Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 105: I will protect the people here!

At Lao Shen's house, he looked at the returning shuttle and held the cup in his hand.

Fang Jing was a little helpless.

Oh shit.

I was careless, it turned out to be the world of Resident Evil!

Moreover, the laboratory where Shen Qingshan is working in front of him actually cooperates with the Umbrella Company?

Seemingly remembering something, he quickly asked:

"Brother Shen, didn't you hear that if you cooperate with the Umbrella Company, you will be very busy in research?"

There was something in Fang Jing's words. He wanted to inquire about the current situation of the umbrella company and see where the timeline was.

"Oh, it seems that because of their company headquarters, our experiments are temporarily suspended, so we have a few days off."

There is nothing to hide, Shen Qingshan chuckled.

"Oh, it's because of the headquarters."

Fang Jing pursed his lips, thoughtfully, feeling a little panicked for no reason.

Is the headquarters of the Umbrella Company in the United States or Tokyo?

Due to headquarters reasons, the experiment was interrupted.

It won't be...

Was the virus leaked? !

"I can't be so unlucky, right? The virus was leaked just after it arrived?!"

Fang Jing frowned, and there was a hint of anxiety in Fang Jing's heart.

Zombie virus!

If it is really leaked, the country of China in this world will be in danger!

The dangers are more urgent than those faced by wandering around the earth!

"We have to communicate with China in this world quickly, and then..."

Fang Jing suddenly felt certain in his heart. Looking at the Shen family's father and son talking and laughing, he said firmly:

"At least, no, we must save China!"

Resident Evil, the main perspective is in the United States.

However, the background is all over the world!

The big Eastern countries are also among them, and because of the population problem, the situation will only become more serious!

Those are... 1.4 billion compatriots.

Fang Jing felt a little anxious when he thought that the entire eastern country had turned into a zombie hell.

Everyone here is safe!

At the same time, he was also thinking secretly.

What does it mean to find the source of a story.

"Is the source of the story referring to the hive in Raccoon City, or is it a virus?"

"Both possibilities are possible!"

Since it is Resident Evil and it is a movie version, the source of the story can only be these two things!

However, this is a bit difficult!

Whether it's a virus or going to the hive, if only Fang Jing is allowed to come alone.

Just going to the United States is enough to give him a headache.

Sure enough, we have to wait for the people here to come!

Fang Jing was at old Shen's house, chatting happily with his father and son.


In the distance, several black spots appeared in the sky.

The unique sound of the turboshaft engine came from the black spot, approaching quickly.

"That is?"

The Shen family father and son stood up slowly in surprise.

"They're coming!"

Fang Jing took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

The effect of the shuttle is indeed amazing, it really shakes people over!

This is much more efficient than finding it yourself.

Several armed helicopters locked the direction of the Shen family, and soon they were hovering over the earthen house.

The special operations personnel with guns immediately slipped down.

Controlled the highway clearing.

After some effort, several helicopters landed on the road.

Xue Ming also followed the team members and walked down from the helicopter.

Just got off the plane.

He and everyone were stunned for a moment.

What did they see?

In the semi-open earthen yard of the farmhouse, two villagers were staying with a man wearing a full-coverage exoskeleton.

Full coverage exoskeleton armor!

He has a multi-barreled machine gun on his waist, an eight-barreled rocket launcher on his back, and a strange flying machine on his hand.

Xue Ming just took a look and was sure immediately.

This is a real guy!

At the same time, he also widened his eyes, and there was some envy deep in his eyes.

This firepower, this firepower.

If it's their thing.

His phobia of lack of firepower can be cured directly on the spot!

Xue Ming put away his envious eyes and looked carefully. As a result, the more he looked, the more horrified he became. In the end, his eyes even bulged.

Wait, why is there a low-visibility black five-pointed star painted on the side of this armor?


This, is this really our thing? !

Xue Ming was stunned when he saw the army painting logo.

Damn it, when did we have such awesome stuff?

With his eyes widened, Xue Ming asked Fang Jing in an excited tone:

"Which army are you from?!"

"Haha, me?"

Fang Jing smiled softly and looked at Xue Ming, the obvious leader, with his head raised and said from the passage:

"Aren't you here to find me?"

"Take me to your military area. The mission is classified as top secret!"

After saying that, Fang Jing took steps and walked towards Xue Mingbang.

The place was quiet.

Only the exoskeleton armor was left, the sound of "Chu-Chu-Chu-Chu" maneuvering, and the sound of the cement floor being trampled to pieces.

"Okay, okay, come with me."

Xue Ming swallowed.

Seeing that Fang Jing was still kind, he felt relieved.

Moreover, he has nothing to worry about when taking the other party to the base.

When he gets to the base, even if he wears real clothes, will they be afraid? !

Southwest base.

In the underground activity room.


General Cheng Kainan suddenly stood up from his chair and couldn't stand the passage:

"Did you come from the Chinese country in the parallel universe?"

"Moreover, you can not only shuttle back and forth, but also open the space door in the future?!"

Cheng Kainan felt that his three views were re-examined.

Xue Ming on the side was also stunned in place, somewhat unable to accept it.

"That's probably what it means."

Fang Jing smiled lightly, nodded solemnly, and raised his arm at the same time.

The existence of the exoskeleton can't lie!

As for telling Cheng Kainan directly, Fang Jing has his own thoughts.

This is a military base in the hinterland of the Eastern power, undertaking the important task of rebuilding after the destruction of a part of the country in a nuclear war!

The person in charge here can't be a problem!

"So, so, the technology in your world has developed to this point?"

The shock in Cheng Kainan's eyes gradually dissipated, and he murmured in his mouth.

"Okay, General, now you also understand the situation."

Fang Jing smiled lightly, did not answer his question directly, but took out a document and handed it to Cheng Kainan.

"Please take a look."


Cheng Kainan was a little confused, took the document gently, opened the seal, and pulled out the document inside.

He quietly browsed the file.

When he saw the end, Cheng Kainan's pupils shrank suddenly.

The next moment.

He stood up immediately, raised his head and looked at Fang Jing solemnly, stretched out his hand to salute, and said in a serious voice:

"Colonel Fang, your matter is of great importance. I will report it immediately. Please wait patiently for a moment!"

"Okay, General Cheng, you go and come back soon."

Fang Jing nodded slightly and returned the salute.

Looking at Fang Jing's standard military salute, Cheng Kainan smiled slightly.

Then, he gave Xue Ming a few words and left the underground base.

He left quickly, and his face was full of excitement.

Fang Jing watched him leave, frowned, and lowered his head to think for a few seconds.

Then, he suddenly raised his head, stared at Xue Ming, and said solemnly:

"Comrade Xue Ming, I need all the information of the Umbrella Company."

"Please give it to me immediately!"

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