Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 103 Who, who the hell took down the power grid? !

Somewhere in the southwest, a village.

Shen Wanshan and his son were chatting in the field.

"Qingshan, you should think about it. The fat baby next door has been born, but you are still unbeatable!"

Listen to the voice, this is urging marriage!

"Father, I'm not in a hurry. By the way, have the fields been weeded?"

Shen Qingshan was sweating profusely as soon as this topic started. He didn't want to cause tension between father and son because of this topic, so he quickly changed the topic:

"When I come back once in a while, I will help you with some farm work so that you don't get tired!"

"Hey, okay."

Shen Wanshan slowly sat up from the bench, knowing that his son didn't want to talk about it, so he let it go and just reminded him:

"Don't forget to go to your second uncle's house with your gift. Thank you."

"I know, father!"

Shen Qingshan is a researcher in a biological laboratory.

Now that the institute was on holiday for unknown reasons, he finally had a holiday and bought a ticket to go home that day.

As a result, there was the one just now.

Fortunately, his father didn't "mess around", allowing him to escape the topic of urging marriage.

But he didn't feel unhappy because of this incident.

His father, the old man of the Shen family, did not say anything good about him.

He graduated from high school and went to college, but his family had no money to support his studies.

Old Shen, it was only through begging from door to door that he was able to successfully enter school, and among them, his second uncle sponsored the most.

It is precisely because of this that every time he comes back, his second uncle's place has become a place that Shen Qingshan must visit with gifts.

In the afternoon, I weeded the weeds in the fields for my father.

He picked up the gifts he bought and took his father across the mountain ridge to his second uncle's house.

On the way, Shen Wanshan smoked dry cigarettes and took two puffs. Both father and son were silent.

Perhaps because he felt that the atmosphere was not good enough, Shen Wanshan suddenly raised a topic and asked quickly:

"I heard that we are going to host the Olympics next year?"

"Yes, it will be a grand event then. Father, do you want to go and see it? I will use my connections to get you two tickets. You and your second uncle will go together?"

Shen Qingshan's tone was a little brisk. He really wanted to persuade his father to go out and have fun.

"Ahem, what a grand party..."

Shen Wanshan did have this idea.

The third child next door follows his son everywhere every day and brags when he comes back, making him want to go out and have a good look.

Just when he was seriously considering it.

In the distant woods, a large flock of birds suddenly rose from the treetops where they were perched.

If you listen carefully, there is also the sizzling sound of electric current.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Wanshan put down his cigarette and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Quick, Qingshan, come with me and have a look."

"That's Liangshanlin, Erwa's house has a power grid!"

"Don't be the one who pulls up a power grid on the mountain to electrocute wild boars. It will electrocute people to death!"

"Okay, I'll go take a look!"

When Shen Qingshan heard this, his expression became solemn, and he immediately followed his father and ran towards the forest of Liangshan.

Human lives matter!

The two of them were very fast and ran out in the blink of an eye.

In the woods.

Fang Jing looked at the flash of arc on the exoskeleton and was confused.

Then, there was a moment of fear.

Oh my god.

Fortunately, the exoskeleton is here. Fortunately, this exoskeleton can protect against electricity.

Otherwise, he will be directly electrocuted into black charcoal!

"Who is this heartless person, installing a power grid in the woods?!!"

Quickly throwing this unfortunate thing out, Fang Jing cursed.

This is too risky.

But fortunately the danger has been lifted.

"By the way, did it reach the forest this time?"

Fang Jing turned to look around and saw that there were trees all around. He frowned and said that he was about to throw the drone in his left hand.

Check out the surroundings first.

“Hopefully there’s someone around here!”

After saying this, Fang Jing added in his heart:

I hope it’s a human being, not a Predator or an alien monster.

However, he didn't wait to throw the drone out.

In the distance, people exclaimed.

"Oh, it's really Erwa Power Grid. Where did the people come from in this wilderness!"

"Father, let's go take a look!"

Shen Wanshan was so anxious.

The second baby, the child of Shen Qingshan's second uncle, hunts game in the mountains from time to time.

This power grid was set up by him.

Now that the electricity has reached people, how amazing is this!

Thinking about it, he took his son and quickened his pace.

Shen Qingshan is also anxious, but be sure nothing happens!

The two walked through the woods and came to a small passage. On the tree next to them, there was a red sign that read "Be careful of the power grid."

When the Shen family father and son saw the sign, they immediately stopped and focused their attention on the forest.

But as soon as he looked over, his pupils suddenly shrank.

They forgot about the power grid and the issue of electricity reaching people.


In front of them, at this moment, stood a huge iron man!

"Foreign spy?!" This was Lao Shen's first reaction.

"Aliens?!" This was Xiao Shen's first reaction.

What catches the eye is a huge "iron man" that is pitch black and reflects the sharp cold light.

Lao Shen had only seen this kind of seamless arc in the introduction of foreign troops on the village entrance TV.

As for Shen Qingshan, he knew more and was even more horrified.

Isn't this humanoid thing like the alien warriors in those science fiction works? !

This, this...

What on earth is this!

The two were stunned instantly.

"Father, be careful!"

After carefully looking at the iron man and noticing the gun on his waist, Shen Qingshan reacted, his face suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand to protect his father behind him, his eyes alert.

"Is it a person!?"

Fang Jing turned around immediately after hearing the movement behind him.

He was relieved to see two people behind him wearing simple clothes, wearing straw hats, and speaking Chinese.

It's good if they are people!

It's even better if they are Chinese!

"Be careful!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing Fang Jing's words "It's a person", Shen Qingshan's face became even uglier.

He cursed in his heart.

Damn, he really met an alien? !

These days, aliens can also speak Chinese!

Shen Qingshan's face was solemn. He looked around and looked at the dark "iron man", sweat dripping down his forehead.

Fearful and alert, he widened his eyes and stared at the front.

Even if they are aliens, they can't hurt his father!

The atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Fang Jing noticed the two people's vigilance, paused, and immediately raised his hand slightly, trying to speak in a gentle tone:

"Hey, wait, wait, fellow countryman!"

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad guy!"

"People from Henan Province?!"

Listening to Fang Jing's voice with a slight accent, Shen Qingshan frowned and slightly let down his guard.

But, only a second passed.

He suddenly woke up!

No, they are all aliens, is it difficult to disguise their accents?

In the southwest area of ​​the Third Line Project, didn't they catch a Li Ben spy who spoke Sichuan and Chongqing dialect and made the locals ashamed a few days ago!

Don't believe it easily!

"Yes, yes, yes, people from Henan Province!"

Seeing that the old man opposite him became vigilant again, Fang Jing immediately reached out and took off his helmet, revealing his face.

This removal finally made Shen Qingshan breathe a sigh of relief.

It's really a person!

However, what followed was shock and disbelief.

When on earth did such technology exist!

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