Our family is in decline

Chapter 793 The Devil Arrives


With a loud shout, Lance actually grabbed his horns and raised it high like a king lifting a cauldron, abruptly interrupting the monster's attack.

Then it hit the ground hard, with a muffled sound, and snow splashed into the shallow layer of snow on the ground.

The monster's rough skin and thick flesh naturally made it impossible for it to be injured, and it easily climbed up from the ground. The snow stained on the dark red skin melted quickly, and the heavy snort from the wolf's head turned into white mist in the cold.

Its anger was obvious, but Lance didn't pay too much attention to it. He just unbuttoned his coat and put it away. He almost burst from the wrestling just now. This clothes is quite expensive.

With only a single piece of clothing left in the cold wind, Lance didn't feel cold and instead challenged the monster.

"The warm-up exercise is over."


How can a monster endure this? He charged directly forward, but now he learned his lesson and didn't dare to charge head-on. Instead, he swung his claws forward, hoping to tear the human in front of him apart with his ferocious power.

With that rapid speed and powerful force, I'm afraid it could tear the flesh and blood of ordinary people into pieces without even reacting, but he was facing a demigod.

The claws that were swung out were interrupted by Lance raising his hand and grabbing his wrist. However, before he could react, he punched his head and blinded him.

But Lance didn't stop. He held it down and was beaten violently, and the fists fell on the monster like raindrops.

The monster's struggle seemed as ridiculous as child's play in front of him, it was simply a one-sided abuse.

Alhazred was not surprised when he saw this scene, because that was the lord...

The beating continued, but before Lance could get enough of it, the monster howled and shrank back, its bones making a "clicking" sound, and its originally tall body began to shrink back, leaving Bigby's emaciated figure behind. Huddled in the snow.

"Ah..." Bigby was awakened by the snow and the cold wind. He hugged himself with his hands and shivered in the cold wind. "How long has it been?"

Bigby used to wake up early in the morning, or he was exhausted due to the struggle between his consciousness and his body, but why did he wake up in the blink of an eye this time after he had just lost consciousness?

But like the sequelae of every transformation, I feel pain all over my body, but why does it seem to be more painful?

"Three minutes." Lance patted Bigby on the shoulder with a look of understanding and nodded, "It's not your fault, you're just too tired."

No one understood Lance's incomprehensible words, but Lance turned around and looked at Alhazred with a smile.

"The scholar should have noticed it, right?"

"A demon wants to invade his body, but it is obvious that the demon cannot control him." Alhazred said calmly.

Lance added, taking out a fur coat and handing it to poor Bigby to put on first.

"Another point is that this devil may have a profound relationship with their family. I just discovered that the source of his transformation comes from himself.

This kid may be a demon warlock, but it may be that the inheritance has been lost and only some alchemy skills are left. He does not dare to accept his own power at all, and instead suppresses the power of the bloodline.

Their family must have made some kind of agreement with the devil back then. His behavior was equivalent to stealing the devil's power, but he failed to complete the agreement such as sacrifice, so he was entangled by the devil.

Normally, the demon should devour and control you, and then invade reality, but you were captured by the church, and the lock on you just suppressed his power, so he could only pull with you. Under the special ceremony of the full moon night, Only then can he temporarily gain the upper hand. "

As Lance said, Alhazred also put forward different opinions.

"I don't think they are like demon warlocks, but more like archmages who control demons. Many alchemists are masters of mysterious rituals, and their bloodline is resistant to this thing. Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress it with the church's props alone. It’s just that the descendants lost their inheritance and were invaded by demons.”

"It is possible that ordinary people cannot survive being exposed to alchemy experiments all year round. This is the power of blood in itself. It is a pity that even the legendary archmage cannot prevent the decline of the family..."

Bigby put on his fur coat and listened to the discussion between the two. He reluctantly understood that his ancestors seemed to be very powerful, but the family declined, leaving only alchemy that did not rely so much on supernatural power...

But the male protagonist of Bigby's incident doesn't care much about it, it's the most critical thing.

"What should we do now?"

"Doesn't it want to enter reality? Summon the demon body and I will kill it."

Lance said casually, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

"I'll prepare the ceremony, but I think it's better to imprison it. After all, it may know Bigby's situation."

There is something clearly hidden in Alhazred's words, that is, demons are rare materials. The one who can invade reality alone is at least a big demon with many secrets. This is his reminder as a consultant.

"That's right. What do you think?" Lance turned to Bigby and asked for his opinion.

"Can a mortal really imprison a demon?"

"Sealing or expelling a demon is a very difficult thing, but the lord is here, I have at least nine ways, nine ways!"

Alhazred was still very confident and even emphasized it.

After all, I started to consciously collect things in this area after the accident, but it's a pity that the peeping into the void didn't have much effect. I didn't expect it to be useful now.

"Of course, this is a very risky thing. I think we can prepare first and then call a few helpers."

"What's there to be afraid of? If we can't catch it, just kill it."

Let alone the demons, Lance is a man who has traded with the Chaos Terror Demon. Would he be afraid of these?

His confidence comes from his understanding of the power of this world. If the ancestor wants to transcend, he has to find a place outside to breed, because reality cannot accommodate too powerful divine power.

Who is afraid of whom when everyone is a demigod? I can also call Wangcai and the Chaos Terror Demon to fight in a group.

At Lance's urging, Alhazred arranged the ceremony, and the sacrifice was a box of blood crystals condensed in the dungeon. No demon can resist this temptation. The Chaos Terror Demon was overwhelmed at the time.

As for the anchor point of summoning, it is even simpler.

"Come, let some blood."

Grab Bigby and cut his wrist. Blood dripped onto the strange parchment, staining the strange patterns and incomprehensible words on it red.

Alhazred held up the skull candlestick and muttered to himself. A strange power began to emerge...

"My lord, why are you taking off your clothes?" The wound on Bigby's wrist was healed by the lord, but he saw the lord start to take off his clothes. What was he doing?

"I just bought this new clothes. What if it gets damaged later?" Although Lance was confident, he was not arrogant. He knew that the fight would not be easy.

Bigby saw the lord standing in the snowy night in a pair of shorts under the moonlight. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. He could only say that the lord was true to his nature.

But soon the situation on the other side caught his attention...

The box of blood crystals was placed in a specific arrangement. Under the effect of the ritual, it turned into blood mist and evaporated. Then the space was turbulent. The air seemed to be rippled by the hot heat wave, and the flow of energy was glimpsed.

Suddenly, the blood-stained parchment burned on its own, like a lighthouse for a long voyage, attracting the attention of something in the deep sea in the dead night.

The next second, the already unstable space was violently torn apart in the tremor, and even before the things inside appeared, a wave of evil rushed over.

And the things inside finally appeared, a pair of huge twisted horns pierced through the red fog first, and then revealed the demon that entered the reality from the space crack.

The monster stood up, about three or four meters tall, with dark red skin like solidified magma, bone spurs protruding from the spine and joints, and exaggerated muscles exposed outside like mountains, showing terrible power.

The ferocious beast head has thick red horns, strong arms with five-finger claws, and the hair on the lower body turns into reversed hooves from the calves.

The monster took a deep breath as soon as it came out, swallowing the red mist that the blood crystal had turned into, and then excitedly let out a thunderous roar, along with the terrifying aura that swept over, as if to take away people's hearts and souls, announcing that its arrival would bring fear.

"Why are you roaring so loudly? Don't you need to sleep at night? What if you disturb the neighbors?"

Lance was not tolerant at all, and he started to spray directly, saying that the stinky outsiders came to Hamlet to beg for food.

The devil noticed a few "insects", and its twisted face showed hideousness, and its eyes looking down did not hide mockery, as if saying that they were seeking their own death.

It didn't mean to take Lance seriously at all, but jumped its eyes to Bigby, which was a little weird, but more of anger.

With a roar, it saw it attack Bigby directly, as if it had some deep hatred.

Lance couldn't just stand there and watch, so he immediately went forward. This time the size difference was too big, so Lance couldn't just use his bare hands, so he took out his wolf fangs and chopped them off.

The demon didn't even bother to pay attention to him, and waved his hand to swat it away like slapping a fly, so his arm collided with the wolf fangs, and Lance's figure was actually knocked out.

No, to be more precise, it should be a force release, because the way he flipped over and landed was completely under control.

For a moment, both sides stopped, and Lance's eyes fell on the wound on the demon's arm.

You know, the sharpness of the wolf fangs is very exaggerated, but when it fell on the demon, it only cut a small incision.

The demon's power is also very strong, even Lance is unwilling to fight hard.

But for the demon, he was actually injured by the bug, which was a great humiliation, and even abandoned Bigby and attacked Lance.

Lance didn't care too much. For him, as long as he could break the defense, it meant that his health bar would be bright.

"The size of a giant doesn't have any advantages, unless you say that bleeding a lot is an advantage..."

Apply medicine directly to the wolf's fang, all kinds of martial arts, this is the poisonous knife of justice!

After several rounds of collisions, Lance's figure looked as graceful as dancing under the moon, but the so-called demon couldn't keep up with Lance's speed at all, and was slashed several times.

But the corpse spores were actually useless, because some strange acid flowed out of the wound and directly corroded the spores. The demon itself is more poisonous than poison!


Lance felt that the acid was even affecting the wolf's fang. If this thing was not blessed by the legendary power, it would have been corroded long ago.

But Lance was not interested in scraping. What he needed was to subdue it, not to play games like now.

Putting away the wolf fangs, Lance raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Instantly, the black flames expanded and swallowed it. The next second, the black flames exploded and turned into flowers that dissipated in the air.

Just now, he was in human form, but now the fully armed Lance has appeared!

His height and body shape have also inexplicably increased a lot. His figure of more than two meters tall looks a little shorter, but his momentum is not weaker than that of the demon.

The black armor has undergone a new round of transformation. It looks a lot more restrained, but the blessing for the user is more powerful.

Finally, the demon also felt something. It felt a force that was not weaker than itself, or even stronger, in front of this mortal.

No! How is this possible?

The two sides did not mean to communicate at all, because the battle broke out almost the next second after the transformation was completed. The collision of fists was a confrontation of power. Only at this time could mortals see the figures of both sides.

But this was just the beginning. Compared with the previous battle, which was much more fierce, the two were as wild as beasts, and the dull explosions of fists hitting flesh continued, as if they would not stop until they tore the enemy to pieces.

Everything around was affected by the battle, and several gullies appeared on the ground, which were plowed by their bodies.

Those pits were just their footholds, that is, the land was frozen hard now, otherwise it would be even more exaggerated.

"There are many types of demons. Some rely on their powerful talents to achieve what humans can't do. They may be proficient in fighting, or they may like to cast spells, but they are all very terrifying to humans.

Generally, humans deal with such demons with extraordinary power, suppress them through complex and cumbersome rituals, or expel them. Only powerful beings like the lord dare to confront them head-on."

Alhazred was preparing a new ritual, but he felt that Bigby seemed to be affected by the breath of the demon and became restless, so he started talking to himself.

But he didn't stop the work in his hands, and finally grabbed a handful of blood crystals as materials and scattered them on the ritual.

Alhazred's aura changed, and then the skull candlestick separated from his hand and floated up automatically. The candle flame suddenly ignited the blood crystal, and a strange red light shot out from his eye sockets, as if consuming the power of the blood mist.

With the help of the power of the ritual, this is why the caster can cast spells beyond human limits.

At this time, Bigby heard a sentence from the side.

"Now it's my turn..."

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