Our family is in decline

Chapter 697 I am the flame 10

Despite Lance's guarantee, Amanda still felt a lot of pressure. After taking a long breath, she took out a similarly unique incense burner, which she could tell was an extraordinary piece of equipment.

Although Lance is curious, he is generally not interested in his companions' things, and he is not willing to snatch everything.

You can see Amanda lighting a stick of incense, and the rising smoke seems to have magical power.

After all the complicated preparations were made, the cracking process was officially started. In fact, this is the true attitude of extraordinary people towards extraordinary power. A random person like Lance would be pretty good if he didn't die.

The pendulum of truth swayed more and more, but Amanda's hand did not shake, and Lance knew that the power confrontation had emerged.

It's just that Amanda is too weak, so it's difficult to shake the ritual.

Lance didn't waste any time and blessed Amanda directly, providing her with a steady stream of strength.

Feeling the powerful stamina, Amanda didn't care about holding back and used all her power. For a moment, the space was agitated a little stronger. Even Audrey could feel something was wrong because the blood mist was dissipating. .

Suddenly the bell stopped ringing, and Amanda's movements were also stunned.

"Is it solved?" Lance noticed something was wrong with Amanda.

"No..." Amanda looked a little ugly. She looked up at the illusory blood mist in front of her and explained, "It was just isolation and not a real ceremony."

After working so hard, it was only a trivial disguise that I managed to break. Being slapped in the face in front of Lance must have been unpleasant for Amanda's arrogant character. It was simply a shame.

But what else can be said? Being able to crack the perimeter is considered a sign of her strength.

If the cult priest was still presiding over the ceremony, she wouldn't even be able to break this, but she was deceived just now, so in some cases she was lucky.

Lance stopped giving the blessing and turned to look at what was revealed when the blood mist subsided, the familiar yet unfamiliar void curtain.

Lance had seen this kind of thing before when he was dragged into the chaotic space by the limp summoned by the Saint. It was gorgeous and charming, like falling into the abyss...

Under the curtain is a limp altar that I have seen before, two tentacles made of unknown material twisted, and a red energy sphere the size of a human head in the middle, like a core, with tiny void cracks constantly being born and then dying.

But compared to the one encountered in the old house, there is a lot of twisted and corrupted flesh and blood clinging to it, as if it controls the altar like the parasites on the limp, and also to absorb the power of the limp.

The flesh and blood that spread out from those altars became tangled into a complicated and strange flesh and blood ritual. There were a variety of props in it, and there was a circle of stations outside the ceremony. They should be the cult priests who presided over the ceremony.

But they are all gone.

Lance didn't care about anything else at all. His eyes were fixed on the several strange-shaped sacrifices in the ceremony, and his breathing became rapid.

An ancient scroll.

A detailed map.

A medicine bottle soaked with strange tissue.

A candle with a tentacle as its base.

A tentacled golem with a twisted and weird shape.

These five pieces of equipment are basically the same as the ancestor pistol, and they all give off a strange but powerful aura.

And since these pieces of equipment are connected to the Lame Altar through flesh and blood, and are suppressed by such a powerful seal, it is no wonder that the Lame has difficulty breaking free.

Lance observed those things and couldn't help but fall into thinking.

What exactly is it that requires these five powerful and special pieces of equipment and must be suppressed by the power of the Limp?

The thing was right in front of him, and Lance asked Amanda anxiously.

"Can it be cracked?"

Amanda was already sweating profusely when she heard this. You think too highly of me. Some people may not be able to understand such a complex ritual in a lifetime of study.

This is still based on a certain understanding.

But this was the first time in her life that she had seen the flesh-and-blood ritual and the limp altar in front of her, and she had no clue at all.

Lance seemed to understand something, but he didn't embarrass her, and instead gestured towards the limp.

"It hurts a little, you have to endure it."

Before the limp could even understand the words and react, Lance had already taken action, black armor appeared on his hands, and he reached directly towards the ritual to take out the equipment.

Undoubtedly hindered, the flesh and blood on it entangled his hand as if alive, and at the same time wanted to swallow the equipment into the flesh and blood.

But Lance had no intention of holding back at all, and actually used force to tear the flesh-covered ceremony apart and destroy the ceremony.

At this moment, Amanda and the others did not react, but the limp screamed as if he had been severely injured.

Lance didn't care anymore and dug the equipment out of the flesh. However, at the same time, he turned around and gave the limp two treatments to prevent him from fucking dying.

When the five pieces of equipment were forcibly dug out of the flesh by Lance, the relationship between the flesh ritual and the limp that lost the power of the key props was difficult to maintain.

Lance was no longer polite, and directly reached out to grab the core of the limp altar in the middle, only to find that the thing was heavier than he thought, or maybe the flesh and blood adhesion made it impossible to shake it for a while.

But this only aggravated his competitiveness, and he immediately stood firm and pulled the altar upside down. The muscles in his arms trembled when he exerted his strength, and his back bulged high.


In that roar, the arrogant power directly pulled it out of the entanglement of flesh and blood, completely ending the connection between the two.

Lance held the altar high with one hand, tore the flesh and blood entangled with him with the other hand, and sacrificed it with his backhand. The void swallowed him up and completely wiped out the power of the ritual.

At this time, Lance looked back at the limp who fell to the ground. The injury had stopped, but it was not as expected.

At the same time, he could feel the complicated eyes of the limp staring at the altar in his hand, and he seemed to have thought of something at this moment.

The altar is the lifeblood of the limp. Whoever controls this altar will control the limp. If the ancestor can do it, then I can do it too.

Lance raised the altar and looked at it, feeling more and more the splendor and temptation of the void core...

The limp man's gaze shifted to Lance, and it seemed as if he could feel his nervousness through the different light and dark eyeballs.

Lance actually resisted the urge to control, carried the altar to the limp man, and handed it over.

"I know what it is, but you shouldn't doubt me."

As he spoke, he activated the reconstruction of flesh and blood to save it from serious injuries.

Lance's idea is very simple. If the ancestor wants to control it, he has to use ritual power and five legendary equipment. It is impossible for him to waste so many resources to limit it, or he does not have the ability.

Moreover, the limp finally breaks free. If he is controlled again, the relationship will break down and the foundation he has laid with so much investment in the early stage will disappear.

Lance is unwilling to fight another meaningless battle with the limp. No matter he wins or loses, he will weaken his own strength and may incur the hatred of a powerful alien demon.

The current enemy is still the ancestor, and everything must be compromised for this goal.

The damage caused by the destruction of the ritual was healed, and the limp's condition improved rapidly. It was difficult to understand the feelings of a void demon, but there was no doubt that Lance's decision moved him, and he grabbed the altar with his tentacles.

At this moment, the two of them each held one end of the altar and completed a "world famous painting" through the altar. Unfortunately, except for a few witnesses, no one could record this scene.

Lance took the initiative to let go, and the limp didn't think so much. The two strongest tentacles wrapped around the two ends of the altar, and then used force.

The unknown metal material that Lance had tried to pull out just now was not bent, but it was directly twisted under the tentacles of the limp. The next second, he heard a clear and crisp sound like glass breaking.

The energy body in the middle of the altar shattered and released terrifying power. In an instant, countless tentacles stretched out to wrap up the released ability. Just a little bit of power missing from the gap could make the space turbulent.

Lance, who was standing in front, felt how terrifying the power of the limp man's imprisonment was. He just saw with his own eyes that the space at the core was even annihilated.

The turbulence surging in the periphery is constantly washing away with strange power. If extraordinary people like Amanda approached, they would be distorted in an instant.

Sure enough, even if the Void Demon can communicate, the power it leaks casually can pollute humans. Only a protected freak like Lance can bear it so unscrupulously.

After a while, the energy storm dissipated, and the real complete limp appeared again.

There are not many changes in body shape or appearance, but the power that is as deep as the void and exudes unconsciously can make people feel terrifying pressure.

It's like a spellcaster's spellcasting ability was restricted, so he could only fight with physical strength before, but now his spellcasting ability has been restored.

This is a very mysterious feeling that cannot be described, but there is no doubt that the limp has completely broken free of its restraints.

When the limp recovered, the first thing he did was to lean over Lance again. Now this move was full of oppression and aggression.


Lance was calm and casual, his gesture seemed to be a genuine congratulation, and he was not worried about the limp breaking up the agreement at all.

The limp did not attack Lance, but stretched out a strange-looking thing from the tentacles.

It was an oddly shaped piece that was reforged from the altar by the explosive power... It was too thick to be called a staff, more like a war hammer.

The two tentacles that originally went up and down were bent, crossed and twisted into a twist-like shape, a streamlined crank that was thick and narrowed.

The crimson energy sphere condensed by the power of the void still exists. It is held by two hands and fixed at the thick end as a hammer head.

Lance took it and felt its terrifying power. It was made by the limp with the help of the power that just broke out. It was a slightly rough but powerful war hammer - [Void Annihilation]

From the name of this piece of equipment, we can understand that it is an armor-piercing artifact. All objects that the hammer comes into contact with will be annihilated by that force.

But Lance was more concerned that when he picked up this thing, there was an extra feature on the panel.

[Covenant: Void Limper]

Lance understood that this thing was not only a war hammer, but also a tool for summoning the limp.

Lance raised his war hammer and looked at the limp man with a slight nod. The two of them were speechless, but both seemed to already know what the other meant.

The limp man regained his life, and after giving Lance an explanation, he had no intention of staying.

The limp man suddenly raised his head and let out a terrifying roar. Even the tentacles on his body were trembling as he tried his best.

Honkai Impact!

What's even more terrifying is that the power contained in the sound directly tears apart the space, and a familiar void crack appears. It seems that even the special environment of the dungeon cannot restrain its footsteps.

And this only increased Lance's worries, because why did the ancestor catch it and imprison it for so long?

No one could answer him these questions, but at the last moment before leaving, the limp pointed his tentacles towards the void curtain constructed by the ritual that extracted its power.

Then the space closed, and the limp completely disappeared in front of Lance. If it weren't for the large empty blood mist that hadn't been filled yet, Lance might have thought it was a fantasy dream.

After all, the establishment of a covenant between humans and void demons is really abstract...

Without thinking too much, Lance picked up the unique war hammer and came to the curtain, swung the war hammer and smashed it.

The spherical hammer head looks fragile, but in fact nothing can touch it at all, because the annihilation force field lingering around the periphery is enough to destroy everything.

Only the material that could survive the big explosion in the void could withstand the power of the void. Lance felt that something would happen if the wolf fang touched it.

Without the maintenance of the ritual, the black curtain was shattered directly with just one hammer, and what was revealed turned out to be light.

That's right, the light actually shined through the blood mist, and Lance subconsciously raised his hand to block it. After two or three seconds of adaptation, they finally saw the scene in front of them clearly.

Because of the blood mist, everyone's view was not very good, and the space was large enough, so no one expected that there was still a part hidden here.

Now that those rituals are being broken one after another, you can see that there are a lot of debris here, such as boxes and barrels, as well as books and scrolls scattered on the ground. It looks like a camp.

One of them is similar to a small altar in a church that holds holy scriptures. There are several candles of different lengths placed on it. They are not burning, and this is not the source of the light.

The most attractive thing is the several figures of different shapes sitting cross-legged in the camp. They are corpses that have long since withered, and no breath of life can be felt on them.

But these people all erupted with strong and pure divine power, and a realm they created preserved the camp.


Lance had seen Junia use this trick before with the help of saints' relics, and these people also wore obvious church attire, and the light source came from the power of the ritual.

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