Our family is in decline

Chapter 774 Confused, killing you or I'm still yours

Lance led everyone to deal with those affairs in the rear, and he really didn't have much time to take care of the situation on the front line.

But...those knights, you can run away, why did you burn my things?

The baron regarded the territory as his private property, and Lance had long regarded the surrounding areas as his own.

You burned everything you couldn't take away before running away, which violated Lance's taboo.

This situation directly led to the burning of the core buildings of several knights' territories, including a lot of food and other resources, not to mention that many people were burned to death.

Fortunately, after taking precautions, this situation was suppressed, but the losses that had been caused were irreversible, and many people still lost their homes and became refugees.

In winter, they lost food and houses, basically waiting to die. These nobles didn't care about Lance, so they simply brought the refugees all the way here and sang the story of the baron and those knights burning the territory.

Then there was a great victory on the front line, and those knights were wiped out. When the soldiers treated the horses, they also rescued the knights.

Because gunshot wound treatment is a relatively valuable research topic at present, both those doctors who are interns with the army and military doctors need a lot of operations to accumulate experience.

For Lance, things must be done beautifully. They can't just die like this. They must first investigate and then judge, and finally judge according to the crimes of these nobles.

Lance led a group of people to take over the town. Other minor matters were solved by those officials who were already familiar with the task, and he was responsible for the trial of these nobles.

According to their confession, it was the baron's instruction. Among them, seven people executed this order, but only four succeeded, and the remaining three were executed and then stopped.

As for the others, they were not executed, but in fact Lance knew that the rest did not want to execute, but had their own thoughts, such as being reluctant, or being too late, anyway, they might not be good people.

But if there is no, there is no, so you can't use this reason to punish him, throw him to labor reform, and let the master work hard.

As for those who have executed labor reform, they are exempted, and must be sentenced to death!

And it would be a waste to die like this. It just so happens that the sanatorium lacks materials of different physiques. There are civilians, and there must be nobles to be considered healthy.

Then after the interrogation here, the baron woke up, and Lance certainly didn't mind playing with him.

"You just heard it, it's not me who sentenced you to death, but he did."

In that weird atmosphere, Lance threw a word, signaled the soldiers to retreat, and his face was somewhat expectant, like a fun person waiting to eat melons.

And Boudica was even more excited than Lance, and he wanted to raise his arms and shout.

Fight, fight, I want to see a river of blood!

Those knights were beaten, and being caught and interrogated was a humiliation for them.

Although they didn't win, they fought for you, the baron, and ended up like this, right?

But they all heard what they said just now!

You know, only the most loyal will execute the baron's decision at the first time, and now the baron has abandoned them without mercy.

Sure enough, with Lance's words, the injured knights seemed unable to control their accumulated anger.

The knight's will was being tested... furious!

The angry knight rushed towards the baron, waving his fist and roaring.


"I'll fuck you!"

"Go to hell, bastard!"

The baron was also shocked at first. He thought the knights died on the battlefield, so he said those words.

Unexpectedly, they were outside and heard it. Now it was useless for him to say anything.

Several people besieged him. Logically, the baron could only be beaten.

But the problem was that the others were all injured, and although the baron was hit on the head, it did not affect his strength.

The two sides were evenly matched for a while, and the baron even had the upper hand.

Because he found that Hamlet's people did not stop him, his actions became more and more tough, killing like his fucking god of war.

If he can't beat Hamlet, can he beat you?

"Hit his head!"

"Grab his crotch!"

"Alas! You didn't even hit him, you're such a loser."

It was such a chaotic fight, Lance was almost cutting watermelons on the side, but Boudica couldn't help but kept giving orders.

When she saw that the knights couldn't beat the baron, she was so anxious that she almost rolled up her sleeves and went up, but she didn't dare to go without Lance speaking, so she could only curse a few times.

"Okay, okay."

Lance waved his hand to stop the chaotic fight, and the soldiers went in to pull the two sides apart. They could see that both sides had some more scars on their bodies.

I don't know who hit the baron's face twice, and his eye sockets were swollen.

The wounds on the knights also burst, and they looked even weaker as blood oozed out, but their anger did not subside at all.

If being betrayed by the baron just now was just a psychological blow, but now being beaten by the baron, the body is also humiliated.

I guess Lance will spread this matter after he returns, and by then, it will be hard to say that those so-called knights are loyal to the Baron.

Lance is not targeting the Baron, but he wants to destroy the Baron's rule here. From taking those burned refugees to this scene, the routine he used is nothing more than killing people and destroying their hearts.

Soon, the knights were taken away, along with other officials. Now, only Boudica and Grindel were left by Lance's side.

"They were sentenced to death for their crimes. How do you think you should sentence them?"

Lance knew that the fate of the knights was doomed, but the baron still wanted to struggle.

"I can redeem myself with money!" The baron didn't want to die yet, so he was willing to hand over his accumulated property. "As long as you can let me go, I will give up everything here, including our family's wealth."

"Stupid, killing you is still mine, why do you trade with me with my things?" Lance complained nonchalantly.

"I have already transferred the wealth out. If you kill me, you will never find the treasures."

The baron was still very proud. After all, he was ready to run away when he felt that the situation was not right. This is the foundation of the nobility.

"Are you really the only one who knows where those things are?" Lance did not hesitate because of his threat. Instead, he smiled and reminded him, "Does the heir who left through the secret passage last night know about this?"

Lance's words made the baron fall into a strange silence...

The baron knew people's hearts very well. Since he showed his determination to resist and made others sell everything, he couldn't let others find out that he was secretly preparing a retreat.

He could arrange his confidants to transfer assets and do it under the pretext of mobilizing resources for war. Anyway, with so many cars coming and going, no one knew what the goods inside were.

At the same time, the female relatives were sent away in advance, and most of the maids were sent out as rewards to inspire the courage of the soldiers, leaving only a few loyal guards to guard the manor and seal the secret.

Female relatives or other people can leave, not many people care, but the son of the heir cannot, and he must show up frequently to reassure others.

Until it was confirmed that there would be a decisive battle tomorrow, he secretly sent the last son out through the secret passage under the manor last night.

The secret passage is full of traps. If someone walks in without knowing it, many people will die, and it may even trigger a collapse.

The baron took his son out of the secret passage, but he couldn't leave for tomorrow's battle, so he had to stay here.

"When you go out from here, someone will be waiting for you on the other side. Don't look back when you get on the carriage. I will naturally find you when the time comes."

Before the exit of the secret passage, the baron said a few words to his son in a serious tone, naturally considering the special situation, and added a sentence after a slight hesitation.

"Open the letter after you leave. If I don't find you, you must take good care of your family, understand?"

The baron handed out a letter, and his expression looked like he was telling him what to do after his death.

The son nodded and agreed, and the baron whispered something to him, and then urged him to leave quickly and escape from the territory before dawn.

The baron could not dare to light a torch in the darkness, and could only watch his son disappear into the darkness...

The son walked out of the secret passage and found that the exit was actually a cemetery in the suburbs, and he walked out of a dilapidated coffin.

This kind of unofficial mass grave does not charge money, so there is no gravekeeper, and no one comes here usually. There is a reason for choosing this place.

"Master, is that you?"

Such a gloomy scene suddenly came, and he was also startled, and almost screamed out. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared in advance, and then he found that the voice was the only old butler outside the family who knew the secret passage.

"Master, take this path!"

Under the guidance of the butler, an ordinary carriage without a noble mark was running wildly on a path far away from the common road with only a horse lantern. In the deep night, it looked like a dark ghost fire floating quickly.

But the movement here seemed to have alarmed something in the forest, and a pair of eyes were staring at them...

The baron's son looked at the dark scene outside the window, but he was a little dazed, as if he could see that his territory was rapidly retreating.

But after a moment, he came to his senses and took out the letter left by his father.

It really had the meaning of explaining the aftermath. At the beginning, the baron was describing how the surrounding area was suppressed by Hamlet, and then how it developed to the present, far exceeding the normal baron territory, and how awesome he was.

It was a pity that now it had undergone such a drastic change, and finally encouraged the family members not to give up, and to find a way to regain the territory and the glory that belonged to their family.

The heir could not calm down for a long time after seeing this. He was the one who witnessed the most glorious time of the family, but in the blink of an eye, he became like this, and could not help but murmured: "Our family has declined..."

However, just as he finished this sentence, the butler outside did not know what he saw and suddenly shouted.

"No! Damn it!"


The heir hadn't reacted yet, only to hear a gunshot. The carriage, which was running fast, suddenly shook violently and even felt out of control.

I don't know if it was because of good luck or because there were not too many luggage on the carriage, but it finally stabilized, but the heir was also dizzy and it took him a while to slowly react.

But at this time he realized that the carriage had stopped. He called out to the butler several times but there was no response. Feeling that something was wrong, he hurried out.

The good news was that the butler did not abandon him and ride away on horseback, but the bad news was that he was shot in the chest. Under the light of the horse lantern, a large amount of blood was seen oozing from his chest, and he was not even breathing.

The pampered heir had never been in such a situation before. He usually had guards when he went out, so he didn't have to go out even if he encountered danger.

But now, the darkness around him was so quiet that there was only the sound of horses moving... Suddenly, there was a movement in the woods beside the road.


Under the light of the lantern, a figure could be vaguely seen walking out.

"Who? Don't you know that it's easy to encounter robbers when walking on the small road at night?"

As the man got closer, a man wearing a coat and a red scarf covering the lower half of his face appeared, and then he raised the strange musket in his hand towards the heir. It was obviously the butler he had just shot.


The heir's body trembled when he was faced with the muzzle. He didn't bring guards today to hide his identity, but he happened to encounter this. It was really sad.

"I'll give you all the money, all in the car."

"That's the price for ordinary people. Ordinary people can't afford this kind of horse. I'm afraid only nobles have it, so you have to pay more."

The robber walked up, his eyes swept over the horse, and finally fell on the heir and asked, "Are you a noble?"

The heir subconsciously looked down at himself, but immediately shook his head in denial.

"No! I'm just a servant. How could a noble go out at this time?"

"A servant sits in the back car? You're lying..." The robber wanted to say something else, and then another voice came out.

"Don't play around, I saw him come out a few days ago, and his identity is confirmed."

As he spoke, a man covered by a hooded cloak came out. Hearing the voice, he knew that he was not a man.

No matter how stupid the heir was, he could hear that their target was him, and he exclaimed immediately.

"You are..."


"Humph! Do you want to cheat me?"

The baron thought about it several times and didn't find any flaws, because only he, his son, the heir, and the butler knew about the secret passage.

Only the three of them knew about the arrangement of their son's escape. Even if the bureaucrat betrayed him, he could only have just discovered that his heir was missing.

He might have found the tunnel, but at this time, his son would have already run a long distance. Even if he knew, what could he do?

So they just played this play, asking those knights to come and beat him, and then said these things to scare him.

But I am not the fallen lord Hamlet. I have been in the wind and rain for more than ten years. How could I be deceived by you?

Lance also felt interesting when he saw his reaction. Sometimes humans are always so confident, but reality will tell him what despair is.

"Bring him in."

Lance's casual words made the baron's heart rise instantly, and he looked at the door uncontrollably...

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