Our family is in decline

Chapter 832 Exposed Clues

Even Lance was alarmed by the release of the plague. When the net started to be closed outside, Lance was also meeting someone, because the release of the plague was found to be a report.

Don't think that those guys are monolithic. In fact, many people decisively choose to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side after sensing the situation Hamlet showed. Not everyone wants to destroy Hamlet's order.

The reason is simple, because those who know something about extraordinary powers know that they can really be found if they investigate, and the fear of death makes them have to make a choice.

But now he is ordered to come and do trouble. If he doesn't do things and offends those nobles, he will die. If he does things and offends Hamlet, he will die.

Waiting to die? Might as well borrow someone's head!

So many people here were forced to take refuge, and they were pushed to Hamlet by an invisible hand.

For example, the man in front of Lance was selected to deliver the plague, but he turned around and surrendered to Hamlet with the object in hand.

"Is this the plague those guys are talking about?"

Lance held a potion filled with light green turbid liquid and looked at it, and his expression became strange when he felt the breath of death in it.

"Did you get this temporarily?"

"That's right, those two people asked us to send them here... and finally left on their own initiative before entering the city."

And the man also began to tell his story. On the road, he suddenly encountered two strange people who blocked the road and wanted to take a ride. Naturally, they were unwilling to take strangers with them casually. If they were not easy to bully, they would take action.

The leader didn't agree until the man came up with this as a reward for leading the team, and those people found a village to test it and finally burned it.

Lance didn't believe in coincidences. How could ordinary people dare to stop a strange convoy and ask for a ride? And he can also get a bottle of extraordinary aura potion, which can be used by ordinary people?

It was obvious that some guys wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and carpooling was just an excuse, so they immediately followed up and asked.

"What does it look like? Did you make any special discoveries while traveling with you?"

"One of the two is a burly knight in full armor, and the other is covered so tightly that nothing can be seen, but his eyes are terrifying, as gray as the dead." The man thought about it, and suddenly seemed to realize something and added.

"By the way, the two of them are very afraid of the cold. Their movements become stiff after standing outside for a while. They stay in the car all the time, but they are also afraid of fire. They are unwilling to get out of the car when they set up camp to warm themselves up at night, and they even take the initiative to stay away when the village is being burned. , and we haven’t seen him eat or drink anything, so he said he was ready when we asked him.”

Lance became more and more curious as he listened to his description...

There are too many people who want to bring down Hamlet, and they have prepared various methods, such as poisoning, explosions, curses, assassinations... and even honey traps.

Anyway, basically all the methods I can think of have been used. If it were an ordinary world, even in a modern world full of surveillance and eavesdropping information, it would be difficult to deal with it.

But the problem is that this is an extraordinary world, and any behavior will disturb the destiny and leave traces. Unless there is a powerful extraordinary person who is willing to help them cover it up, it will not be difficult to catch them.

The occult scholar Alhazred is from the Council of Destiny, the omen seeker Amanda is proficient in card divination, and the astrologer Tamara is also a prophecy major.

These three worst ones are all champion spellcasters. Ordinary extraordinary people can't hide them at all. Even if they really want to hide them, they can't hide them through the air, so as long as people come to Hamlet, the situation will be simple.

Once the spiritual fluctuations cannot be hidden, Wangcai, who is wandering in the dark side of Hamlet, will find those mice.

The same benefits of the extraordinary world include all kinds of weird powers, so as long as people grasp it, there is nothing they can't figure out.

The hallucinogen prepared by Greendale, Amanda's channeling, and even perfumer Sophia's perfume, not to mention that none of them are good, then Lance's [Charming Voice] hypnotic brainwashing.

It is not impossible to resist these. After all, the power of will in this world is very powerful. If it is the iron will of the Guards or the fanatical faith of the Burning Candle Priest, they may be able to resist, but it is a pity that these people are not cabbage.

Most of the people who perform those tasks are ordinary people, or hired desperadoes, and it is not difficult to pry their mouths open.

So Hamlet is very lively these days, whether openly or secretly, I didn't break out before, I was just waiting to close the net.

They came to Hamlet, looked at the situation, and found out that they were serious about it, so they were ready to take action. However, they held a meeting before that to let people in the circle run away, and then they were taken advantage of.

A figure hidden in the crowd saw the stronghold that had just been raided by the police and the people who were escorted out after being arrested. The only eyes exposed under the scarf and hat revealed a kind of indifference.

A bunch of trash, wasting my stuff...

This place called Hamlet is indeed evil. There are countless extraordinary people here that are rarely seen in other places, not to mention that he feels a lot of powerful auras here. No one knows how many powerful people are hidden, and there is also no way. Know who holds the Blood Holy Grail.

And he also noticed those guys who wanted to cause trouble, so he gave them some props and wanted to use their hands to mess with Hamlet and see if he could lure the target out, but it seemed that was not possible now.

Fortunately, it was just a boring attempt, and failure was no big deal. He had plenty of time to investigate, but it was better to leave here now. It was too cold, and this body could not last long...

The man gradually walked out of the city. At the entrance and exit, there were policemen patrolling with police dogs. Those policemen were responsible for checking contraband. The hounds were specially trained to be sensitive to contraband, such as gunpowder and illegal drugs.

It was normal because they didn't even need to search one by one because of the police dogs. They just walked by with them. People entering and leaving were used to it and no one cared.

But for some reason, the police dog suddenly took the initiative to move towards the man, which naturally attracted the attention of the police.

"Hello, please wait a moment."

"Please accept the inspection."

The man actually stood still when he heard this, but he didn't answer the police's questions. The police dog suddenly barked wildly, and the restless state was full of anxiety.

This situation made the police nervous and began to evacuate the people around them, and at the same time took out their weapons and were ready to shoot at any time.

But the man still didn't move, and at this time it had caused a small-scale riot. Some people who were curious looked over here. The police must want to control the situation, so they were forced to step forward and try to control the man and take him away.

However, no one expected the next scene, because the guy didn't hold on for too long and fell down, even breaking his fingers.

The police immediately went forward to check, but found that the man was as pale and stiff as if he had been dead for a long time, and there was no trace of blood on the broken finger.

How did he walk just now...?

Such a strange situation was reported quickly, and when Lance knew about it, William had already completed the preliminary investigation.

"The identity of the deceased has been confirmed. He is a person who has been missing recently..."

Lance listened to the report and understood how he was found. This was a missing case reported recently. The hounds had sniffed the personal belongings brought by the family members, so they were found during the patrol.

As for the strange situation of the deceased, it was much more complicated. People who had been dead for several days were still active. There was no doubt that it was the evil magic of the extraordinary.

As soon as Lance saw the corpse, he seemed to have sensed something and muttered to himself, "What is afraid of both cold and heat?"

William didn't quite understand what Lance said until Lance smiled and explained, "It's wax. It solidifies when it's cold and melts when it's hot. It's especially hard to endure in winter, and the first thing to solidify is the end of the limbs."

Although this was said strangely, William also reacted and looked at the gap of the broken finger. There was no blood on the corpse, only the appearance of blood flowing out and solidifying like a candle.

"Take the body away and let Alhazred and Amanda come. This case is not something that ordinary people can solve."

Here we are preparing, and Lance also came to a room.

"As agreed, I found the clue."

Just one sentence awakened the sleeping legion, and the ten members of the legion were filled with undisguised anger and hatred under their armor.

Soon the relevant personnel gathered together, and between them was a strange corpse.

"This should be a temporary creation just to sneak into the city. It is not as powerful as the puppet we met before, and it does not have many special abilities."

"That's right, this cannot be controlled from a distance, which means that the guy came to Hamlet, or at least in the surrounding area."

The two consultants examined the body and analyzed it, but Lance didn't care about it.

"Find him out and kill him."

His words are easy to understand. After all, someone controlled the wax puppet last time. After being caught, he wanted to self-destruct. Lance's sacrifice interrupted him and cut off the clues. Now the materials are here. Don't think about escaping if you leave traces.

"My lord, Tamara has two holy objects in her hands. She may be able to help us."

Amanda recommended, and Lance agreed without much hesitation. This is not something shameful. In fact, she has been helping during this period.

Lance doesn't care. Anyway, he didn't promise anything. Which capitalist doesn't like free labor?



A painful wail suddenly came from a dark corner somewhere. The darkness made it impossible to see where this place was. One could only hear the movement from the sound.

Last time, a part of his soul was cut off, so he didn’t dare to use those carefully made puppets, let alone control them with a split soul.

The quality of these temporary productions was naturally much worse. They also had no consciousness and needed to be controlled by himself throughout the process. The distance could not be too far.

He caught and killed more than one ordinary person. Whether it was setting up a ceremony or a substitute puppet, materials were needed.

In other words, many of the people he killed were intercepted from outside. If they were not locals, they would not be discovered because their families did not report the case.

But he never thought that it was because of the missing persons that he was found. Anyway, in his opinion, Hamlet had noticed him. Fortunately, he was prepared, so he abandoned the puppet without hesitation.

This loss of control made him feel an unbearable sense of frustration. He had lived for so many years and had never suffered this kind of anger. He was actually scared away by a dog.

Originally, he wanted to use those people to disrupt the situation, and hide behind to watch the show, waiting for the Holy Grail to appear, but now it seems that maybe he should leave something interesting in this place.

But before he could think about how to do it, he suddenly felt something strange, and a faint blue light lit up from the rune. It was the ritual covering this place that began to activate, illuminating the figure wrapped in a black robe and hood.

Damn! He actually started to look for his own breath, how could it be so fast?

Fortunately, he was used to cherishing his life, and had long considered the confrontation between extraordinary people. He had made a lot of preparations in the past few days. He arranged a ritual in advance to cover up his breath, and activated the puppet he had prepared long ago, leading the enemy to another place with his breath.

In this way, even if those people came to find him, they could only find another puppet that had been prepared long ago, and the trap.

However, the ritual here would not last long. Once the other side was exposed, they would soon come to find him. He had to leave this ghost place as soon as possible...

He saw Hamlet was trying to disrupt the situation with the help of others, but he left traces because of this.

Sometimes it is true that the longer you live, the more timid you become. In the last second, you were still clamoring for revenge, and when you came to find him in the next second, your first reaction was to run away. The farther you hide, the better, and you didn't even have the intention of fighting back.

He took the knight and abandoned the temporary base. When he walked out of the darkness, he realized that he had chosen the mass grave. One of the dilapidated tombs built of stone might have been left by a noble knight in the past. It was a pity that it had been opened long ago, and the ruins were reused.

He didn't like the daytime, which made him feel weak, and he didn't like winter, which made the puppets he made stiff, but he didn't have so many choices at this time, so he could only get up in the cold wind.

However, before he could walk out, a voice came from the door of the tomb.

"You are good at choosing a place, but the underground can avoid the cold, warm in winter and cool in summer, which is very suitable for preserving puppets, of course, it is very suitable for you..."

He was afraid of death, but now there was no way to retreat, because there was only one exit from the tomb. Before the voice finished speaking, he could see the knights around him suddenly move with the light outside, and a charge seemed to seize the door and escape.

But the voice didn't mean to stop him at all, just let him rush out under the cover of the knights.

But what was waiting for him was not the vast sky, but a team of legions of the ancient empire. After losing Lance's cover, their breath was exposed, and the anger was revealed.


A shout seemed to come from the endless time and space in the distance, and the centurion Lanius raised the broadsword and pointed it at the target, just like he commanded the battlefield many years ago.

Legion, attack! (End of this chapter)

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