Our family is in decline

Chapter 779: Past Events in Bastia

Lance stepped into the familiar governor's mansion again after many days. The last time he came was when he captured the city during the famine crisis.

But at that time, he didn't dare to use the name of Hamlet for fear of attracting the attention of other forces. Now he can finally show his identity.

Although the bureaucrats may not be in the same mind as Walter, they can't escape from Owendo, but it is difficult to catch these slippery merchants and other forces.

Fortunately, after Hamlet's army defeated the noble coalition forces on the front battlefield, it quickly took control of those territories with a whale-like momentum.

Because the noble coalition forces almost drained the war potential of those territories, when the army went there, there was basically no resistance.

At the same time, with the help of the people placed in them, it was not difficult to control those guys.

In some cases, the difficulty of transmitting information in this era and the backward road traffic helped him.

The news didn't have time to spread, and many people had the news brought by the nobles in order to gain more support.

Walter simply took advantage of the situation and invited those people together on this ground, and caught the turtle in the jar directly.

That's why there was a funny scene just now. Lance watched those people discuss how to deal with him. After he revealed his identity, he opened fire to show his ferocity, but when he found that he couldn't beat them, he begged for mercy.

He was arrogant at first and then respectful. It's funny to think about it...

Those are not nobles who rely on inheritance, but shrewd businessmen and experienced bureaucrats. Those who can't adapt to society were torn to pieces and eaten like Tiffany. Reality is always so cruel.

From a simple conversation, you can feel that Lance wants to suck their bones and marrow, and their attitudes begin to change at this time.

"The most valuable thing for merchants is their channels and relationships. Killing us will not let you get anything outside of Owendo, but will damage the reputation of Owendo and even Hamlet."

"All the merchants here are famous merchants in the vicinity. If you treat us like this, no one will be willing to come here when the news spreads."

"That's right! Hamlet will lose merchants by then. Without us merchants, how will the resources of the territory flow?"

"The prosperity of Owendo Wharf is the work we bring. Without us, thousands of dock workers will have nothing to eat."

These guys are really worthy of being merchants. They talk in a set of ways, as if Owendo and even Hamlet are on their shoulders.

"Do you think I care?" Lance was not moved at all. He laughed and complained, directly silenced those guys, and then slowly refuted.

"First of all, merchants are just a profession, and professions are innocent. You are the ones who are guilty. Secondly, you cannot represent the group of merchants. Walter is very reliable.

As for reputation? You said it yourself just now, a cruel demon, a greedy dictator, a crazy tyrant... In your opinion, I am already bad enough, right?"

Lance was not scared by them at all, nor was he confused by their words.

Good people are good people, bad people are bad people, it has nothing to do with profession. If you want to expand it, you don't look at the level of these people. A few rotten fish and shrimp want to represent a profession?

As for the saying that Hamlet will be finished without merchants, it is even more ridiculous. You must know that Hamlet's specialty is food, and there is no shortage of sales at any time.

Now it is not him who begs merchants, but merchants who beg him to open channels. If you don't do it, there are plenty of people who will do it.

In the past, it was the struggle between several grain merchants that made the internal supply like bulk, wasting these resources in vain, and it became a channel supply in Totnes.

Now most of Hamlet has been unified and integrated by him, those profiteers who sucked blood from Hamlet have been liquidated, and the price of food will naturally change to eliminate internal strife.

It can be said that if Hamlet shakes, the price of food in Totnes and even the Empire will increase by 20%.

Of course, this is based on the premise that the Empire has no ability to blockade Hamlet.

If they can blockade like the Eagle Kingdom, it is possible to drag down Hamlet, but there is no such powerful force now.

Moreover, Hamlet is located at the junction of two continents and the confluence of terrain on all sides. If it is not sold to the Empire, it can be sold to others, and there is no worry about sales.

And... I'm waiting for soldiers, what are you waiting for?

At this time, there was a commotion downstairs. Taking advantage of the night, the manor was surrounded by soldiers, and then rushed into the banquet hall to control the so-called gentlemen and ladies, and went upstairs according to the plan.

Tardif pushed open the door and brought the soldiers in. The reason why he appeared here was that Lance was worried about Walter's safety, so he sent Tardif back in advance to protect him. A bounty hunter master was enough to complete this task.

Lance was too lazy to be perfunctory, so he waved his hand and asked them to leave.

The lord was not moved by his soft and hard words. Those people had already realized that there was no turning point, and they were still sarcastic when they were taken away by the soldiers.

"Walter, do you think you can get away with betraying us? You will definitely end up like us."

"I have always been a Hamlet man. I was a member of Hamlet's army back then."

Walter said calmly, what are you? I am a Hamlet man, and the lord got his first pot of gold from me.

Originally, he was dissatisfied with the fact that the lord deceived his daughter and gave away the family fortune he had accumulated for half his life. Now it seems that if nothing happened at the time, he would probably be like those people when the lord takes action.

When soldiers enter the city, they are blocked when they should be blocked, and arrested when they should be arrested. They are all experienced people who have experienced it many times, and the process is smooth.

When Owendo was shrouded in sunlight again, the residents knew that a ruler had changed last night and returned to Hamlet's jurisdiction.

What impact does it have on them?


The factories and fleets belonging to big merchants in Owendo City also completed the handover smoothly, as if they had been prepared for a long time.

The commotion that night only affected a small number of people. Lance had no intention of taking action against those small households, as long as they followed Hamlet's rules.

Lance hadn't left yet, but appeared in a very interesting place in Ovendo, which was the prison, or the slave merchant's warehouse.

Speaking of which, Tardif and Boudica both studied here, and among the people they rushed into the conference room to arrest last night was the slave trader, or the warden.

Now that people have been imprisoned, I can only say that sometimes fate is so strange.

The polarity is reversed!

But Lance didn't come here to add insult to injury. He came here mainly to solve the problem of mixed detention of prisons and slaves.

Because there are criminals and captured slaves there, even among the registered criminals, there are also a large number of people who have been wronged, or who have offended people like Tardif.

And I heard that because of the problems in the mountains, many barbarians fled like Boslake, and Bastia did not recognize the barbarian mercenaries, which led to the capture of many barbarian slaves, some of whom did not know the common language, let alone Talk about communication.

Therefore, it was very difficult to carry out the identification and inventory work, so Lance had to bring professionals over.

At this time, in the prison, it can be seen that work has begun to begin. The people coming in and out are no longer the guards of the slave traders or the slave catchers, because these guys were also imprisoned last night, waiting for their trial, not Going to build roads is going to a sanatorium.

And those who are coming and going now are the stewards trained by Hamlet to specialize in the law.

Dealing with those things along the way gave them sufficient work experience. Instead of rushing to release those people, they first took out the dusty files for investigation and reexamination.

This is a huge workload and cannot be completed in a short time. Some of the parties involved have even died.

But someone has to do it, maybe some delayed justice can be served and fairness can be achieved.

"Sir, these are the information on the slave trade."

"Those people will be released after checking their identities. Those who want to leave will be given some supplies. If they want to stay, they will be asked to register and wait for distribution. The policy will be made clear to them."

The first thing is to distinguish slaves from criminals. Of course, some people are also targeted, and then they are arrested as criminals through various strange methods, so they need to be reviewed.

"As for those barbarians, I'll leave them to you two."

Lance signaled Greendale to take action. With her reputation in the mountains, she could probably explain the changes in things. Now it was not the slave owners who controlled this place.

As for Boudica, she just makes up the numbers. When those dumb people can't understand people's words, teach them with fists and kicks.

"Boss, don't worry, leave it to us." Boudica patted her chest and agreed, "Whoever dares to cause trouble will be killed by me!"

"Okay~" Lance smiled and looked at Greendale to signal them to get started.

Lance continued to go deeper and saw the wealthy businessmen who were imprisoned.

Ordinary methods are not enough, so Lance takes action personally, because these guys' assets are too involved, and if they can be eaten completely, it will be very important to Hamlet.

It is said that he does not attach importance to business, but in fact Lance attaches great importance to it. After all, the germination of capital is an unstoppable wave of the times.

"I know you all hate me, but in fact I am a good person, and some of you will definitely agree with me."

Lance usually restrains his aura in order to hide himself, otherwise it will affect others indiscriminately, which is probably similar to the legendary saints who walk and are worshiped by mortals.

It's no wonder that the saints of the church were able to organize the people to fight against the ancestors and let them sacrifice themselves voluntarily. I'm afraid there are similar reasons besides faith.

But Lance is not a saint, and he doesn't like to attract other people's attention, so he has been suppressing his aura since he was promoted to demigod, and he looks as ordinary as an ordinary person.

But now I don't mind showing off my power.

Lance's face that he couldn't remember gradually became clearer. Those people looked at Lance as if they couldn't control it, and fell into a strange silence. Only Lance's voice could be heard echoing in it.

It didn't take long for Lance to leave that place, but the scary thing was that several people inside also walked out. As for the others, they were probably hopeless.

The people selected by these people no longer had the hostility before. Instead, they were a little too calm, and their eyes that were inadvertently revealed were full of awe.

Walter wasn't surprised when Lance came to the door, but he felt scared when he saw the others.

"Tell me about the business plan behind Hamlet..."


"Although not as spectacular as Totnes, it is built on the mountain and right in the canyon. It is very steep and easy to defend.

No wonder it can control the main roads, block the mountains, and prevent the barbarians from plundering in the south for more than ten years. Bastia is known as the never-fallen city."

Lance rode in front, looking at the fortified city in front of him, and was quite emotional.

"It's a pity that even the strongest walls can be breached from the inside..."

Lance stayed in Owendo for two days, mainly to unify Hamlet's subsequent business development.

In the end, he did not agree to Watt's resignation. After all, there was no suitable one, so he could only suffer him again.

When the nobles who invaded the territory in the south of Hamlet were dealt with, and Owendo in the southwest also fell into the bag, there was only one place left, Bastia.

From his few words just now, it can be heard that Lance obviously knew what happened in Bastia.

At the beginning, the blood moon had not subsided, and the cult instigated Alvin to kill the old earl and then set off corruption in the city.

But no one knows what happened. The cult seemed to be unprepared, and the church was also strong in the big city. Under the leadership of the church, most of the cult's power was involved.

In addition, the guards sacrificed their lives, allowing a key figure, the heir Bruce, to escape the assassination of the cult.

The Bastia army stationed outside the city was not damaged much. Bruce escaped from the city to take over the army and led the army into the city to fight in order to retake the city.

But the problem is that knights need to fight in open areas. Those knights who have accumulated for half a lifetime of the earl are difficult to charge into the city and have limited effect.

However, it was because the two sides pulled for a while that most people escaped before the corruption completely spread and swallowed the city.

But in the end, Bruce couldn't beat the cult. In order to preserve his strength, he had to withdraw, but he also rescued the people of the church.

At this time, other nobles also received the news and gathered their troops, but it was hard to say whether these guys wanted to fight the cult or something else.

Bruce wanted to gather other nobles to attack the city and wipe out the cult, but the nobles who had previously called for the cult to be killed were all delaying, clearly not wanting to contribute, and the city was not theirs anyway.

If it weren't for the support of the church, I'm afraid these nobles would have killed Bruce first.

And Bruce could only gather refugees and then besiege the city, which was in a very embarrassing situation.

It's not that they didn't fight before, but the boomerang that was easy to defend and difficult to attack hit him, the heir, on the head. Several attempts ended in failure, and those cults completely occupied the city.

Then there were all kinds of tugs and pulls, and now it has been half a month...

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