying is just a reason to start the action. What Lance needs is to clean up Hamlet's current situation.

Instead of doing this every day, it's better to cut through the mess quickly.

But those foreign spies are okay, but some of them are locals.

Those who were captured were not the only ones, they all had various interpersonal relationships such as relatives and friends.

As a result, the action had a vague risk of amplification, and the situation became somewhat out of control.

At the same time, it will give the police a relatively negative evaluation while establishing dignity, especially because many people with ulterior motives will not give up the concept of hype.

Lance knew he could no longer hide behind and had to get out.

Fortunately, Hamlet is not a big place, and Lance still has enough control over this place.

When he realized something was wrong, he stopped the action and appeared in the central square.

"I know many people don't understand what happened during this time, but there is no doubt that a crisis is heading towards Hamlet..."

It is very simple to ease the current tense situation, that is to create a more powerful enemy and divert the conflict.

Lance also took this opportunity to start preaching about the crimes committed by those spies, even exaggerating a bit.

They brought crime, they brought corruption, they wanted to destroy Hamlet, bring chaos back.

Lance blamed everything on the temptation of those people, but completely failed to mention that many depraved people actually had nothing to do with spies at all.

But the most important thing is that the current situation is stable, so we can only give them a hard time. Of course, they will bear the blame, otherwise who will bear it?

It didn't even need the influence of the charming voice. No one would question the lord's words. The dissatisfaction caused by the influence was instantly transferred to the spies.

"Hang them!"

"Burn them!"


The pressure those people had accumulated over the past few days seemed to be ignited at this moment and exploded instantly.

There was no sound device now, so Lance shouted a few words to control the situation but was easily drowned out.

Lance looked at the angry scene below but felt a sense of fear inexplicably. What was the difference between them and those crazy cultists?

Power must be restrained...

Lance was not swayed by their instigation, but waited for them to shout a few words to vent their emotions before speaking a very strange sentence.

“Have you ever seen the judgment of the church?”

These words seemed to have magical power, echoing directly in their minds in such a noisy environment.

The restless scene suddenly fell into an eerie silence. No one knew why the lord suddenly mentioned this.

"Let me tell you a story..."

Lance, however, kept to himself and told them a very interesting situation.

In a very ordinary village, everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment. Until that year, for some unknown reason, it didn't rain for a long time, and large areas of crops died due to the dryness.

At this time, they began to search for the reason, and found that there was a woman living alone in the village who did not work every day, and often went into the forest and brought back green plants.

So these people thought that the woman was an evil witch who cast a spell to make the earth dry.

After the discussion, those people suddenly caught the woman late one night, stripped her naked to look for traces left by the devil, and then tied the naked woman to a wooden frame and burned her alive after being extremely humiliated.

But did the drought ease after burning the woman to death?

Everyone knows that there is not, and the drought is getting worse, directly causing natural disasters.

Because there is no devil or witch at all, the woman is simply a widow. Because her man died, the family property and land have long been divided up by those people in various ways.

In order to survive, the woman had to go to the forest to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms and survive on these, but those people still refused to let her go.

At first no one believed that the poor woman was a witch, but the more she talked about it, the more they became afraid. They were afraid that women really had magical powers, and they were afraid of being retaliated against for everything they had done.

Or maybe they are afraid of their own ugliness.

That's why they dared to catch the woman while she was sleeping late at night and burn her to death.

They just vent their fear towards innocent people. As for why they try so hard to prove the devil in women, it is just to find a reason for their ugly behavior.

In fact, when the fields are dry, the fields of the village chief's house are still green. Isn't this more abnormal than the widow's wild vegetables? That's because the village chief has seized the last remaining water source in the village.

But they didn't dare to have any objections at all. The old man had three sons, and the eldest grandson was an adult.

As for why it is that woman, it is very simple, because she is alone and it is difficult for a woman to resist.

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