Our family is in decline

Chapter 662 Wait and see

The adventurers had already started taking action when the first ray of sunlight came over. If you could see the power displayed by those mercenary groups from a high place, they directly pushed out the skeletons who were alarmed and walked out of the ruins, leaving several obvious traces. .

"Those guys are pretty good."

"A bunch of mad dogs who only have gold coins in their eyes."

"Isn't this great? They will help us clean up the monsters inside."

On the high platform of the outpost were Barton and several others.

If those people hesitated to enter just now, then they planned to arrange several groups of soldiers disguised as mercenaries to knock on those bones and take the lead.

But now it saves them a lot of trouble. Those guys are more greedy than imagined.

"It is estimated that more people here died at the hands of humans than monsters." Disma looked at the adventurers who were swarming and said calmly.

As a person who has climbed up from the bottom, he knows very well that danger comes more from human beings.

He has been robbed by others, and he has also been robbed by others. The evil of human nature cannot withstand the slightest test in that kind of environment.

"That's why the lord is great, isn't it?" Leonard's voice was a little dull, but he was extremely determined. This was the truly great holy war, not the massacre of unarmed civilians in the desert.

"Are we just going to look at them like this?"

Tardif usually doesn't like to talk, but as a mercenary, he is also very interested in the ruins.

"The lord said that before it was occupied by the Necromancer, this place was once the main place where cultists were active. Even if there were good things, they would have been taken away long ago.

If you encounter a large amount of money inside, you should be more careful, because you don't know if it is a trap left by those cultists. "

Tardif is not qualified to participate in the meeting, not because he is not loyal enough, but because he is indifferent and does not need to know too much.

"Brother, money is very important, but the life flower is more important. Where are the cultists who were defeated by us? They can only be here."

Barristan's calm advice came, and young people should not be tempted so easily.

As a veteran, he was not willing to watch his soldiers fight with cultists in such a complex environment. It was good for them to go up there, and he would not feel bad if they died.

"How did those cultists get in? Why didn't there be so many skeletons attacking them?"

"Who knows, these guys are like weeds growing in the ground. They can't be killed. They may pop up anywhere."

"Maybe it's an underground passage similar to a beast cave. I think they are more like rats."

Several people complained, and looking at their casual appearance, Junia on the side was a little worried.

"If too many people die, it will probably make those cultists stronger, right?"

Junia also did not attend the meeting, so naturally she did not know the follow-up arrangements. She was more concerned about a situation that everyone knew but did not tell.

"Please, you can question their character, but you can't question their professional abilities. Our soldiers have to consult these guys when it comes to their survivability."

Disma wanted to explain, but Leonard's words were more direct.

"So we have follow-up actions to clean up some of the trash."

Would Lance not be able to think of something that Junia could think of, not to mention that there were so many people at the meeting, even if he ignored others, he would mention this very critical issue.

That means sending so many adventurers into the ruins, will it speed up the Ascension Sect's world-destroying ritual? Will it make them stronger?

Regarding this problem, Lance's explanation was: "Yes, but as long as we are faster than them."

Not many people can understand what this faster refers to, because Lance did not reveal much about the plan for entering the Darkest Dungeon, and it would be bad to know too much.

However, he still studied with everyone how to weaken the Ascension Sect's strength as much as possible.

The plan came out soon, and after the adventurers entered, the guards also divided into several small groups and entered.

Their mission is not to hunt for treasure, they are scavengers.

Use medicine to remove all the corpses that appear, and finally break the bones to avoid being resurrected by the necromancer.

At the same time, we will take action against those cultists and those who disrupt order.

Lance directly dispatched his personal guards for this purpose. Only they and those heroes can enter the depths. As for the outside, it is left to the army for training.

The scarecrow target still needs to be put up, but there are too many skeletons to count.

Now the plan is to send those personal guards to familiarize themselves with the situation on the outside.

At the same time, a team of heroes is formed to probably keep up with the first echelon of adventurers, mainly for reconnaissance, or surveillance.

For example, Leonard, Disma, Laura, Tardif and other veterans who are familiar with adventurers.

There are also Barristan, Junia, Margaret and some capable personal guards.

Patton is now in charge of the town. Fortunately, the foundation for the artillery has been laid, and he does not need to personally command it, otherwise he would be too busy.

Also because these adventurers have poured into the town, Hamlet's security pressure has been greatly reduced, and William and Figes have also been transferred.

Alhazred was in the town. Although he was holding the Purifying Coral, he couldn't move casually because of the mendicant monk and the wandering mage.

These are considered reserve teams and will only be used when necessary.

As for the army, they train troops on the periphery and are on alert at the same time.

For heroes and personal guards, they need to go deep into it, warn those adventurers, and at the same time bring death to the cultists.

After the explanation was almost complete, Barton looked at the situation ahead and spoke.

"They're almost done cleaning it up and it's time for us to get going."

"Gather our troops!"

Everyone didn't talk nonsense and turned around to get ready.

At this time, everyone who was notified was also in place.

The personal guards had already assembled, eager to declare the lord's wrath to their enemies.

There were actually Boslake and some barbarian mercenaries beside them. It seemed that they were no longer nervous and frustrated as when they first arrived. These days of recuperation allowed them to recover quickly.

Of course, it may be that the news about the ruins gave them some illusions about getting rich. These people have been working as mercenaries in the empire all year round, and they have become somewhat assimilated.

Don't forget that barbarian mercenaries are also in this business, and with the blessing of tribal relationships, their combat effectiveness is more tenacious than those of ordinary mercenary groups.

But these people are not. Their tribes are gone. They are pieced together by warriors from many tribes. To put it simply, they are in bulk. I don’t know how much fighting power these guys still have.

Those barbarian mercenaries seemed to feel the strange gazes of the people on the field. If they were real barbarian warriors, they would probably be shouting and killing like that guy Boudica.

But now these barbarians have worked as mercenaries, and they have adapted to the situation on the empire's side. However, they used to fight for gold coins, and now they are relying on others, and they have no confidence.

Among them, Boslake was under the greatest pressure. He had to take care of these guys who were not from his tribe to be honest, and he had to prove their worth to the lord.

So before the gathering, he warned those boys that they had to shut up even if they were provoked, and if they wanted to prove themselves, they would show results.

Fortunately, although others looked at her strangely, they did not mean to provoke him directly.

Or maybe they are not even interested in provocation...

This was a slight, and Boslake realized that he had to find a way to prove himself while also integrating those members as quickly as possible.

He needs a fight...

If you want to say that discrimination doesn't count, everyone is more curious about why the lord found a group of barbarian mercenaries. Didn't they say they were at war with Bastia?

But it doesn't matter, the actions of these people have nothing to do with me anyway.

This is why Lance did not directly incorporate Boslake and the others into it. It would take time for them to cooperate.

If you really want to squeeze people in randomly, it will destroy your own tacit understanding.

Only Junia was a little strange, why is that guy Geralt not here?

He is also in this industry, so he should come here. Does he have any mission?

But I’m too lazy to think about this, there are enough manpower here.

Even Junia, after her long stay in Hamlet, became accustomed to doing the lord's bidding.

The plan has been arranged long ago. They just need to understand their tasks and then implement the lord's will.


The sun completely dispels Hamlet's darkness and spreads light to everyone.

At this time, most of the adventurers in the town have gone to the ruins. There are only the hungover drunkards and the lazy people who haven't gotten up yet. There are also some cautious people with a wait-and-see attitude, such as the mendicant monks and the candle-burning monks. Priest.

The lord did not torture them in that prison, and returned the equipment after they came out. To be honest, for a moment the monks suspected that they had made a mistake and actually instigated a riot.

But when they got their things back, they could feel the strange looks around them.

There were church believers among the adventurers, and the monks easily found out what happened during the time they entered.

He was still a little confused at first, but soon he seemed to feel why the lord let him out at this time.

If you leave now, then one second you walk out of Hamlet, the next second there will be a joke in the town that you were beaten and then escaped.

He was sure that even if someone forgot, the lord would remind those people, and at the same time some old accounts would be revealed.

A legendary monk who was disarmed, imprisoned, and finally released who escaped immediately would be a heavy blow to the prestige of the church.

How is this spanking him? This is a slap in the face of the church!

That guy has already predicted their choice, because there is only one way in front of them, and that is to go to the ruins.

Because the church's two most hated things, desecration of corpses and necromancers, were both involved, he had to do something, otherwise that guy would make a fuss about it.

Whether it was pressure from public opinion or pressure from the church, Martin had no choice at all.

You have to fucking work for that guy, and you have to thank him for that...

The beggar monk became more and more angry as he thought about it, and he couldn't help but complain when he looked at the excited adventurers.

"Hmph! Only fools believe that there is treasure in that damn place. Is it really their turn for something good to happen?"

"Those blasphemous things should not exist in this world anyway."

Priest Ranzhu spoke. Compared to the monk's scheming, he obviously didn't think about the reason why the lord released them, but instead transferred his hatred to those skeletons.

I have always wanted to take action since I found out about it, and now that the ruins are open, it is even more urgent.

Brother Martin knew this very well, but he didn't want to take action so easily.

Because he heard about the strange incident that day. Although it was said to be solved, there must be a reason why the lord did not do it himself, but instead encouraged those stupid adventurers.

Originally, he wanted to see if the church had any support, but now it seemed that he didn't want to think about it anymore. Those guys were even happy to see him unlucky.

Yes, in fact, Martin knew that he blocked some people's way of making money, and the route he promoted also hindered their enjoyment. He also knew that he was not a good person, but he had to protect the church, even if he used some shady means. means.

Because his belief in the Holy Light is more devout than anyone else.

"But what we need to do now is not to go to the ruins and fight those skeletons, but to treat the wounded."

The beggar monk's mind was too clear. Although he fell into the trap of the lord, he still knew his advantages and what he needed to do.

Knock on the bones? Please, you can spread the Holy Light just by sitting here, why go to those dangerous places?

The church's most famous magical skill is healing, which is also the fastest way to restore their reputation.

Those injured adventurers were healed by divine magic, and within days they were praising the church.

The scarred face of Priest Ranzhu couldn't help but feel a little tangled when he heard that he couldn't go. It was obviously difficult for him to understand this. He wanted to rush in and kill all the monsters.

Knowing that he only had the character of this companion, Martin could only sigh and give in.

"If we go around the perimeter, we might be able to save more people, but we have to come back before dark."

Martin didn't want to help the lord remove those skeletons, let alone become a barrier.

But going to the front line for a show is also a very good choice. As long as you don't go deep into it, there shouldn't be much danger.

So the church duo, the mendicant monk and the candle-burning priest, who were pushed up by Lance, also set off for the ruins.

They are also considered celebrities. Their appearance at the ruins has attracted some people's attention, but these adventurers don't have much respect for them. Who doesn't know...

But soon those people were stunned, because the Burning Candle Priest had already raised his shield and rushed into a group of dense skeletons.

Although those on the periphery are only the weakest and are weakened by the sun, no one wants to be surrounded.

It's just that the scratching of skeletons and the knocking of bone sticks and other debris have no effect at all against the thick armor and large shield. On the contrary, the swing of the warhammer lingering in the holy light can easily break those bones.

Ordinary people can knock it away for a long time, but the power of the holy light directly dissipates the evil aura attached to it.

This is the power of the church.

It is our duty to restore the glory of the church!

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