Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 10 This is just the beginning, there will be bigger things in the future!

In fact, it was only five days before the technology of the Aosha exoskeleton armor was developed.

During these five days, the Academy of Military Sciences worked hard as if they had obtained a treasure.

It took only two days to verify the data.

After finding that it was accurate, this group of tough guys directly made a prototype by hand.

After a day of testing, it was found that the actual situation was exactly the same as the data record.

So, the impatient army brothers started to reorganize the production line directly.

For this reason, this group of army big brothers directly dismantled two drone production lines and forcibly put together a "Type 23" military exoskeleton armor production line.

As for battery technology, with reference to the data, it is basically not difficult to reproduce it.

In the shooting range, a carefully selected soldier wearing a full-coverage exoskeleton armor was armed to an outrageous degree.

He held a CBQ191 short assault rifle in his hand, an eleven-barreled Gatling machine gun on his waist, and an eight-barreled anti-tank rocket that was temporarily modified and stuffed in on his back.

There are two reconnaissance drones and four shuttle self-destruct drones on his left hand.

It can be said that the force is abundant.

I saw that soldier moving flexibly in various terrains.

The heavy exoskeleton is like the clothes he wears outside, extremely smooth, allowing him to move without any hindrance.

"Release the drone, and find the enemy's armored vehicles..."

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The eight-unit anti-tank rocket launcher behind him rose.


A rocket immediately shot out, and with a bang, it penetrated the target parked on the distant hilltop, the 59 tank.

"The enemy's armored vehicle has been destroyed!"

See the test results.

And the increasingly happy smile on the face of the test soldier.

The old officer holding the telescope, the fear of insufficient firepower was directly cured.

"Good stuff, it's really a good stuff!"

The old army officer was so excited.

The group of bastards of the Academy of Military Sciences finally remembered them, the old army brothers?

On weekdays, the navy has new ships, the air force has new planes, and their army has new shoes.

Now, the tide has turned.


"I want to give the chief designer of this 'Type 23' a medal of great importance!"

Looking at the soldiers who were testing, as if assisted by God, one person, with the help of an exoskeleton mechanical arm, directly lifted a car with both hands, and the old army officer smiled very brightly.

"What do you think, Lao Xu, do you still oppose my plan?"

Zhu Jincheng gently put down the telescope, looked at his old rival with excited eyes, and smiled gently.

"Oppose, have I ever opposed it?"

Unexpectedly, the old officer pretended to be stupid. He smiled and said, "If you need anything for your plan, just tell me directly. If Lao Xing disagrees, I will beat him until he agrees!"

"Isn't it just that we have to be more radical next time?"

"We have been at peace for so many years. The guys outside don't know that we rely on fighting the United States to establish our prestige. You can do it with confidence!"

After saying this, he was silent for a while, and then whispered, "But, we can't start a war lightly. After all, these are our own guys."

"Don't worry, it's just that the next move will be bigger."

Zhu Jincheng waved his hand and laughed in his heart.

This old guy, what do you think he is going to do.

"Damn, how many good things do you have in your Military Science and Technology Academy? This exoskeleton can be directly equipped, and the completion degree is so high?"

The old officer complained a few more times.

"There are still many things you don't know. Support me and wait for good news!"

Zhu Jincheng chuckled.

Universe No. 1 has been named the Wandering Earth Universe.

The Wandering Earth universe is very similar to this universe. The standard exoskeleton of the other army is directly produced, and even the program does not need to be changed. It can be directly adapted to this universe.

It seems that it is time to develop deeper cooperation with them.

"The moon?"

Zhu Jincheng read the content of the intelligence.

The expert group speculated that the establishment of a lunar base may be the condition for opening the constant space gate.

So, the next big goal of the 237 plan appeared.

Build a lunar base in the shortest time!

The establishment of a lunar base was originally a plan for this universe 33 years later.

But for this goal, it is worth them to be more radical.

After all, the technology of exoskeleton is really too good.

As soon as this thing was taken out, many conservatives softened directly.

"I have persuaded another conservative. If I try to win the next one, the number will be enough."


Xishan base, underground part.

Fang Jing is training.

But what is different today is that Zhou Yuan has been very excited.

It turns out that they all received the 23-type exoskeleton armor.

As the vanguard of the entire human race, Zhou Yuan and his men were tasked with quickly familiarizing themselves with the exoskeleton and then teaching Fang Jing.

However, Fang Jing was skeptical about Zhou Yuan teaching him.

This guy was a pure reckless man.

Relying on his strong body, he directly inserted six pieces of alloy armor into his chest.

This alloy was a technology provided by Wandering Earth. With six pieces in one, ordinary RPGs could not penetrate it.

"Hahaha, cool, really cool!"

Holding a Gatling gun in one hand, Zhou Yuan had a good time at the shooting range.

"Brother Zhou, are you having fun?"

Fang Jing clicked his tongue.

"He is just like this during training. When fighting, he is very cautious."

Li Tianming chuckled.

Their team has experienced actual combat.

Although Zhou Yuan looks like a reckless man now, when he really fights, this is an extremely reliable backing.

While the two were chatting, Zhao Guangyao walked in happily.

"Fang Jing, Mr. Zhu has taken care of it. This time we will go over and mainly talk about aviation technology!"

"For the moon?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and instantly understood Mr. Zhu's purpose.

"That's right, Mr. Zhu said, since your machine has prompted you to go to the moon, you might as well go and take a look. This time you go over and explore the other party's tone first. If possible, try to ask about the technology in this area. "

Zhao Guangyao responded with a smile and said with emotion:

"Also, according to expert reviews, this battery technology, if used only in electric vehicles, can bring 100 billion profits to China in the early stages of low production."

"The automobile industry has always been a high-end manufacturing industry. This battery comes at the right time. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we will weaken the battery technology and decentralize it to the private sector."

"Destroy the foundation of fuel vehicles and the German era in one fell swoop!"

"Bring the tram industry chain to China completely!"

"Hahaha, their days of arrogance will be gone forever."

The reason why Liben and Germany can maintain a developed state and master the high-end automobile manufacturing industry exported to the world is fundamental.

This is also the reason why Libenhui became more and more popular after the development of trams in China.

With this battery technology, coupled with China's already one of the best electric car manufacturing.

The automobile industry will completely stay in China.

Yes, China is digging up the roots of Japan and Germany.

The technology brought by Fang Jing is equivalent to replacing the root digging shovel with an excavator.

The accelerator has been welded, are the friends on the opposite side ready to accept the impact? !

This time the impact was not a roaring mountain or a tsunami, but a fatal blow!

Defeat Liben and the pride of German industry in one blow.

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