Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 114 Nuclear fission strike detected on the way!

The world of Resident Evil.

The entire Eastern country, in the eyes of all countries in the world who look at it as a psychopath, still goes its own way.

This makes the United States and its younger brothers all confused.

What's going on?

They dare not ask, nor do anything.

All the people are soldiers, and the 1.3 billion people are all transformed into mobilized personnel.

Either join military production, join the militia, or join the army directly.

This terrifying volume is mobilized.

Whoever comes will have to tremble three times, and by the way, weigh it up, do you dare to provoke?

In the southeast, a certain border province, close to the border mountains and forests, belongs to the territory of the Eastern country.

The people have been mobilized by the army to relocate.

Liu Xi is the army colonel who received the order to relocate the people.

"Colonel Liu, according to the summary of the data center, all residents in the border have been relocated, and the household registration verification results show that there are no omissions!"

In the command vehicle, the communicator reported the situation loudly.

"Very good!"

Liu Xi nodded heavily.

After confirming the data again and again, the command of [mission completed] was sent back to the headquarters.

"Beep, beep, beep--"

The sound of the radio telegram kept ringing.

The headquarters responded immediately.



After the information officer cracked the code, he stood up from his seat in horror.

His tone was full of disbelief.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Xi frowned, immediately stepped in front of him, took the paper with his hand, and looked down.

[The command center sent a telegram: Order Liu Xi's troops to immediately evacuate the Xiaonan border. It is expected that in 4 hours, the Second Artillery will launch a war nuclear bomb to hit the punctuation xxxx. Please ensure that the evacuated troops are at least 200 miles away from the punctuation! ]

Tactical nuclear strike? !

What's going on? !

At this time, Liu Xi showed the same expression as the information officer.

I'm going to your grandmother's legs.


Liu Xi raised his head suddenly, grabbed the radio with his hand, and immediately sent a message to the whole army, roaring:

"Everyone listen to the order, get on the car immediately."

"Count the number of people, we will leave immediately and return to the military district!"

After saying that, Liu Xi hurried back to Zhi's seat.

At the same time, he was also shocked.

What on earth is going on above?

How come tactical nuclear strikes have been developed? !


Four hours passed quietly.

Just after Liu Xi and the troops hid 200 kilometers away.

Somewhere in the southwest, an object with a tail of flame flashed violent flames, broke through the dusk, rose to near space, and then made a 90° turn in the air, and then suddenly plunged to a certain place.

Malacca, US Air Defense Base.

Mavier is the commander of this base.

He was sitting on the top floor of the base at this time, happily brewing a cup of rice coffee.

Although the Eastern power didn't know why, it suddenly went crazy.

However, due to the opponent's weak navy, Malacca, which is a long distance away from the opponent, can barely rest assured.

This is also the reason why he is so leisurely.

After all, the people in the Pentagon should be the ones who have a headache.

How terrifying it would be for a crazy nuclear power and industrial power...


It's terrifying to think about it.

"It seems that it's time to move here. At least the Eastern powers will not launch a nuclear attack on such a small island. It's completely worthless."

Mr. Marvel laughed and quietly looked forward to the fragrant coffee flowing out of the coffee machine.

However, just when he put the cup on.

"Bang!" The door of his office was pushed open directly.

"Oh no, Commander Marvel!"

The person who came was his deputy, Colonel Smith.

At this time, he was no longer calm, his eyes were panicked, his face was pale, he was gasping for air, and he said in fear:

"Our signalman has detected a nuclear fission strike on the way!"

"It's only 800 kilometers away from us!"


Merwell stood up in fear.

Nuclear fission, atomic bomb? !


After swearing, Merwell hurriedly followed his deputy and ran out the door.

And the coffee he had been looking forward to for a long time.

It could only be wasted.

It was not just the US Air Force base that got the news.

The entire Southeast Asian countries detected this undisguised--

nuclear fission strike on the way!

But after predicting the landing point, everyone was silent.

Because, this atomic bomb... actually fell on the territory of the Eastern power itself.

"What is this?!"

Merwell looked at the Eastern power that was setting off tactical nuclear bombs like firecrackers along the border, with a confused look on his face.

What is Watt doing?

Who the hell uses tactical nuclear bombs as firecrackers!!!

"Commander Marvell, it's a bit strange..."

The deputy pointed at the map, looked at the marked explosion points, and thought about it.

"You see, these explosion points are almost all along the border between the Eastern Power and Southeast Asian countries."

"Almost all the hills were flattened by their atomic bombs, and the forests were burned out with solid gasoline incendiary bombs to create isolation zones."

Not only that, the deputy called up other places to monitor the Eastern Power.

Not just Southeast Asia.

Peninsulas, grasslands, plateaus, and even mountains.

The same thing happened on the borders of all Eastern Powers.

"It seems that the Eastern power is building a huge isolation zone along the border?"

"How is it possible!"

Merville rejected his deputy's judgment without hesitation. He said angrily:

"Isolation zone? Isolation zone that isolates the entire country?"

"Who are they going to guard against? Are they going to let the monkeys in Southeast Asia cross the border, or prevent the livestock in South Asia from crossing the Himalayas?"

"This country is just crazy!"

"Now, we have to worry about how to treat this madman!"

After flatly rejecting his deputy's speculation, Merville rubbed his head and began to send a report to the Pentagon.

His damn vacation was ruined because of this incident!


In the world of Resident Evil, the Eastern power, the three-army headquarters.

Here, a large number of people gathered here.

On the screen next to it, their battle plan was displayed.

The isolation plan code-named "The Great Wall of Despair"

"All the narrow passes in the Himalayas leading to South Asia have been bombed and blocked."

"Southeast Asia has used ground-penetrating nuclear bombs to blow up trenches thousands of meters long and is burning forests to create open areas."

"In the northeast, Changbai Mountain has been blown up and collapsed, and the entire North Korean channel has been cut off."


In the conference room, the sound of radios continued to ring.

Cheng Kainan looked at the arrangements and satellite images, then turned to report to Mr. Wang:

"Mr. Wang, we have done our best to block the border."

"A huge isolation zone has been formed around the entire country."

"In addition to all the isolation zones, we have also dispatched a large number of garrisons."

"I have ordered all those who attempt to cross the border to be killed directly, no matter what they are, without any mistakes!"

"Yes." Looking at General Cheng Kainan's deployment, Mr. Wang nodded slightly and said lightly:

"In this way, we should be able to hold on for a month."

After speaking, he turned back and whispered:

"In addition, Umbrella Company, continue to investigate and monitor."

"After getting the antidote and solving the domestic crisis, we will settle accounts with them!"

At the end, Mr. Wang's tone was a little gloomy.

He promised.

At that time, these inhuman guys will be allowed to go peacefully!

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