Our family is in decline

Chapter 634 Attack

"Then what do we say now?" Disma reacted first and began to seek everyone's opinions.

"None of our people are close to the ruins at all. If there is such a movement, it may be caused by some terrifying monster. We must go back as soon as possible to inform the lord, and at the same time ask Barton to mobilize artillery instead of taking risks."

Barristan seemed to be aware of what Disma wanted to do. Although he also wanted to fight on the front line, you can't delay the military situation.

And it was not ordinary people who could cause such a movement. It reminded him of the last time the high wall of the outpost was knocked down, and even he almost died.

He was not afraid of death, but the reaction caused by the loss caused the outpost to almost fall, which would affect the entire battle.

Now they are also worried that problems will arise on the front line due to their reckless actions.

But compared to the conservative Barristan, Disma is more radical.

"It is precisely because of the danger that we need to grasp what is happening ahead as soon as possible. The team closest to the ruins now is us."

Naturally, Disma had no intention of dragging everyone along for the adventure, and immediately explained, "In this case, you go back first, and I will explore the way ahead."

William did not agree with this kind of heroic individualism.

"First of all, we can see it, which means that everyone else can see it. The most important thing now is to explore the ruins first. You must know that they are all undead."

This is the truth. There must be many people in the wilderness who noticed this movement. It is estimated that the cavalry and personal guards have been dispatched.

William's logic is still correct, but the last sentence he added is the key point.

"Secondly, we are not the ones closest to the ruins. Those reform-through-labor prisoners who are building roads are almost there, and there are only some soldiers guarding them. If something happens..."

These words reminded them that there was no hesitation on Junia's face, and her words made Barristan agree.

"Don't waste any more time."

"Come on, let's move quickly."


Not talking nonsense, they quickly rushed towards the ruins.


They were indeed not the only ones who were alarmed in the wilderness, but the cultists who were hiding and fighting with Hamlet were also confused.

What on earth happened?

But they all felt the endless anger bursting out from their flesh and blood before the collapse.

Under the guidance of that force, the scattered cultists quickly gathered together, and they saw a priest wrapped in a gold-plated black robe in the ruins.

Priests spread the wrath of the gods to their followers, destroying those who stand in the way of ascension.

"Now, go and seize your ascension!"

The priest uttered words that did not sound like human beings, but it was not through words, but through a soul-resonating method that declared the wrath of the gods to the believers.

"Blood is sacrificed to the blood god, and flesh is sacrificed to the throne!"

"All living beings suffer, but I am the only one who ascends!"


Although they don't know the reason, they feel the wrath of God, so they must be washed with flesh and blood.

Hundreds of cultists gathered together, and they were ready to launch a counterattack against Hamlet again!

Then... the collapse occurred.

There was a vibration on the ground, and then it sank in a large area without waiting for their further reaction. Those buildings that were built at an unknown time and were in disrepair also collapsed, causing a chain reaction.

The dilapidated ruins near the wilderness suddenly turned into ruins. Smoke and dust rose into the sky, and it was conceivable that it spread throughout the area.

But to be honest, this area is really nothing compared to the entire old city. It can be seen that the corners that were transformed by the ancestors were just the corners.

It's easy to say because they were not inside. Hundreds of cultists who gathered were affected by the sudden disaster. Some of them were buried in the ground by the collapsed buildings, or fell directly into the cracks in the ground. The protruding scene was A mess.

It took a while to calm down, but at first glance, most of them were dead and wounded, and some were still buried underneath.

Although the strong vitality will not kill you, don't expect these cultists to dig it out.

Now is the time for them to ascend first.

The ascending priest immediately cast a spell, and the evil and strange power directly took away the lives of those cultists, and the ritual was completed at the cost of death.

That is God's blessing!

The living cultists felt a powerful force emerging from their bodies, and it was visible to the naked eye that all the cultists had mutated to varying degrees.

The power of flesh and blood was somewhat beyond what humans could bear, and distorted tissues and flesh began to grow.

It's a trivial thing to have two eyes popping out. It's not surprising to have an extra face on the body and tentacles to be more exaggerated.

But it also gives them more power.

A half-numbered but more powerful group of cultists headed into the wilderness.

But what is even more terrifying is that the collapse of the ruins also alarmed the skeletons that had been dormant for many years. They were awakened from their slumber, began to get up, and wandered around the ruins, even spreading out.

The assembled strengthened cultists did not avoid the places where Hamlet's personnel were concentrated to cause harassment as before, but came directly towards the built road.

For those reform-through-labor prisoners, most of them didn't know what happened. They only knew that the collapse had also affected them, and the ground was sinking directly.

The built road was torn apart, and some people fell directly. Fortunately, the soil on the road was compacted, so there was no more risk of collapse.

Basically, the collapse happened in an instant, and no one could react. But when they realized that the disaster had occurred, the soldiers and prison guards guarding the prisoners immediately thought of saving people.

"Save people! Help people!"

"Danger! Get out of here quickly, there is still a possibility of collapse."

"Gather to report, which group is short of people?"

Control the scene immediately, then reorganize order and ask all the prisoners to retreat, and then the intense but orderly rescue begins.

The prisoners had no intention of escaping, but instead followed the instructions and responded honestly.

Everything went very smoothly. They were only affected. According to the count, only three fell down. The reason for the road construction was to use various tools to pull back those who fell.

Some people who were injured or unconscious could only hang people down, which was very dangerous. If the situation happened again, or the soil collapsed, the people who went down would not be able to get up.

Everyone fell into silence. Those soldiers were not afraid of death. They could charge to the enemy for the lord, but was it worth it for a prisoner?

"I'll be the captain, I'm lighter."

A soldier stood up. Prisoners were one thing, but they were not police. They didn't need to think about this. Rescuing people was a requirement of the disaster emergency plan.

This scene is somewhat shocking, especially for the prisoners. There is a reason why they are sent to labor camps.

The status of the soldiers in Hamlet can be said to be the first echelon, and now they will actually take risks to save prisoners like them.

This kind of thing didn't need to be heard at all, they were absolutely sure that it wouldn't happen anywhere else, only in Hamlet under the leadership of the lord.

Some people even began to feel unbearable, feeling guilty, lost, and speechless...

There was once an opportunity in front of them, but they did not cherish it, leading to this situation today.

The people here had just hung up, but they didn't realize that the cultists would appear at this time, and on a large scale.

When the frenzied and obviously strange cultists attacked, the screams of the whistles seemed to pierce the air.


In an instant all the soldiers understood what had happened.

"Damn! Organize defense!"

"Don't worry about that guy, pull him up quickly."

Without any hesitation, the captain immediately ordered the rescue to be abandoned and turned to shout at the prisoners and prison guards.

"Leave! Leave quickly!"

The soldiers pulled hard on the rope. They were racing against time.

But something unexpected happened, because it was not the soldier who was pulled up, but the fainted prisoner.

Those who noticed the situation here were stunned for a moment.

Not just the soldiers, but the criminals too, because everyone is paying attention to this.

"What the hell are you doing? Come on, come on!" The captain was so anxious that he dropped the rope himself and tried to pull the person up as soon as possible.

But the cultists would not give them more time. The space cleared by building the road would be more convenient for them to spread out, but they had no cover to rely on.

How the hell did it become a road built for cultists?

"Free fire!" the captain roared, dragging the rope with all his strength.

First round of shooting.

A formation of twenty or thirty people firing in a row would have had a significant blocking effect even if it did not cause too much damage in the past, but at this time they could not even stop for a moment.

No one knows what this means more clearly than them. These cultists have become stronger again. In fact, they have already guessed it when they saw their appearance.

This silent despair spread among the soldiers, and even these battle-hardened soldiers felt a heavy pressure that was almost as if they were strangling their throats.

If it were anyone else, he might just turn around and run away.

However, they did not run away, but had already begun to reload. They even estimated the distance to the enemy and loaded up their knives, intending to defend to the death.

They will not give up any of their comrades, even if they face death.

"You run back quickly and report."

Prison guards have only recently become regular or regulated professions, and many of them had no titles before.

Even though many of them had poor backgrounds, Lance still gave them a chance.

And now it's time to repay the lord.

The dozen or so prison guards did not choose to leave, but took up their own weapons. They had received militia training and were equipped with a baton and a spear, and at this time they finally used them.

Without the final supervision, it stands to reason that the labor reform prisoners should just run away, since no one would be watching over them anyway.

But looking at the backs of those who were approaching, they all fell silent at this moment.

"I've already made a wrong choice once, and I can't make a mistake again this time."

"You can't take away my chance to atone."

"For Hamlet!"

The group atmosphere is contagious. When the first person stood up, their enthusiasm suddenly overcame their fear.

The light of courage shines upon their souls.

There were hundreds of reform-through-labor prisoners at this construction site, and they all picked up tools like hoes and went to work.

The second round of reloading did not have any impact on the battle situation. The mixed team of bayonets, spears and hoes collided with the crazy cultists.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. The muffled sounds of metal collision and flesh and blood injuries were mixed with painful wails and screams.

After all, they are just some reform-through-labor prisoners. They have no fighting ability. It is the Lord's blessing that they did not collapse instantly when they encountered these powerful cultists.

After seeing blood, the cultists became even more crazy, and the battle line was in danger.

At this time, the soldier who went down was dragged up, but he was shouting a little weirdly.

"There's something down there!"

"Stop fucking talking nonsense and get on it!"

But who cares about this now? The captain dropped the rope, picked up his rifle, mounted a bayonet and went to kill him.

His solid assassination skills allowed him to use his bayonet to deflect the waving iron claws, and use the length advantage to insert it into the face of the cultist, but unfortunately it had no effect at all, and the cultist was still crazy.

Not to mention that at this time, there was a sudden despair disturbing their minds. Those who had dealt with cultists knew that this was the evil witches of the cult casting evil spells.

They can resist, but ordinary people may not have this ability.

If it were a hundred soldiers, he would be sure to reorganize the formation, but it's a pity...

Just as they were about to be overwhelmed and engulfed by the cultists, a sudden gunshot rang out.

A team rushed out from the wilderness beside the road, it was Disma and the others.

Disma didn't even have time to reload, and he rushed towards the cultists without hesitation, waving the dagger in his hand to create afterimages, and slit the throats of each of the cultists.

But what effect does it have on such a disparate battle situation?

If you want to see a miracle in this kind of scene, you still have to look at the caster.

Junia basically didn't hesitate much. She was also quite familiar with the Iron Torch and knew how to channel its power.

The sacred power that had been accumulated for a long time was released. This time it was not a flash of light, but a dazzling light.


The light curtain swept across, and the injured ordinary people were healed, but the cultists among them had white flames that were like condensed holy light rising from their bodies for no reason.

Barristan also rushed forward, charging into it with a shield, but compared to Disma, he had a very important goal.

"Fall back and reorganize with me!"

Barristan rushed in and immediately raised his mace to give orders. These people needed a backbone.

Thanks to [Belfa] for the 10,000 reward

Thank you [Mr. Shijiu] for the 100 reward

Thanks [catching fish after get off work and sleeping at work] 100 reward

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