Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 109 When I go crazy, everyone is scared!

Resident Evil World.

General Cheng Kainan came to the command center of the base. He was holding the information report in his hand, and his hands were trembling slightly.

Judging from his face, he is probably angry.

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Wang came to him and saw that his condition was different, so he asked quickly.

"Others in the army have many doubts about Fang Jing's words, so..."

"Our space agency intercepted the data from the Umbrella Company's satellite."

"The other party's data protection level is very high, but we still cracked a small piece of video."

Speaking of this, Cheng Kainan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and he roared angrily:

"These beasts!"

Mr. Wang shifted his gaze and looked at the large head-up monitor on the side.

Sure enough, the video is playing above now.

The video is a narrow space. Judging from the appearance, it should be...

"Raccoon City, Underground Hive!"

Mr. Wang's pupils shrank and he continued to read quietly.

The video continued, and at the next moment, from the surveillance perspective, several figures entered the screen, pacing unsteadily.

These people wore white coats and gently knocked their heads against the bulletproof glass.


One of them turned his head and walked towards the surveillance screen in a daze.

He came closer.

When Mr. Wang saw his face, his pupils were even more shocked.

This is a zombie!

His face was ferocious and pale, with light black lines in it, and he grinned like a wild beast.

"Mr. Wang, now we can confirm that the T-virus from the Umbrella Company has really been leaked underground in Raccoon City, and, so far, it is still spread through gas."

Cheng Kainan looked ugly, clenched his fists and said angrily:

"In addition, the data we cracked shows that the hive has been opened, and leakage is inevitable!"

“We must get the vaccine and the virus as soon as possible!”

Mr. Wang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them suddenly. After calming down, he gritted his back molars, opened his eyes suddenly and said:

"I'll make arrangements immediately!"

This video was intercepted and combined with the materials provided by Fang Jing.

The senior Chinese officials of Biohazard immediately believed it.

With Mr. Wang's assurance, they immediately responded quickly!

2007, May.

Resident Evil World.

After the secret meeting of the Eastern powers, Mr. Wang gave an overall introduction.

All senior figures agreed, and they made important decisions concerning the 1.3 billion citizens of this large Eastern country.

From now on, all diplomats and foreign nationals will be recalled and the whole country will be locked down!

At the same time, he secretly promised to completely let go of the shackles on Beibang.

After receiving the approval, Beibang immediately made a decision that was in line with his settings.

loyalty! Go south!

For a time, the peninsula was raging with war.

Not only that, during the interval when Nanbang was attacked by rocket launchers.

The great Eastern country even took action personally!

Three days.

Only three days were given to reach the peak.

Time is running out...

No matter the cost!

The troops originally stationed at the border.

An emergency combined army was formed to act as a commando, departing from the border, entering from Beibang, and raiding for 400 miles!

A heavily armed combined force of an army!

Go south!


Full speed ahead!

Not only that.

What ensures their safety in the air and space is——

Second Artillery!

Nanbang, in an instant, felt the fear of the torrent of steel!

All airports, radar facilities, and important buildings in military bases in Nanbang.

Within an hour of opening fire, we received a saturation bombardment of rockets and missiles!

In an instant, there was not a single plane that could take off in the entire southern peninsula!

The North Club was so happy that the South Club started fighting each other at the border.

At this moment, an airborne company quietly landed in a mountain forest somewhere in Nanbang.

Faced with the sudden war, the entire defending United States, Liben and Nanbang were all stunned.

Damn it, what are you doing, this happened all of a sudden.

Of course, what follows is madness!

Especially the United States.

How dare you touch my dog? !

The aircraft carrier fleet is gathering!

In the face of accusations from the entire Western world, the United States has withdrawn its troops to prepare for another Korean War.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a large Eastern country only said a few words and made the whole world silence and fear, even the Western world was no exception.

At the press conference, when faced with questions from foreign reporters, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs just said calmly:

"We advise the United States to immediately evacuate members of the military base stationed in Nanjing."

"If the United States insists on sending troops despite warnings, I would regret it."

"In order to achieve military goals in this war, our military promises that there will be no upper limit to the intensity of the war."

After saying this, the spokesperson paused, and then said loudly and forcefully with piercing eyes:

"In addition, from now on, the country has entered a state of war and all retired soldiers have been recalled."

"With the exception of basic material production enterprises nationwide, all enterprises in the country will immediately transform into military production enterprises in accordance with wartime economic strategies."

"This military expansion, Directive No. 1, expands the number of nuclear weapons to 200,000."

The upper echelons of the Eastern Powers learned about the situation in detail and saw the evidence, confirming that the virus in Raccoon City was completely leaked.

Decided to stud!

They would rather usher in the demise of human civilization in a nuclear war than be destroyed by a virus!

What's more, using nuclear weapons as a threat will increase the chance of survival!

So, they took action.

Damn, the insider is the insider, just report the location.

Just rob the virus!

After taking down the virus and researching the antidote, we will settle accounts with the Umbrella Company!

200,000 nuclear bombs.

This is not just a threat, but a tip to the United States.

If you dare to interfere, then wait for a nuclear war.

And to prevent the United States from not understanding what people say.

After the press conference, less than half an hour later, the Eastern power launched a Dongfeng 5 intercontinental ballistic missile into the Western Pacific!

This missile actually carries a nuclear warhead!

Its explosive power is only equivalent to 50 Little Boys.

An hour later.

In the Western Pacific, a terrifying mushroom cloud rose up!

The ionizing radiation made everyone silent.

The whole world knows it.

This time, the Eastern power is serious!

They suddenly went crazy? !

Even Russia in the north was dumbfounded.

Damn, I just yelled at you all the time, but you really did it!

Even the United States was dumbfounded. Where in the world would a war start with a nuclear bomb?

They quickly suppressed the army temporarily.

After all, this is a nuclear war!

The people in power in the United States are not stupid. If a nuclear war really happened.

Under the nuclear warhead, everyone is equal!

The higher up the social ladder, the more they cherish their lives!

Who the hell would want to hide in a bunker if they can live in luxury now!

South Korea, a city, the northern part of the Umbrella Corporation, the entrance to the base.

“Da da da da da da.”



The fierce sound of gunfire and artillery continued.

The Umbrella Corporation’s rapid response team hid behind the bunker and kept screaming.

"Eric, damn, what's going on? Our communications are all down?!"

The bunker in front of the deputy captain of the team was hit by a burst of bullets, and he screamed at the captain.

"Electromagnetic pulse weapons, the other side used electromagnetic pulse weapons!"

The captain was also terrified.


They are just mercenaries.

Damn, they are fighting against the organized army, what's the point!

"Let's retreat, captain, we can't win at all!"

The deputy captain roared, damn, the other side directly used artillery, how can we stop it?

"No, the order from above, we must hold on for another half an hour!"

"Half an hour!"

The deputy captain roared, hysterically:

"We can't even hold on for five minutes!"

"Hold on..."

The captain frowned and replied, and when he heard the gunshots and artillery sounds ended, he immediately and carefully stuck his head out from behind the bunker.

Then, he saw the black hole-like muzzle in the distance, facing their direction.

In addition, there was a long missile mounted on an armored vehicle, aimed at them.

"A flat ground-penetrating missile?!"

The captain's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted out his last curse in his throat:

"Hou Lixie - Te!"

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