Our family is in decline

Chapter 733 Giant Monster's Stomach (3)

"Look, we are here now, which means we have almost completed a circle. It seems that the scope of the third floor is larger than the previous ones combined."

Lance and his team moved forward by scanning the map, that is, they walked if there was a road, turned right when they encountered a fork, and turned back when there was no road.

The distance and range can be roughly inferred by the scale of walking. The accuracy is definitely average, but it is just for reference.

Now everyone followed Lance's words and looked at the maps. Only one circle was drawn on the third floor, but compared with the other two, it can be seen that it is indeed much larger.

"From here, we should be able to circle back to the entrance, and here... we have not been to these places.

If this is a flesh and blood giant, then its heart is here."

Lance raised his hand and pointed to the central area that was not drawn. It is basically certain that the core is here.

With a map, you can know how much of the task is left, let everyone know the progress of the task, and use this to plan the plan in advance.

So now there are two routes, either go back to the place where you came in from here, and then slowly shrink the circle.

Or go left from here, insert the core directly, and then go back to clean up other places after processing.

There is no difference between these two methods, both reveal Lance's determination to completely clear every room and every passage.

If there is a real difference, it is a little more detailed, with a pattern to follow and will not lose your position.

The second one is more straightforward, controlling the core here and then slowly cleaning it up, although there may be more detours.

"Let's go with the second one. This place is too big, it is destined to be impossible to clean it up in a short time. We can't have a situation like the extreme darkness again."

Taking the opportunity of rest, several people re-planned the plan. To be honest, this map is bigger and has more monsters, and the pressure on Lance is not even as good as the second floor.

The monsters are too weak, and the team configuration is too strong, with tacit cooperation, equipment and number of people.

And there is flesh and blood everywhere to replenish spirituality, and the team becomes stronger and stronger.

After a short rest, with the formulation of a new plan, they will continue to move forward under the command of the lord.

Compared with cleaning up monsters, harvesting has become the most important action of this team.

Lance has always been intentionally blessing everyone to consume spirituality, in exchange for unceasing progress.

Because of the change in strategy, the team went straight from that room to the middle area of ​​the third floor. The flesh and blood environment was indistinguishable, and some scattered monsters could hardly stop their actions.

All this until they passed through the entrance like a blood vessel valve and broke into a unique room.

The twisted flesh and blood intertwined to form a main body full of gullies and tumors like the stomach wall, with dense black eyeballs embedded on it. The exaggerated number and size gave everyone a strong pressure.

It can be basically determined that the power of the ancestor is related to the black eyeballs, and it can even be regarded as a characteristic of him. From so many situations encountered, it can be concluded that the more and bigger the eyes are, the more powerful the [Great Blessing] is.

And here, there are eyeballs as big as a human head, and such dense eyeballs are enough to illustrate its importance.

But what attracted everyone's attention was...

But before they could take a closer look, what blocked them was the macrophages and leukocyte stalks growing in it.

Now it is not the first time to see this kind of monster. Maybe this one is a little stronger, but under the firepower advantage, there is no room for resistance at all.

He raised his gun and stared at the white blood cell handle. As long as it showed its head, it would die. No matter how many were summoned, it could not release a single move, let alone teleport.

The macrophage did not even need to use artillery. Bigby used the power of the forbidden magic chain to pull it up and control it.

Alhazred used various spells to weaken the monster's power, and the legion went up to cut off its connection with the surrounding flesh and blood. Once there was no continuous replenishment, the macrophage soon died under the siege.

After the monster died, everyone had time to slowly study this special place.

Unlike other rooms similar to body tissues, there was a large area here that was not covered by flesh and blood, but the empty place was not a statue or a giant stone pillar, but something out of reality.

You can see that a circular area is missing under the embrace of twisted flesh and blood. Countless blood vessels like flesh and blood are unwilling to extend and weave, but it gives people the feeling that they can never reach it.

Because the circle leads to endless darkness, perhaps everyone is more familiar with another name-the void.

This scene had a great impact on everyone. Even the guards did not dare to destroy the flesh and blood here at will, waiting for the lord's order.

"If we are inside a giant monster, then this place is probably in the stomach of the giant monster."

Lance lowered his head and marked this place on the map. The clearer the map was, the clearer their current location could be determined.

Alhazred did not pay attention to these. As soon as he came in, he was attracted by a very interesting pattern that was cleared on the ground.

It was a pattern of a circle divided equally by eight short lines, and at this time it exuded a strong breath.

Lance was stunned when he saw this, and murmured in a low voice with a strange look.


"The lord also knows this?"

"I heard someone say it, but it just mentioned that this pattern is called [World] and the rest is not very clear."

For example, [Revelation] is divided by five lines on the semicircle, and the pattern is bright white, which generally implies positive virtues.

[Iron Crown] is also a similar pattern, but it is blood red in the pattern, and the meaning is also negative torture.

As for the mark used by the Ascension Sect, it can be understood as [Anti-Revelation], which is to flip the pattern upside down.

In fact, it can be seen that these messy patterns are all part of the complete pattern of [World], or variants.

The cross pattern of the church has developed for many years, and there are also various strange cross patterns, all of which contain different meanings.

As for why Lance knows [World], it has to start from an old friend...

But now is not the time to think about those things, Lance hurriedly asked the scholar about his discovery.

Alhazred carefully observed and made a simple judgment after a moment.

"This is a beacon, it should be related to that, but I need more time to confirm the specific situation."

The scholar was naturally referring to the strange creation that led to the void.

Lance had no opinion on this. He also knew how troublesome the extraordinary ritual was and that it was bound to take time. Besides, he always respected intellectuals.

But the mission was not over yet.

"Bigby and the Legion stayed to protect the scholars for research. I will continue to clean up with the guards. If there is a problem, you can retreat on your own. The most important thing is to save yourself."

The reason why the idea of ​​splitting the troops came up was that the scholars could easily deal with most situations, and with himself on the other side, Lance was confident that he could deal with possible accidents.

After leaving them a batch of supplies, Lance took the guards to sweep other places.

Without the Legion's mud truck-like offensive, the task of killing the enemy fell on the guards.

Lance directly adjusted a ten-man team to be responsible for combat, assistance, control, defense, and attack. Basically, they were matched in this way and divided into five teams.

One team fought, and the others continued to harvest, and maintained combat effectiveness through rotation.

Five teams took turns to clean up the enemies. Fighting is the best way to increase strength. They had no difficulty dealing with antibodies and polyps. It was easy to blow one up with a gun. If they didn't get close to start melee, they wouldn't be afraid of the disgusting secretions that would splash out.

As for the fast and very sensitive monsters like the Flesh Hound, the melee guards would stop them, or use props such as bombs.

There was no need to kill them. Just use range attacks to interrupt the actions of the Flesh Hound, or use shock waves to temporarily control them, and then they could be killed.

If they encountered the Temple or the Macrophage, they would directly use bombs, Molotov cocktails, guns, and artillery to greet them.

Why should I play melee with you when I have the advantage of equipment? Beat them up and then go up to harvest, and directly hack them to death.

To be honest, the skills of these guards are getting more and more sophisticated. It's not an exaggeration to call them butchers.

And what about Lance?

He was still drawing maps, or pushing carts to collect flesh and blood. Only after the battle would they be blessed and treated.

I'm afraid no one could have thought that the extremely dark dungeon that made the church saints fail would become Lance's training ground.

The bone spur shot out by the temple sniper's tail actually penetrated the shield and pierced into the shoulder of the armored guard.

But at the same time, the sound of gunfire rang out, and the power of the gun directly hit the temple's head, and the black iron helmet was torn instantly, and half of the face was knocked off.

It's a pity that the shot was a little off, otherwise the head would have exploded directly.

This is the defect, the accuracy is not high, not to mention that the target is a small target like the head.

But it's not just one shot, and its subconscious action of raising the pliers to defend happened to hit a shot.

A crisp explosion sound is that the pliers that can collide with swords were directly broken and several cracks appeared.

The continuous gunfire directly punched several large holes in the body of the temple sniper, and also made his body fall down as if out of control.


The guard didn't even scream when the bone spur pierced his body. Instead, he pushed the shield away and pulled the bone spur out of his body.

This ruthless man threw away his shield and rushed forward without caring about his injuries. He swung his sword with one hand and cut off the head of the temple. Others also rushed forward and hacked to death.

With the death of the monster, the battle ended.

Lance then began to treat them and blessed them with the spirituality of the sacrifice.

This is why they were not afraid of pain and bravely moved forward.

The lord is watching me!

But their lord was not very satisfied.

"How many times have I told you to avoid getting hurt? The first thing you should do when you get hurt is to get out of the battlefield and control your injuries. You have to trust your teammates and complete the treatment to play a greater role.

And I've already said that the monster will shoot out all the bone spurs. Since you are responsible for guarding, how can you abandon your teammates and rush forward?"

"Sir, but the monster has completely lost its reaction."

"Pride and complacency are slow but insidious killers. You must always be vigilant. Any luck on the battlefield is a sign of death."


Although Lance instilled in them the concept of exerting subjective initiative, it does not mean that they can question the lord's decision. The most important thing for them is loyalty!

"Although I require you to master certain melee abilities, we must play to our own strengths. If you can get close at a distance, don't get close. Are all the equipment I gave you fire sticks?

Don't take risks when you have the situation under control. The best way to determine whether the enemy has the ability to resist is not to get closer to check, but to use a bullet..."

If the soldiers under other nobles had to be whipped before they would go up, when they got to Hamlet, Lance had to keep trying to persuade them not to charge so fiercely.

It's okay to have self-treatment now. If not, it would be heartbreaking to lose one of them. These are elites who have risen up again and again from the dead. More importantly, they have consumed a lot of spiritual energy to reach their current strength.

Most of the personal guards were elites before they came in. Normally speaking, rising to a higher level requires a lot of talent and hard work.

Many people only reach the level of master after a lifetime of hard work. Even those with outstanding talents like Amanda are stuck at this threshold for a long time because of their path. You can imagine the difficulties.

But now after going around for a while, most of these personal guards are already masters. This is too exaggerated. You must know that this is not a big cabbage. I am afraid that the emperor of the empire cannot even get fifty loyal masters under his command.

The guards did not react much to this. They could also feel the increasingly powerful power, but they did not grow out of thin air for no reason.

These people all started from the bottom, and then went through bloody battles to get to where they are today. What is truly powerful is the steel-like will that has been tempered thousands of times.

Using will to control power, the rationality that Lance instilled in them will suppress the restlessness in their hearts.

Even in a high-pressure environment like a dungeon, the growth in strength is very stable.

Because they have ideals and beliefs, they are the lord's most loyal troops!

The key point for Lance was that he had emptied his spirituality before coming. In other words, these masters were basically trained by eating the coffins of their ancestors.

And this is only part of the entire dungeon covered with flesh and blood.

Master is not the limit yet, let me see your real limit!

After separating in front of the portal of the Troll's Stomach, Lance led the guards around the rest of the third floor of the dungeon, basically cleaning all the passages and rooms.

Most of the flesh and blood of millions of people are condensed on the third layer. It can be said that it is a mountain of flesh and a sea of ​​blood. No matter how powerful these people are, they are nothing more than superficial wounds to the "troll".

To a certain extent, like the ruins on the ground, development cannot be completed in a day or two.

Lance understood this, so their first priority was to clean up and fight, and harvesting became secondary.

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