Our family is in decline

Chapter 723 Reactions from all parties

"The Earl did not release the news of the beast disease, but tried his best to block it, and even killed many ordinary barbarians who escaped from the mountains.

I also learned about this from my family, and then confirmed other news, but most people don't know."

Vic added another sentence along with that. Walter had guessed it, and he was basically sure after hearing this.

It seems that although the dissatisfaction of those nobles was temporarily suppressed through some means, Walter understood the simple truth that cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents, and he didn't believe that the Earl didn't understand it.

The beast disease can make the barbarians feel insecure, so the Earl can't not understand its danger.

But he concealed the news and drove those nobles to launch an attack. It's easy to imagine what it means, just to let them die.

"Didn't those nobles want to go to war? Why are they willing to do it suddenly?"

"Because Alvin is the second son of the Earl."

Vic's words made Walter even more confused. He knew that Alvin, wasn't he the guy captured by the lord? And he was the second son, how could he have such a great influence?

But he thought about it and understood it, and teased with a strange smile.

"They are going to split up the family. Will the Earl just watch?"

"Alvin's failure in Hamlet led to the withdrawal of the Knights in his hands. Now all three Knights are in the Earl's hands.

Although there have been a lot of losses during this period, it is still stronger than the forces in the hands of those nobles, not to mention the Eagle Group and other guys. I guess he just thinks it won't make any waves, so he lets them show up."

"What if we find a way to release a barbarian and let them know about the beast disease?"

"Those nobles have no choice. They are not as strong as the Earl. Even if they know, they can only rely on Alvin and recruit troops under the pretext of fighting the barbarians. But I don't think they can win."

For those nobles, Bastia was conquered by everyone together, and the fiefdoms are their own. You intervene, do you really think they are all made of mud?

If you are given the face, they will call you Earl, and if you are not given the face, they will call you Chicken Neck.

This is the drawback of the feudal aristocratic system. They are all local emperors in their own territories. When they are forced into a corner, they are more cruel than the barbarians.

But Vic also said that only now can they, the bystanders, see clearly that the earl has too much advantage and wants to take the opportunity to get rid of them.

By then, one winter will be enough to integrate the power of the entire Bastia and eliminate the barbarians in the mountains in one fell swoop. At that time, no matter how the empire changes, he will be the target that those guys need to win over.

But Vic didn't care too much about the struggle in Bastia. To be honest, no matter who wins, it can't change the fact.

"They are destined not to be our opponents."

Vic is not bragging, but has a lot of intelligence as a basis.

It's not easy to make a living under the earl. He became a real businessman and went to many places in Bastia to collect mountain products. He knew how miserable those ordinary people... No, it's serfs are. They are simply slaves of those nobles.

The treatment depends entirely on the local lord. Basically, it is a state of not being full and not starving, because from fields to wilderness, everything in the territory belongs to the nobles, and they have to hand over most of it even if they cut firewood.

Now most of the goods transported to Owendo are produced by ordinary people, but those who trade with Vic are all nobles. They easily gain wealth by squeezing these people.

Freemen can only be seen in towns. Grassroots governance is rotten. It can be said that most of them are hungry serfs. That numbness makes him feel terrified. No wonder the church can control so many people.

In the endless despair, even a little hope is still very important. Going to heaven after death is the driving force that supports them.

As for the so-called elite of the count, let alone those serfs, even the Knights are not in their eyes.

Now Hamlet's army has been equipped with muskets, new equipment such as cannons, and consumables such as bombs and incendiary bottles have accumulated countless.

Compared with Bastia, neither the equipment nor the system is an army of the same era.

Noisy, no matter how much trouble you make, you can't turn the world upside down.

Vic suddenly looked a little uninterested. After all, no matter how unlucky it is, it is still ordinary people. You can only hope that the lord will fight to rescue them as soon as possible.

Walter also noticed his reaction. This child is smart and calm, and he is decisive when he takes action against those evil people. I don't know how many gang leaders were hacked to death by him at the Owendo Pier.

It's a pity that he is soft-hearted towards ordinary people, probably because of his own experience, but it's very dangerous in his current position, and any kindness may be exposed.

Walter would not question the lord's arrangement, but he could bring him some good news.

"Some time ago, I heard from home that the lord bypassed the ruins and attacked the cultists' lair in one fell swoop, annihilated most of the cult leaders, and almost wiped out the cultists in Hamlet."

"Great!" Hearing this really made Vic excited. Those cultists who have been harming Hamlet for so many years should have been killed long ago.

"It's a pity that the cult leader has already led a group of confidants to leave Hamlet and lurk in the surrounding areas."

"The lord wants us to find the leader?" Vic still has a certain understanding of these cults. If we can't find and kill it, even if we clean it up now, it will continue to breed like a stink bug and disgust people.

"No need, the lord thinks that those cultists can't make any waves, he just needs to wait for him to deal with the rest of the things before he can spare his energy.

What is really important is the information collected by breaking through the cult's lair. The cult's infiltration into the surrounding areas is very serious, just like Ovendo did at the beginning.

The lord is worried that the idiots around him are being encouraged by the cult to invade Hamlet, so let us pay attention to the relevant actions. "

As he spoke, Walter handed over a list and added: "These are lists of people who have communicated with the cult. Collect their information."

Vic took the list and glanced at it, and found that it was really ridiculous. Many of them were big shots in the surrounding area. He had heard of the peripheral business, but he didn't expect it to be related to a cult.

"These people are really well fed. Some of them are nobles with good reputations, as well as these artists."

"But few people can resist the temptation of ascension, right? What they paid was only trivial help." Walter has seen too many similar bad things and doesn't care at all.

"If it turns into a ball of festering flesh and blood, it will also ascend." Vic mocked directly, but he didn't have much emotion.

Because he knew that when the lord asked him to collect information, he was already making a list, and by then none of them would be able to escape.

I don’t know how those people will react when they understand that the so-called ascension is a scam.

The two talked about a lot of information and how to carry out the instructions given by the lord. However, at this time, there was a sudden noise outside, which made both of them frown.

Just when they approached the window and looked outside, they immediately understood something.

The sky in the direction of Hamlet was shrouded in darkness, seeming to isolate that place from heaven and earth.

Such an exaggerated scene gives people a huge shock. Didn't I just say that the lord has conquered the cult's lair and is finishing it?


Vic wanted to ask something else, but Walter on the side was stunned, and even his whole body couldn't help trembling. He could only stand by holding on to the window frame, and his fear could not be concealed.


Because he was the one who survived Hamlet's catastrophe. At that time, he happened to be stationed outside and away from the city. This unpopular and remote place actually allowed him to survive.

But the despair of the destruction of heaven and earth still enveloped his heart...

"Are you OK?"

Vic's call brought him back to his senses, but in turn more intense despair emanated from him.

"my family!"

Don't forget that Tiffany, her mother, and brother are still in Hamlet, that is, Walter's family is now shrouded in darkness.

"Don't panic. There won't be any big problems as long as the lord is here. We will send people back to Hamlet immediately. The news will be back soon."

Walter pushed away Vic who was supporting him and roared.

"Go away! I shouldn't have listened to that guy in the first place, my child."

"My family is also in Hamlet. Do you think you are the only one who is worried? You don't have to believe me, but anger can't solve the problem. Only stability can save them." Vic held him down with a cold face. His family was also in Hamlet. , but he is no longer a child and knows that he must calm down.

Walter also realized that he was out of control and raised his hand to hold his face, but he quickly calmed down.

"We can only hope that our lord has not escaped."

This strange sentence can also tell that Walter has an opinion on Hamlet's lord due to his experience back then. What happened back then has cast a psychological shadow on him.

Vic didn't bother and made a quick decision.

"Owendo can't be chaotic, otherwise our people will have nowhere to go if they escape. Now send people back to check the situation and prepare to fight at the same time."

Walter couldn't move, and he couldn't move even when the count's thugs were staring at him, so that was all he could do.

The strange thing that happened to Hamlet could be seen basically in the surrounding places. Count Bastia immediately came to the top of the castle to take a look.

There was also a hint of fear on that calm face. Basically, there were only a few people who escaped that year who were not afraid. The ambition to annex Hamlet was also shrunk at this time.

That place is a cursed place!

"Father, in the direction of Hamlet..."

Bruce came up and greeted him, and the count calmed down and interrupted.

"How are things prepared?"

Bruce didn't know why his father interrupted him suddenly, but he responded.

"Everything is ready. Their movements cannot escape our eyes, but Alvin..." Bruce hesitated before speaking out the question.

"Exile that idiot after this incident." The Earl also frowned, and his words became angry.

The earl was using Alvin, pushing him out to get rid of the dissatisfied nobles, but he was still his son after all, and had no intention of killing him, but was just preparing to exile him.

"Go ahead and do it beautifully, I don't want anything to go wrong."

Bruce also heard something and left without staying too long. He just looked at the back of the figure standing on the terrace, which seemed to be older.

Hamlet's strangeness can be seen in the surrounding areas, but cannot be seen further away, but those powerful extraordinary organizations have their own power to observe the world.

Their attention was captured by the spiritual tidal wave caused by the burst of power unleashed over Hamlet.

Among these people, there is a special existence, that is Tamara.

At this time, she was sitting cross-legged in a special observatory, holding a strange crystal ball in her hand. No one knew what it was made of. In it, it was as if the entire void was covered, and the brilliant purple light and darkness were mixed together, with countless faint light spots on it.

This is one of the holy objects of the Roma people, and it is the same status as the star disk called [Astrologer] that she stole at the beginning, and the holy object called [Stargazer].

Like all powerful supernatural powers, this holy object is very dangerous.

If someone looks at this crystal ball, it seems that he can peek into the endless void, but if that person is not strong enough, his soul will be sucked into the void and will never be able to break free. Only the corpse will remain in reality.

Even those big figures like the elders would not want to touch this, let alone use the power of the holy object to peek into the void.

But there is no doubt that Tamara is a freak. When she returned to the organization with the help of Lance, her talent was not worn away by the long-term tempering in the outside world.

On the contrary, just as Amanda worried, after receiving resources and teaching, her strength rose rapidly.

Countless people who had opinions about her could only put away their dissatisfaction, because the gap between geniuses and them was really big.

Tamara's strength progressed too fast, but just like countless geniuses were blocked at the championship gate.

To break through this limit, either like Greendale, who was forced to use spiritual blessings by Lance.

Or like Leonard, you can understand and master your own extraordinary power.

Of course, there are also major inheritances, relying on various tricks, any equipment or rituals can also be achieved.

The Roma people must have corresponding means for many years of inheritance, but Tamara's legendary teacher is not dead, where can he give her the things?

And Tamara progressed too fast. Under the condition that the extraordinary power was notoriously unstable, those elders, unless they were crazy, would not be so radical to continue to push forward. Instead, they advised her to take advantage of this threshold to hone and digest it.

But the genius didn't think so. She had been frustrated for so many years. Now that she got teachings and resources to become a master, isn't it normal?

She didn't think her strength was improving too fast. On the contrary, this guy felt that he was being suppressed...

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