Our family is in decline

Chapter 817 Pirate Gala

Lance doesn't care about the two of them planning for the future of the Roma people, as long as those rebellious people don't appear in front of him.

As Amanda said, if they really dare to stay in Hamlet on a large scale, Lance will really dare to catch them to build roads. He doesn't care about ethnicity, even barbarians can be accommodated, but idiots can't.

Now Lance is more concerned about the preparations for the elimination of pirates. After a few days of busyness, he quickly selected a group of seasick army soldiers from the original more than a thousand navy soldiers to join the two thousand people.

As for the ships, basically dozens of ships of different sizes were collected before and after. Some were modified with artillery and were real main battle ships, while some were disguised as pirate ships, just for transporting troops.

In the winter night, you can't even see the moonlight. Facing the sea, there is only deep and desperate darkness. Only the fire of the brazier set up at the dock is shaking wildly, illuminating the dense ships.

The cold wind was still howling, making the flags flutter.

At this time when everyone should have stayed at home, the navy dock had already assembled.

The soldiers took their weapons and boarded the disguised pirate ship in an orderly manner, then sailed into the sea and were soon swallowed by the darkness. Only the lights hanging on the bow and stern brought firefly-like light to determine its position.

It is very dangerous to sail at night, but in order to hide the whereabouts, it is the only way, but one ship will set sail after another, and there are many waiting until all those are out. Lance turned to look at Captain Wilson on the side.

"The next step is up to you, do it boldly."

"Lord, don't worry, I have waited too long for this day."

The navy's warships will set off later, just as planned. After a brief explanation, Lance boarded the last ship and went out to sea first.

The fierce north wind became the best helper for the sailboat at this time. Standing at the bow, Lance could feel that the speed increased rapidly after leaving the dock, and in front of him was a faint light point fluctuating in the darkness.


Shipwreck Bay used to be lively, but it was only a small town of two or three thousand people, including the prostitutes and slaves. There were even fewer real pirates. After all, only a few pirates could stay, and most of them were looting outside.

But the situation today was different. After ten days of fermentation, the news of Black Jack's treasure had spread. All the pirates who were out had returned, and there were also some other guys who were interested in the treasure.

It can be said that the number of people here now probably exceeded the five thousand estimated by Lance and his team. The simple dock outside was full of boats, but there were still people coming.

So many people had not been in trouble because the situation in the rumor had not yet occurred.

Not to mention the taverns and brothels, even the casinos opened bets in this regard. Everyone on the streets was looking forward to what would happen today.

"It's already daybreak, why is there no movement?"

"Do you think someone will really take the stuff out?"

"You believe this, I told you it was fake."

"Then why did you come back?"

Just like here, countless pirates are arguing about this matter. To be honest, they don't believe it's true, but it's hard to give up the fantasy. These people are actually feeling uneasy, which is really funny...

The broker hiding in the house also has a tangled expression and a face full of uneasiness. He is afraid that the man will appear, but he is also afraid that he will not appear. It's not that he is waiting for the news of the treasure, but the feeling of being controlled is really suffocating.

"It seems that you are waiting very anxiously."

"Ah! Do you really dare to come?"

"Why don't I dare to come?"

Facing Lance's inexplicable confidence, the broker didn't know what to say, but just warned.

"Don't talk about this. Everyone is looking for you now. Even if you lead out the other two things, it will be difficult to escape from here."

If he hadn't been caught by him for something, the broker would have wanted to report him and take him down. Now he just wants him to run as far as possible and not to implicate himself.

"In half an hour, go and inform them that I'm waiting for them on the mountain. Then you can go to the dock and find a boat with a triangular red scarf. Just go up and ask the people on the boat for the reward. Remember, it's one thousand gold coins. They will send you away safely."

"Are you really not the son of Black Jack?" The broker felt that the conspiracy was covering the entire island, and he couldn't help asking a question, which made Lance laugh.

"You will know who I am soon, but not now."

The broker had no choice but to do what Lance said. As for what would happen, he didn't know, but as long as he could survive, it would be fine.

The main body of the entire island group is the big island where we are now located. The structure is like a big stone that has several cracks and is divided into several pieces. It is this complex environment that causes complex water flow and reefs underneath.

Now the pirate town is on several hillsides inside the cracks, connected to each other by wooden piers, which is also the dock. With the stacking of ships, it is messy like a bird's nest.

Because of the surrounding cover, the upper half can get the sun, and the lower half may only get a little sunshine a day.

Such a narrow place has to accommodate more people, so the buildings are densely packed, and Lance chose the only place on the island that can be called an open space, climbing up the height of the stone mountain.

"It appears, on the top of the mountain!"

"I knew he would come!"


And the news spread quickly, and everyone swarmed in, looking a little crazy.

It's just that the higher you go, the more time you can see, so the buildings above are better and the environment is better.

Under normal circumstances, the pirates at the bottom will not come up here, not to mention whether they have money to spend, because the subordinates of the big pirates will expel them or even chop them.

But now a large number of pirates rushed up, and the big pirates also realized something, and they couldn't stop them, they couldn't stop them at all.

"Damn it! Why didn't you notice him going up!"

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Let them go."

They knew very well that if they tried to stop them, it would make the pirates think that this was true, and they would probably fight immediately.

Even if they had hundreds of strong men, it would be useless to face thousands of pirates, because pirates rarely had armor and everyone was dead.

The big pirates took similar measures, choosing to shrink their forces and give up the way up. At the same time, the captains couldn't help but bring their elites to climb up the mountain, and even they couldn't refuse the news of Black Jack's treasure.

Pirates are crazy, and it is common for them to rob each other. Now they rushed up and found that the subordinates of the arrogant pirates before had all shrunk, and the fear of them in their hearts disappeared.

If there was no business, they would rush to those places to rob at the shout of anyone. The repression will eventually break out, even for pirates.

The pirates went up with all their strength, but that look made many guys who depended on the big pirates and were used to being domineering feel a little fear.

When they came to their senses, they immediately cursed non-stop, so that they could suppress the fear in their hearts. They didn't dare to believe what would happen once they lost that kind of awe.

"Shit! Damn bastards!"

"Damn it! How dare they!"

"It's not that the captain didn't let us go out, I would have killed them long ago."

No matter how they shouted, they didn't dare to take a step out. Those pirates were like locusts. If they didn't have a clear purpose, they might have started to rob.

Lance stood on the stone mountain. It was interesting to say that although the temperature on the island could be called cold, it was far from the bone-chilling stage. The climate varied with the changes in the region, and the temperature contained in the ocean offset part of it.

Looking down at the entire island and the scattered small islands around it, he had begun to think about how to use this place.

Clean it up and develop a tourist resort, where you can avoid the cold in winter and enjoy the sunshine and beach in summer. Add some entertainment facilities on the island and move the casino here.

Lance knew that Hamlet should also ban gambling. Many people fantasized about gambling and turning over, but in fact, they just plunged into the quagmire. Only a few could struggle to climb out, but more died directly.

Because the casino can lose many times, but if you lose once, it's over. That is, Hamlet did not sell his children, daughters, or wife, and the casino did not accept debts, otherwise I don't know what would happen if the sickle cut it down.

It's not very reasonable to cut it all at once, because there is this demand here, and Lance also wants to cut the leeks of Brother Fu, but the flood will bring many social contradictions.

So closing the casinos in the city and moving them here, setting up a threshold can isolate gambling from the lives of ordinary people, but before that, it is necessary to run this place.

Just as Lance was thinking, a lot of noises sounded around him.


"Is it him?"

"Why bother so much, catch him first!"

The first reaction of the first batch of pirates who rushed up was to catch Lance. The ferocious face and the look of the butcher knife showed their madness and greed.

But Lance was not afraid of this, just smiled and stood there as if waiting for them to come up.

This made the pirates hesitate for a moment. They were crazy but not stupid. They looked like they were all flawed. Why did they feel that they would die if they took action...

And it was this brief hesitation that more pirates came, and the mutual vigilance formed a stable situation.

Even those large pirate forces with better equipment did not dare to act rashly, because there were not only low-level pirates here, but also other guys with equally strong strength.

Of course, they focused more on Lance, that is, the space on the top of the mountain was not small, otherwise the pirates who kept coming up would have to stand on the sea.

"Be quiet, be quiet. Although many people already know this, I still want to explain that Black Jack left three things before he disappeared. Legend has it that if you collect all of them, you can find the treasure of the pirate king. I have a part of it here. Now I want to find the other two. It's better to cooperate in treasure hunting than never find it."

"Damn it! Didn't we agree to show it to everyone?"

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

Lance's words immediately aroused everyone's dissatisfaction. They waited for so long to eat meat. If you want to get rid of them with one sentence, you have to see if their knives will kill people.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Lance smiled and opened his hand to press it. Although his voice was calm, he didn't know why it could really reach everyone's ears.

"After I got the things, I studied them for a long time and didn't find anything, but there may be someone in this world who can discover the secrets. It doesn't need to collect all three pieces, so I took them out to show everyone. If you find anything, you can cooperate."

Lance took out the half shell and placed it on a rock on the top of the mountain.

"Don't worry, who's going first now?"

As soon as the thing came out, everyone's eyes turned red. No one listened to Lance's words at all. They all rushed up in an instant.

The big pirates finally couldn't help it. They ordered their men to stop them and went up to grab it.

But they did have an advantage when the pirates were divided. Unfortunately, these pirates were now united by a strong belief. They had only one idea, which was to grab that thing, no matter who was in front of them!

The so-called elite pirates were just a little fuller and wore better weapons and equipment, but they were still dead if they were hit by knives and axes, and even sporadic gunshots were heard.

Some people who felt something was wrong did not dare to stop them at all, and even turned around to join them in slashing at their former companions, because they also wanted to get the shell.

One of them grabbed the shell, and he didn't even have time to look at it. The next second, countless weapons fell on him and chopped him into mud. The blood-stained shell kept passing among them, but the enthusiasm became more and more exaggerated.

"My precious keepsake!"

"It's mine!"

"Ah! I don't want it anymore, I don't want it anymore, don't cut it, don't cut it..."

The hilltop was only a small part after all, and the more people coming up behind couldn't see or hear what was happening, but once the chaos started, it spread out of control...

After delivering the message, the broker quickly packed up and ran away. Fortunately, because of his identity, his assets were all in Totnes, and there was not much here except some coins.

The pirate flags were all black, and the ship with a triangular red scarf hanging on the dock was particularly conspicuous. After finding it, he asked in a low voice.

"He asked me to come and get the reward, one thousand gold coins."

"Take him on board to get it." The guy dressed as a sailor with a coat on the outside looked at the broker and called two people.

The broker already felt something was wrong and wanted to leave, but when he turned around, he was pushed onto the ship by two people and thrown into the cabin.

"Another one."

"Hey! Isn't this Rick?"

Although the cabin was dark, everyone knew it was a broker of similar status by the sound of his voice, because this place was too small and most of the people were familiar with each other.

"What are you laughing at? Aren't you guys here too?"

"Hahaha, guess who's next?"

The cabin was noisy, but the people outside finally got the signal and the action began... (End of this chapter)

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