Our family is in decline

Chapter 668 The True Legacy

The old house occupied by the Ascension Sect was more relaxed than Lance imagined. When the team touched the door, there was no movement.

Perhaps they never thought that someone could bypass the ruins, directly clear the bay guarded by the deep divers, and land from the cliff.

It seems that the ancestor's control over this land is not as strong as he thought.

“Our first phase of the mission is to clean out all the creatures inside, and I repeat, clean out all the creatures that can be found except us.

We may encounter some strange situations inside, but don't be surprised, anything can happen to those cultists.

During the battle, try to control as much as possible and not make too much noise, so as not to alert the enemy in advance. Let's sneak in in a low-key manner. "

Before entering the old house, Lance glanced back at a few people and gave a final warning.


Lance did not choose to enter through the front door, but chose to enter through a broken window on the side.

He approached the window and raised his hand to wave. Boudica, who was following him, immediately walked from position two to position one, leaned the weapon against the wall, and then gathered his hands in front of him to lift it.

Lance stepped lightly and took advantage of the force, leaping up and passing through the half-broken glass. His flexible body was as smooth as a loach entering a hole.


A slight sound came out, Lance simply cleaned the glass of the window, and Boudica immediately looked at the next one and nodded.

Audrey also understood what it meant, but you know that he was quarreling with her just now, why did it suddenly seem that there was no such grudge anymore?

It was easy for her to climb over this level of obstacles. It wasn't until she landed that she realized that Boudica wasn't making any tricks, which made her retaliate somewhat.

Of course, it could also be that the serious looks of a few people put pressure on her, so she could only focus more on her surroundings.

Amanda followed, and finally Boudicca climbed in.

You can see a room that may have been gorgeous once, but now looks dilapidated, with some traces of life in it, as messy as a doghouse.

But it looks like it was abandoned because the windows were broken, there are traces of moss left by the accumulated water, and there are even plants growing in it. After all, it is still in disrepair.

However, it also created a good entry point for them, without alerting the enemy in the first step.

Lance was on guard at the door and immediately reorganized his formation when he saw the whole team coming in.

He retreated to the second position to take command, with Boudica taking the first position as the assaulter, Audrey and Amanda taking the third and fourth positions respectively.

Lance made a forward gesture and also indicated the direction of travel.

Boudica immediately moved forward with light steps, followed by the team.

It can be seen that the wall covering on the wall has peeled off over time, revealing the stack of internal stones. In this era, if you want to support a building like this, you need to have rock pillars at intervals to support it. Carved with ornate patterns as decoration.

There were rubble, bricks, and skeletons everywhere on the ground. Lance didn't want to think about it, and he didn't bother to think about its origin. He only had one feeling, and that was anger.

The fucking cultists made my house look like this!

Suddenly, Lance raised his hand to hold her shoulder, and at the same time raised his other hand into a fist, and the entire team's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Lance also stepped forward and leaned on the other side of the door, making several gestures towards Boudica. Boudica nodded, picked up the weapon and put it in front of her body, ready to attack at any time, with a slight bow to charge up her strength. Like a lioness ready to pounce.

The door was pushed open, and the two men burst into the room in an instant. The two guys in black robes inside didn't even react.

Boudica locked his eyes on a confused cultist and rushed forward with an ax gun. The sharp tip of the gun pierced directly into the chest, leaving him unable to even make a sound.

On the other side, Lance rushed in and slashed with his hand. Wolf fangs appeared out of thin air and tore the cultist's throat.

When Audrey and Amanda rushed in, all they could see were the blood dripping from their weapons and the bodies on the ground.

This combination is so smooth! Now she understood that Lance had just raised two fingers to point to the two enemies in the room and was assigning enemies at the same time.

"Check the room!" Lance looked at Audrey and waved his hand, while he focused on the corpse.

It didn't look like a classic one, but he was wearing a simple black robe, and the body inside didn't show too obvious changes in flesh and blood.

At the same time, they did not seem to be too powerful in terms of strength. It seemed that they were not combatants. Lance couldn't help but think of some of the believers he had met before who were eager to ascend. Does the Ascension Sect also need clerks like other organizations?

After finding no information, Lance casually sacrificed the body, and the void easily erased it from the real world.

Audrey looked a little weird when she saw this move, because the main method for tomb robbers to increase their strength is a ritual using corpses as materials.

This is the core secret of the extraordinary path of grave robbers, and she even suspects that it is precisely because of the need for corpses that these people become grave robbers.

But what does she see now?

"I want you to check." Amanda came in and closed the door behind her back. Seeing that Audrey was still stunned and unresponsive, Amanda couldn't help but urge her.

Although Audrey was unhappy about this, she still focused her attention on the room.

There is nothing strange about it. It is just a very ordinary room. Like the outside, it has been in disrepair for a long time, causing large pieces of wall to fall off, revealing the internal masonry structure. It seems that there are no secret rooms or mechanisms.

"The danger is over." Amanda turned around and spoke first, regaining her breath just now.

"Continue." Lance didn't care about this and raised his hand to signal to go out.

The old house is very big, which is a problem for Lance who has never been there and doesn't know the detailed map. You are not sure where the important locations are, and you don't know the location and number of the cultists.

Moreover, in such a complex indoor environment, it is impossible for you to rush in a row. You need to pay attention to the surroundings and even up and down.

But he was here to scrape the floor, not sparing any room at all.

He wants to drive out all the cultists without leaving any one behind!

Lance turned on [Blood Hunting] to catch the smell escaping in the air, and the surrounding environment appeared in his mind in another way.

This is why he was able to tell through the door that there were two cultists in the room just now.

Similar reconnaissance opens the way, and then distributes according to the number of people, and cooperates with each other to kill the enemy at the first time.

During this process, Boudica was under a lot of pressure because she had to complete various tactical actions according to Lance's instructions.

Boudica is just lazy, not stupid. On the contrary, she is very adaptable to this fighting rhythm. To her, it is like hunting a game.

Don't think that barbarians just rush in to hunt. On the contrary, their hunting methods are exquisite and complex, and they have different ways of dealing with different prey.

At the same time, everyone has different responsibilities. Who is responsible for being the bait, who is the feint attack, who is the main attack... There are also trap flows and poison flows. Their tacit understanding in team cooperation is very high.

Now Boudica is also in good condition, and she can complete the tasks immediately in several actions, allowing her to regain the fun of hunting.

Enter from the side room and carefully clear out the cultists along the way...

Breaking into a room, the space in this place was much larger than the others. There were about a dozen believers in black robes and skull masks on their faces.

These people seemed to be busy with something, and they were still a little confused about Lance and others who rushed in.

He stopped what he was doing and looked over. What happened?

"Kill them!"

A voice came from among these cultists, and it could be seen that the guy was not tall, and was even a little thin.

Wearing a black robe with gold trim, he wore a helmet that was different from those of cult warriors and witches, and also different from the black iron masks of ordinary believers.

What's even more weird is that the guy's hand is not an iron claw or a staff, but an incense burner.

"Yes! Master Priest!"

As soon as that guy spoke, the other members of the congregation also reacted and just copied the guy everywhere and attacked Lance's team.

Fighting in a room is much easier because once the door is closed, they are relatively isolated, but they are also locked inside.

This was not a battle of the same level, and those believers were not as specialized in fighting as warriors, and they did not even have weapons in their hands. Boudica rushed over and wielded an ax gun to kill them like mowing grass.

But the guy who was hiding behind and was called the Priest was not that simple. He immediately raised the incense burner and cast a spell. Suddenly, a stream of smoke with a vicious aura rushed towards the team as if it was under control.

Evil smoke!

Even a fool can tell that there is something wrong with this thing. Even Boudica can't help but hesitate in her footsteps and subconsciously wants to avoid it.

But it’s not without countermeasures, don’t forget Amanda is a professional.

He directly took out a bottle of unknown medicine and opened it. He muttered something in his mouth, and a strange force steamed out of the bottle. Driven by some mysterious force, it hit the smoke and dissipated together.

"Do it!"

Lance directly took out the heavy crossbow. This thing was specially bought by Lance from Totnes, because Hamlet did not have such an exaggerated heavy crossbow.

The tested power is able to penetrate ordinary knight armor within ten yards. You also need to use a winch to pull and reload.

But in Lance's hand, he only needed a few fingers to pull the bow string. In a second or two, he completed loading the next arrow and shot it towards the priest.

The thick arrow shaft represents strong power. The moment it penetrates the body, it is like being hit by a heavy punch. You can see that the guy was directly knocked back by the power attached to it for a few steps before he stabilized his body.

Audrey and Amanda were both masters of throwing weapons. After hearing this, they swung out daggers and flying knives to hit the guy.

Ordinary people might have fallen down, but these cultists have special physiques. Even if they have so many things stuck in their bodies, they will not die as long as their vitality is not exhausted.

Realizing that he was the target of an attack, he immediately raised the incense burner and swung it in front of him. White smoke billowed out, obscuring his vision.

"You handle those, he left them to me."

If there were other circumstances, Lance would just drop the bomb. No matter how invisible you are, the shock wave and shrapnel will teach you what fire suppression is.

But it's a pity that it can't be done now, so Lance can only rush over and get close.

The priest took advantage of the smoke to quickly pull out the messy things on his body. He felt something intruding, and quickly waved the incense burner again, and a strange power emanated from it and mixed into the smoke.

Just by crashing into the haze, Lance could feel that it was not purely physical, but driven by extraordinary power. There was an evil force that wanted to affect him.

But Lance's physique is too strong to fully resist those things, and with [Asylum] and [Natural Purification], it is impossible to be poisoned or affected.

Instead, you cast a spell, and the evil aura seems to glow in front of Lance.

Lance slashed directly with the knife, and the burst of power stirred the air, making it look like a knife tearing through smoke.

But what surprised Lance was that the feedback from the wolf's fang was not flesh and blood, but metal. Under the exciting roar, it turned out to be the gesture of the priest holding a dagger to block the wolf's fang.

He even swung the evil-enchanted dagger at Lance as soon as he was exposed.


Without saying a word, Lance stabbed him to death with his backhand.


When the priest died, the condensing smoke quickly dissipated, leaving only the thin wisps of smoke rising from the incense burner that fell to the ground, but it also went out like the fate of the priest.

Boudica and the others dealt with those believers easily, and the battle was almost over.

Lance opened the window, and the influx of fresh air accelerated the dissipation of the smoke, and the unpleasant smell finally disappeared.

And Lance was able to focus on the long tables in the room, with familiar equipment required for alchemy placed on them.

Inside those bottles and jars were strange potions and materials of different colors that made people uneasy.

Now Lance understood why, as the headquarters of the Ascension Sect, not all the cultists occupying this place were warriors.

Because there are some tasks that they cannot complete. For example, this is a place dedicated to preparing various potions for those cultists.

This reminded Lance of the various incense and intoxicants used by cultists, which must have come from here.

This discovery made Lance search quickly, and sure enough, he found many books and scrolls from the surrounding area.

If they want to train apprentices who prepare potions, they must have corresponding teaching materials, and of course the detailed ratios of those things.

Just looking through it briefly, there are a large number of various formulas and corresponding research notes. As for those things, they also show a very twisted and weird preparation process, but they also have different effects recorded on them.

These discoveries made Lance feel intense joy, and the corners of his mouth grinned uncontrollably.

Regardless of whether the others are put into the showroom first, whether they can be used is one thing, and whether they are available or not is another matter.

Why didn't he dare to bombard the old house directly? It is for the various extraordinary powers that these ancestors spent a lot of money to collect from all over the world.

This is the fucking legacy.


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