Our family is in decline

Chapter 847 Scarlet Courtyard (8)

Led by Yulia, Lance followed into the core area, which was also the place where the curse smell was the strongest.

It was not the "palace" that Lance understood, but a brick and stone ground that had sunk into the swamp, with no buildings around.

There were all kinds of trees growing on the swamp, but they withered and collapsed for unknown reasons, forming a messy scene. However, one of the most prominent ones was a huge cocoon that was at least four or five meters high, much larger than the cocoons that were burned along the way, which were at most one person high.

From a distance, you can see that it is covered with moss. When you get closer, you can see that there are a lot of throbbing cocoons distributed around it.

The two looked at the cocoon and seemed to understand something. The big guy was inside.

And Lance also understood why the ancestor was gone and the seal was dissipating, but these blood descendants did not spread out, only those mosquitoes, flies, plagues and insects that sucked blood accidentally entered.

It turned out that the most core guy was still sleeping, and most of the remaining blood descendants who had been imprisoned for so many years had no brains, so they naturally couldn't react.

Yulia didn't have so many thoughts. She couldn't help the impulse of revenge, but Lance, who had not reacted, persuaded her to stop.

"Don't worry, let me fire a shot first."

Lance looked at the cocoon that was as exaggerated as a two-story building, and took out a large-caliber artillery in front of Yulia.

Artillery was used in the farm battle against the sleepers, but Lance found that the six-pound and eight-pound field artillery was mostly ineffective against the monsters he had to face.

So after returning, he immediately found a heavy artillery. As soon as the thing was taken out, it began to sink. The weight was too heavy, and the frame could not support it in the swamp, but it was enough for him to fire a shot.


A thunderous explosion echoed over the empty swamp. The shocking power made Yulia stunned for a moment. If she knew that this artillery was produced by Totnes, she would probably feel more complicated.

But now there is no time to waste time talking to them, because the shells penetrated directly and tore the giant cocoon in front of them, and a large amount of blood gushed out of it. The mosquitoes, flies, and pestilence insects that were also dormant around rose up and gathered, covering the surrounding area like a dark cloud.

Soon the giant cocoon collapsed, but the things inside did not die, and then appeared in reality.

It was very large, more than two meters tall, with a human-like upper body, wearing a court dress that was absolutely gorgeous at the time, and a fan in his hand covering most of his face.

But the length was very exaggerated, because like other blood descendants, it had a huge and fat insect body.

From the front, you can see the tattered hem and tassels of the dress, and on both sides are two uneven black shells covering it. There are small spike-like limbs on the waist, and finally three pairs of legs supporting the huge body.

The back half of the insect body was very exaggerated. The tail was covered with a thick shell, and there was a sharp needle at the end. There were countless dense papillomata under the abdomen, which were bright red and uncomfortable to look at.

The Countess has arrived! She is unrecognizable, disregarding her dignity and determined to take a terrible revenge!

However, the thing did not seem to lose its mind. On the contrary, it covered its face with a fan in its hand, leaving only that weird look to look at Yulia. Although I don’t know why it didn’t speak, I can feel the sarcastic and mocking eyes.

It’s just that it doesn’t seem to care about the ordinary Lance at all...

Lance didn’t care either. Like Xiao Tomo, he collected the artillery that was about to fall into the swamp.

This guy’s appearance made Lance feel a little strange. Back then, the Countess was able to enter the courtyard as a human and charmed many people. It must be the human form of Yulia.

Now it has become like this probably because it was killed by the ancestor, and then lost money after bleeding and brewing wine, which is why it is out of control now.

According to Yulia's explanation, the scarlet curse is also a kind of power. Perhaps this is the price of the backlash of the extraordinary power that goes out of control.

Yulia didn't have so much nonsense. Seeing the Countess being blown out, she directly picked up the sword and attacked, not hiding her anger.


A roar released a terrible momentum, and the distance between the two sides quickly shortened. The Countess's huge body did not have much room to dodge, and the two sides directly started fighting.

Lance was on the side but did not rush to take action. Instead, he began to clear the surrounding insect nests and blood cocoons, and took out the Holy Grail to take away the lingering mosquitoes.

Of course, he also watched the fierce battle. He was still very curious about how the Earl defeated the Duke, and then he saw the face of the Earl covered by the fan.

It was just like the blood descendants seen before, with a mouth full of fangs and fangs pointing outwards, and the means of attack were even more weird. He opened his mouth wide and stretched out a thick fallopian tube, with anemone-like fleshy tentacles at the end that were wriggling along.

It wants to excrete strange blood eggs similar to face huggers to parasitize people. When this thing touches a living thing, it will extend its tentacles to root in the flesh and blood and bind directly, extract blood to develop, and then hatch and explode to cause damage.

But its opponent is Yulia, also a blood descendant.

She raised her hand without any scruples to tear open the blood eggs and throw them on the ground to crush them, or she would directly swing the sword to cut off the pipe.

Moreover, the two sides had fought each other before, and without the intelligence advantage of the first kill, the count immediately showed a disadvantage when facing Yulia, because her huge body could not avoid the sword blade at all.

Fortunately, the thick carapace took most of the damage, but the Count's counterattack seemed a little weak and could not stop Yulia at all.

Lance was a little surprised to see this scene. This seemed to be a one-sided situation. How did the Count defeat Yulia before?

Could it be that he had just bombarded the cocoon and made it weak?

And soon the Countess told Lance the answer, because only when it entered the bloodthirsty state could it be a true blood descendant.


Although it was originally weird, it still had a somewhat coordinated beauty. When the Countess entered the bloodthirsty state instantly, her body underwent a very ugly change.

I don't know where the fan was lost. Her face was completely insect-like and lost human facial features. The mouthparts grew to an exaggerated size like a long sword, and the three-layered chin with a mouth full of fangs looked very greasy.

But this was just a small matter, because the more disgusting thing was still behind. The court dress was directly blown up and torn into pieces, and countless red pustules could be seen growing from the shoulders to the back.

The arms turned into limbs, and the other two pairs of legs grew out from the waist, waiting for prey like a mantis' sickle. The swollen abdomen reflected the blood red inside, and the lower part that was originally covered was revealed, which was completely rotten and densely covered with holes like a worm nest.

The layer of carapace covering the front of the body turned into three overlapping layers, but the red pustules spreading from the bottom layer of flesh and blood propped it up and could not cover the body.

The three pairs of legs also became thicker and stronger, only in this way could they support the fat body that was swollen more than before, and even the cyst on the tail was smoothed by the swollen tail.

Such a horrible thing... How can it exist in the world...

But the countess did not need to answer. It was controlled by bloodthirsty desire as soon as it entered the state, and attacked Yulia fiercely.


The long sword-like mouthparts waved, the long and swift tongue stretched out of the mouth, and the six knife-like limbs waved. Under the strong desire to attack, Yulia, who was originally in an advantageous position, fell into trouble instantly.

No matter how fast her sword was, it couldn't be faster than the six spikes that popped out, not to mention the protection brought by the triple armor. The Iron Maiden could resist some of the damage, but the power of the tongue could knock her over, and even if she was bitten by that bite, something was immediately taken away and she became weak, but the Countess recovered.

The situation really took a sharp turn for the worse...

Lance also noticed the change in the situation and realized that it was not the time to watch the show, so he immediately raised the Holy Grail and swung it out.

He did not go down directly, but used the power of the Holy Grail to directly explode the two cocoons that were everywhere, extracting the power inside, and under control, turned into a blasting shell that hit the monster's face, directly interrupting its continuous attack and saving Yulia from its mouth.

Then he raised his hand and a little, no longer the stingy drops before, but ten drops turned into a blood bead and flew into Yulia's mouth, instantly replenishing her emptiness and saving her from weakness.

But Yulia knew that it would be difficult for her to defeat the Countess as she was now. If she wanted to defeat the monster, she had to become a monster.

That means she is not going to be a human anymore!

Horrible torture!

That force is what pushed her to complete the final transformation. The intense pain seemed to be manifested on her body. Even her strong will could not help but let out a cry of pain, or it could be the angry roar.

Then Lance on the side saw a very outrageous scene. After Yulia swallowed the blood essence she gave, she thrust the sword with her backhand, and her whole body began to twist and change in pain.

After a short moment of daze, a monster appeared on the field. It was a giant leech that could stand two or three meters tall.

The whole thing was streamlined, with a narrow tail supporting the body. The back was a black iron metal base with dark black stripes, and the bottom was red with countless suckers.

The head did not have too many facial features, and the big mouth could easily swallow a person when opened, not to mention the jagged teeth on it that would tear and cut anything. It would probably be gone if it bit him.

The arms extended to the left and right, with four-fingered claws, which could easily tear flesh.

There is not too much fancy distortion like the Countess, which gives people a feeling of failure. On the contrary, the degree of completion is very high, just like a tentacle turned into a red and black leech.

Lance then noticed that the Iron Maiden turned into a part of the body, and the big sword did not seem to be a whole.

But none of this matters. Now he is focusing on one thing.

Now in front of him is a leech fighting a mosquito. Where can I see such a scene? It is worth it for him to rescue Yulia.

This is worth the price!

As soon as the beast turned into Yulia appeared, it rushed towards the monster turned into by the Countess.

It may be slightly inferior in size, but it is not inferior in ferocity. The two sides are about to fight each other.

You swing your sharp thorns to cut me, I swing my claws to tear the flesh, you bite me, and I eat you. The battle between the two sides is very fierce, and the scene can be said to be bloody.

But both of them have the ability to recover, and they continue to cause damage, but they recover by biting others and sucking blood, which is as absurd as exchanging blood. If they continue to fight like this, the blood of both sides is probably not their own.

Lance, who was watching the fight from the side, could see that after Yulia turned into a beast, it seemed that they were evenly matched, but the Countess was still strong in armor and blood, and Yulia was still at a disadvantage. If it dragged on like this, I don’t know when the fight would end.

After waiting for a while, as the wounds on her body increased and blood was lost, Yulia began to lose the ferocity she had at the beginning of her transformation.

In the final analysis, it was because Yulia did not fully embrace the scarlet curse, but wanted to control this power, which led to the fact that she could not consume the Countess who was completely controlled by the curse.

More importantly, the plague insects released by the Countess continued to eat away like a constantly changing black cloud, and the leeches might be sucked dry.

Lance knew that it was time for him to come out and help, and he shouted immediately.

"I'll help you!"

After saying that, he rushed up and raised the Holy Grail to the dark cloud composed of mosquitoes, flies and plague insects.

"My Holy Grail is prepared for you mosquitoes, come quickly!"

Because there were two blood descendants who could suck blood, Lance did not dare to crush them directly, but chose to drag the mosquitoes away.

The mosquitoes lingering around the leeches could not resist the power of the Holy Grail at all. The blood in their bodies was controlled, and they directly broke away from the battle and flew to Lance. At this time, there was no need to worry, and they could be crushed directly to refine the blood essence.

Lance did not just wait, but took out the sword and swung it with all his strength. A blood-colored sword energy fell, directly cutting off a spiked limb, and the triple-layer carapace on the body broke two layers in a row before it could barely block it, but it also interrupted the monster's pursuit.

"Open your mouth!"

Lance controlled the blood drop to fly into the big mouth of Yulia's beast form, and the weak state was slightly improved, and the large wounds on the body began to recover slightly. It can only be said that it is still a strong inhuman physique.

At the same time, Lance also tested whether Yulia's consciousness was still controlling her body. Now it seems that he was suspicious.

The countess seemed to have sensed something, and kept rushing out plague insects from the insect nest in her abdomen to repeat the old trick, but Lance took as many as they came, and the countess's state fell back because of the plague insects.

Yulia took the damage in the front, and changed her decline after receiving support from Lance.

At this time, he took the opportunity to go around and drew out the sword and stabbed directly into the swollen tail.

Lance's sword was not so wide, but it was not much longer. The whole sword was more than two meters long. This time, it could not penetrate the Countess. You can imagine how big the Countess was.

But the eyes of the demon sword guard were brighter. The power that was consumed by the previous attack was quickly replenished. The price was the Countess's crazy shouting and the sharp spikes of the tail slashing...

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