Our family is in decline

Chapter 92 Justified

Susan was stunned for a moment. For the first time, she thought the army had been wiped out. Her brain shut down for two seconds before she realized what was going on. She asked Disma for confirmation with a surprised look on her face.

"What did you just say? Your Excellency wiped out all those bandits?"

There were many people who reacted similarly to her, and even the captain was a little surprised. He could guess that everything would be fine, but he only estimated that the bandits would be driven back to the old road, but he did not expect that they were all wiped out.

How did this lord do it?

The man who was even more excited than them was the man. His reaction was even more violent than before, as if the person who died was not a bandit but his own father. He even seemed to have forgotten the pain on his hands and was struggling crazily.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! You must be lying to me."

"What's going on?" Disma already had one hand on the hilt of the sword.

"This person is crazy, suddenly..."

Susan briefly explained the situation. When she heard that the captain had taken action, Dismana's expression also changed a little, and she looked vaguely at the captain.

"Don't worry, everyone, the bandits have been eliminated by us. No matter what I say, it's better for you to go and see for yourself." Disma explained the situation in one sentence, and then focused on the man, "As for you..."

If Lance hadn't allowed him to kill people casually, I'm afraid Disma would have slit his throat with a sword.

"Hmph! Take him to your lord to await trial."

Disma waved his hand, turned around, and walked out without looking back, clearly feeling dissatisfied.

The lord is fighting bloody battles on the front line, but these guys are actually doubting the lord~

Absolute thieves must be attacked hard!

Susan and the others did not notice Disma's attitude, because everyone was shocked by the news and couldn't wait to follow them out.

Along the way, there were no traces of bandit robbery on the streets, which were exactly the same as when they left just now.

That guy kept screaming and loudly promoting his conspiracy theories.

"I understand, there are no bandits at all, that guy lied to us all.

They lied to us that the bandits were coming, and then they lied to us that the bandits were beaten away. The next time the bandits really come, they will use us as cannon fodder..."

It's just that not many people care about him now, because as he gets closer, a strong smell of blood floats over the town.

And the blood under their feet actually gathered into a stream and flowed along the street.

Looking up and looking along the bloody water, they soon saw the tragic battlefield.

Strangers in chaotic attire fell to the ground.

Some of the corpses were still intact, with only a few wounds on their bodies.

But these are only a few, and more corpses reveal a horrific scene.

Some were cut in half from the chest, and the exposed and stopped-beating hearts were clearly visible.

Some of them were cut off at the waist, and their intestines and internal organs were leaked all over the place, emitting a strong stench.

Some of them were immediately beheaded, and you could still see their eyes that were unwilling to close, full of shock and fear.

Some heads were split open, but they were empty inside, because the brains had long been trampled and turned into flesh and blood and stuck to someone's feet.

Looking around, the entire street is almost filled with corpses, and there is no place to even stand.

When have you ever seen this kind of scene?

For a while, most people's faces became ugly. They had excellent mental endurance without spitting it out directly.

As for the tough-talking guy, he couldn't help but collapse to the ground in fear when he saw this scene. If he hadn't been dragged by someone, he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"Why so slow?"

Lance's voice sounded, directly drawing everyone's attention.

They saw many soldiers sitting or lying on the side of the street. Among these people, they quickly discovered the lord.

It can be seen that the armor is covered with marks caused by various weapons, and almost no one is intact. What is even more terrifying is that it is covered with blood, almost soaking the whole person.

It's hard to imagine what kind of battle could cause such a situation, and how the Lord could survive such a battle.

"Sir, something went wrong." Disma explained forward.

Lance also looked at the captain strangely, but soon his eyes fell on the man.

"Bring him up to me." He raised his hand to signal.

The two pushed the man out and knelt before the lord.

"I remember you~ It seems that you also want to spend time with your son, right?" Lance slowly looked at the man.

Just one look made him feel a bloody aura rushing towards his face, as if he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

How can he still have the courage to speak harshly at this time~

"No... sir! I didn't..."

There were only a few people in the town, and almost everyone in the town remembered them. This man was the father of the recruit who had been executed by his order before he used his status and position to make money.

It's a bit funny to say that this guy is a gambler, and he was able to escape the first wave of bandit invasion simply because he was in the casino at the time.

His son's erratic thinking is most likely because there is something wrong with the father.

But these are no longer important to Lance.

"Acting as an informant for bandits and spreading rumors, endangering Hamlet's safety, he will be executed."

Lance waved his hand, and Disma, who had been patient for a long time, immediately showed a cruel scene.

He drew out the dagger from his waist and slit his throat with a sword.

The man struggled and fell to the ground, twitching helplessly until he died.

Lance didn't care about this at all and turned to look at everyone.

"Do you have any opinions?"

"No no!"

The townspeople shook their heads wildly. You have already killed everyone. What else can we say?

Those who had doubts about the lord just now couldn't help but become frightened when they saw this scene.

Fortunately, Lance had no intention of exaggerating the matter and announced another thing.

"Yes, you have also seen that I have wiped out all the bandits entrenched on the old road. You no longer have to worry about bandits in the future."


Everyone realized what they should really focus on.

Those bandits were really wiped out by the lord and his troops, and Hamlet no longer had to worry about bandits plundering him in the future.

For a moment, joy spread, and when everyone looked at the flesh and blood, there was an extra layer of filter. Instead of feeling scared, they felt a kind of ecstasy.

"we won!"

"I just said that these bandits cannot be the opponents of the lord."

"Long live my lord! Long live Hamlet!"

All kinds of praises and praises can be called enthusiastic praise. It was obvious that they were still doubting and entangled just now~

Lance also fell into a certain state, that is, after he announced victory, a sentence suddenly appeared on the status panel——

[You have completely conquered everyone, it has nothing to do with your identity]

Then the characteristics of the previous [Successor] disappeared, and new characteristics appeared.

[Lord]: You are the only owner of this land, and your will is unquestionable

Lance placed his awareness on the panel.


Name: Lance Hamlet

Occupation: Familiar from another world

Level: Brave

Equipment: [Collector’s Gift] [Family Seal Ring]

Skills: [Sacrifice] [Blessing] [Flesh and Blood Reconstruction]

Traits: [Protection] [Ancient Bloodline] [Exceptional Talent] [Wolf Spirit Guard] [Collector's Gaze] [Lord]


The level shown above changes from [Apprentice] to [Brave].

[Lord] replaced [Successor], the meaning is obvious, it means that he has completely mastered Hamlet, instead of relying on the thin noble blood.

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