Our family is in decline

Chapter 647 What a great lord!

Chapter 647 So great ~ Lord!

Compared with threats to life span, war, famine, disease, and disasters are the most terrifying enemies of mankind in this era.

Otherwise, why would someone reach adulthood at the age of thirteen or fourteen, but have an average lifespan of only more than 20 years?

In the face of these threats, many ordinary people simply cannot live to the stage where they are worried about their life span.

It takes decades to age, but they can starve to death in seven days, and wars and disasters can take away their lives in an instant.

These are still visible and tangible, and death is also clear.

But disease is simply beyond their understanding. They don't understand why the body becomes like this. Sometimes the pain and suffering caused by disease are often considered by ignorant people to be curses from evil wizards and turn to the church for help.

Not to mention, divine magic has an obvious therapeutic effect on trauma, and the increase brought by a bottle of holy water may allow the patient to survive.

But the church needs money, and they are not very good people. The price in gold coins is not something ordinary people can afford.

Moreover, the church is powerless to deal with some diseases and can only “redefine” them.

Just like the unlucky ones like Baldwin, they had to bear the slander of so-called divine punishment after contracting leprosy.

Those prostitutes who contracted sexually transmitted diseases were also said to have an affair with the devil, and the symptoms they displayed were described as traces of the devil.

For those ignorant people, if it doesn't work, just find someone in the village to burn it. As for whether it is useful, don't worry about it. They are not the ones burning it anyway.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Sometimes it's just a way for them to vent their anger, and it's also to deprive themselves of the family. Aren't the remaining things after burning people theirs?

As for the medical technology sprouting in the city, most of it is mixed with some extraordinary powers of mysticism, as well as some inexplicable abstract behaviors.

What kind of bloodletting therapy, does this look like witchcraft? But they have supporting herbs and extraordinary rituals. If they are mountain barbarians and have natural spirits, what's the use of just copying them?

This is why Lance initially looked down on the medicine of this world and insisted on doing it himself.

Because it was born out of extraordinary rituals, it has lost its most important extraordinary power, which is ridiculous.

The starting point of modern medicine is Hamlet. This was said by Lance, and Paracelsus has been working hard for it.

Start with the most basic human body structure, and then conduct experimental research step by step.

Lance provided a new theoretical system that was different from inexplicable systems such as body fluids and astrology, showing the secrets of the human body.

Greendale also provided a lot of help. The tribe's herbal medicine accumulated through thousands of years of experience has a very obvious effect, not to mention her role as a pharmacist.

As Lance said, she is the real treasure trove of the Deer Head Tribe.

Based on this number of people, it is impossible for Hamlet to have no disease. It is normal to have a cold and fever, as well as trauma caused by various accidents.

But no matter what, the disease rate is among the lowest in the entire world.

On the one hand, Lance promotes hygiene, such as heating hot water, centralized disposal of excrement, etc., and also popularizes some basic health knowledge.

On the other hand, some simple ailments can be overcome as the environment improves.

The most terrifying thing is the introduction of diseases brought by foreign refugees and migrant populations.

This is why refugees join Hamlet for a three-day observation period.

These three days will allow them to recover, adapt to Hamlet's environment, learn the rules, and most importantly, check whether they are sick.

If there is a problem, you will be sent to the hospital for treatment.

Of course, this thing is not a sanatorium, but an independent institution where regular doctors and nurses are located.

Because the refugees have all sold themselves to Hamlet, they have to be serfs for several years before they can officially join, so the funds for treatment will be advanced by the lord.

To put it cruelly, Lance did this mainly to use them to practice for doctors and nurses, and to test the effect of treatment methods.

It is not that there were no medical accidents. Baldwin could not withstand the effects of the barbarian medicine. Similarly, accidents during surgical operations were not a special thing. People will make mistakes sometimes.

But no one will make trouble even if a person dies, because illness is already a death sentence in this era, and free treatment is the best effort we have tried.

Although it is cruel to say this, these patients provide doctors with a reference, and this is their value.

Of course, he would still express his condolences, and he would still have to show off.

At the same time, it is investigated whether the doctor made a mistake, such as overdosing or using the wrong medicine, or whether the surgeon made the wrong cut.

The investigation has made it clear that if it is really the doctor involved who made a mistake, he will be punished depending on the situation. We will also take this opportunity to compile a report and send it to all doctors to avoid a similar incident from happening next time.

But money cannot be compensated, because the treatment is free and the risk must be borne by oneself. Only those who spend money are eligible for compensation.

He is a lord, not a grievance. These are not his subjects, and they are not sick because of Hamlet. He has no responsibility.

The lord's kindness ends here...

After all, he was still a minority among the refugees. After all, he was not even in good health during the long journey. The invisible big hand had already screened him in advance. It was so great.

Ordinary residents and outsiders have to pay money if they want to get treatment, but generally no one comes here for serious illnesses that are not very serious.

They would rather spend money to enjoy themselves than to receive treatment. This is partly due to their distrust of medical technology.

So the hospital here is very small, mostly experimental records and treatments, and there aren't even many patients for them.

Until this crackdown, a group of prostitutes infected with all kinds of messy diseases were discovered.

When they came to Hamlet, they were pulled there in a carriage by the well-informed chicken heads from the surrounding area. They were neither local residents nor refugees.

So at the beginning, there was still a suggestion to expel these guys. Tiffany was a supporter of this idea. She didn't dare to spend a single gold coin because she was afraid of poverty.

Even Boudica could figure out that this was not a good deal. These people were sick and could not go to labor camps. Imprisoning them was a waste of food, and shooting them was outrageous.

It was Lance who decided to take them in and treat them. The reason was very simple. When he found out that the Medical Association was unreliable, Lance knew that he had to promote modern medicine.

If it cannot occupy a place in the world's medical community, then this thing will die suddenly once it is out of subsidies.

Because you have not formed an industry, if you don’t have patients, you have no income. How can you support it without income?

New technologies require a lot of capital investment. Training doctors and nurses requires money, and people also require wages. How can we develop without money?

You can rely on him to burn money now, but what about in the future? Hamlet is not a philanthropist.

Leprosy is too risky and has few patients, but sexually transmitted diseases and some weird gynecological diseases are much more common, which means there are many potential customers.

So there is nothing more suitable than these prostitutes. They will be the best medium to spread Hamlet's medical technology, and the chicken head has already paid for it anyway.

There is no doubt that this is treatment with a special purpose, but Lance will definitely not say so clearly.

Rather, these people are just victims of chicken-headed oppression, and they cannot decide their own behavior.

Those prostitutes gave them a suspended sentence, gave them a little money if they were not sick, and let them decide whether to stay or go on their own. Those who were sick were all sent to a hospital for treatment...a hospital, a hospital for treatment.

Everyone knew that the lord was kind-hearted and could not bear to see them suffer. Although Tiffany did not agree, she could only make an allocation from the money put into the pockets of the chicken heads that had just been confiscated.

Baldwin was quite emotional when he learned about this. After all, the lord saw them from the roadside as "monsters" who were despised by everyone and was willing to help.

As a consul or mayor, Baldwin knew that doing this kind of thing was thankless.

It was as if the lord had gone in and out of dangerous wilderness and beast caves several times for these useless people, and took time to treat them under the attacks of cultists and various monsters. The resources consumed could not be calculated in gold coins.

And because he saved lepers like himself, he attracted the hostility of the church and the Medical Association.

The church provoked the riot when he was seriously injured by the fish-man. Fortunately, it did not cause too much harm to Hamlet, otherwise he would not forgive himself.

But when he talked about this, the lord always smiled and waved his hands. In this case, he also comforted him, saying that people should look forward and let the past be in the past.

Alas~ The lord is still too kind...

No one can sway the lord's decision. Once the opinions are given, various departments will start taking action.

The police deployed all female police officers, and the hospital also sent many doctors and nurses.

But those prostitutes who were arrested and imprisoned collectively did not know these things, so when the prison was opened and so many people came in from the outside, this kind of battle really scared them.

The police officers who arrested them, some wearing white coats, masks and gloves, made them even more frightened.

Fearful, uneasy, self-defeating... you can feel all kinds of negative emotions hanging over these prostitutes in an instant.

Their will is being tested...Despair!

Some people buried their heads and sobbed, some knelt down and begged for mercy, some wanted to hide back, and some looked numb.

"No! I don't want to go out!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...forgive me..."

"Are we going to be killed?"

There was no need to be taught how to control the situation. The policemen simply banged their batons on the iron fence and the sound was louder than the screams and wails of the ghosts.

"Quiet, quiet! You have been dealt with. The lord understands your situation and knows that you were also forced, so he specially granted a suspended sentence..."

What is a reprieve? How can they understand a lot of official words in their stunned state, but they can hear that Hamlet's lord seems to let them go.

Let them go and give them money, and if they are sick, they will receive free treatment...

They couldn't believe these words at all, but before the prostitutes could react further, the police began to urge them.

"Hurry up, don't waste time."

"If you are sick, please come forward and get yourself checked."

The manpower was temporarily transferred, and they didn't waste much time. The police went directly into the prison to take the people out, and then sent them to a temporary examination room set up nearby.

Several pieces of fabric and shelves have just been set up to divide the space. Inside are the medical staff responsible for examinations and the policewomen who maintain order.

"Take off your clothes and get checked. If everything is fine, you can leave."

The doctor's calm words became muffled through the mask. The woman didn't understand, but she could only do it in this situation.

Being naked in front of strangers is nothing to these prostitutes. Something has destroyed their sense of shame. This is a terrible thing, because it is the sense of self-protection of the personality.

"Get dressed and take this to register." The doctor said, filling in the form in his hand, then handed the note to the woman's hand, and turned to motion to the nurse on the side.


The woman didn't understand what it meant, so she could only follow the prompts and walk out. Then someone outside naturally answered her, asked her some questions and took the note away.

The woman cannot read, but the staff must recognize it. The above is the examination result given by the doctor.

There are no obvious symptoms, but there are many scars on the body caused by beatings and torture, and they last for many years. The patient said...

The staff in front of me was just a seventeen-year-old woman, so it was inevitable that the staff would say something sincere.

"You were lucky enough to meet our lord, and he got rid of all those who controlled you. Now you are free, and no one will force you to beat you again.

I'm lucky enough not to have contracted the disease. I hope I don't have to do this anymore. I go to the bulletin board in front of the Government Affairs Office to look at job openings and find something serious to do. There's nothing I can't do. "

Some nagging staff members completed the registration, then took out ten copper coins and handed them to her. "Okay, you can go."

At this time, the woman who was still confused seemed to have been awakened. She looked around uneasily at first, then finally looked at the staff and asked in an anxious tone.

"What did you say!?"

"I said you are free, and this money is the transitional living expenses or travel expenses that the lord will give you.

If you like, you can stay at Hamlet, stop doing bad things, and get a serious job.

If you want to leave, no one will stop you, just go home..."

Before the staff here finished speaking, the woman realized something. She suddenly lowered her head and looked at the coins in her hand, her whole body unable to stop trembling.

Really...I am free...free!

She no longer remembers when those people bought her from her parents. She only remembers the endless torture that followed, and she can't help but feel terrified just thinking about it.

She thought she had lost hope long ago, but she found freedom here.


At this moment, he collapsed and cried. His body seemed to have been drained of strength and fell to the ground, holding the coins in his hands and wailing.

The staff member had been in charge of refugee registration before, so he was already used to this scene. He was also a refugee even earlier.

In Hamlet, there will eventually be redemption...

Thanks to [KranzH] for the 500 reward

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