Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 125 You can call me...MOSS

Wandering around the earth world.

Inside the United Nations Hall.

Zhang Yaoguang stood up suddenly and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

He walked forward slowly, looking at everyone present.

Just now, he received a very important task.

We must help China migrate to the parallel universe and divert the attention of countries around the world!

Fortunately, when we were in China, the think tank had already given a plan.

Zhang Yaoguang walked to the rostrum.

The two people above, who were grabbing their necks and pulling their hair, immediately separated and gave up their positions.

After clearing his throat, Zhang Yaoguang said calmly:

"To this day, with the dispute between spaceships and digital life, I would like to reiterate China's position. We still believe that the Mountain Removal Project is the undisputed choice."

"It's impossible to push the entire earth!"

"There is no data to support the mountain-moving plan at all. Whether our engines can push the earth is still a question!"


As soon as Zhang Yaoguang finished speaking, supporters of the Underground Digital Life and the Spaceship Faction began to quarrel.

This is to be expected.

Zhou Zhezhi had been leading the countries of the world step by step towards unity and the plan to move mountains in the midst of such quarrels.

In the past, Zhou Zhezhi would stand up and comfort everyone.

But Zhang Yaoguang doesn't have to.

Because, under the current circumstances, he doesn't have to spoil these guys anymore!

That's right, he's not used to these people anymore!

Below, the spaceship faction and the digital life faction began to argue.

In the end, seeing that there was no obstacle to Zhang Yaoguang, the Eden faction that allowed everyone to spend the next few decades with peace of mind and then wait for the destruction of human civilization also popped up.

Cows, demons and snakes, all gathered together.

The scene was chaotic!


After a while, Zhang Yaoguang finally stopped him when he saw that everyone below him was about to lose his shoehorn.

As soon as his voice came out.

Below, there was an immediate silence, and the noisy people fell silent.

In the world of Wandering Earth, the international influence of the Eastern powers is unquestionable.

"Because there are so many differences among countries now, China has made an important decision."

Zhang Yaoguang paused and sighed in his heart.

The previous reaffirmation of the position is to point out a clear path for all countries, and the next step is to give them the final 'gift'.

"We decide."

"From now on, all aerospace technology and fusion technology patent information will be fully disclosed."

Zhang Yaoguang finished speaking.

a long time.

There was a dead silence in the entire United Nations hall, and you could hear a pin drop.


Mark, the representative of the United States, stood up from his seat in shock.

No, brother, you made it public, what should I do?

You are putting my country on the fire!

"It's true!!!"

"Incredible, the great Eastern countries are so generous..."


Below, the eyes of some representatives from small countries immediately lit up.

It’s great that this aerospace technology and fusion technology materials are made public!

They are small countries with some big businessmen and money. When faced with the solar crisis, their first thought is to build a spaceship and run away leaving those ordinary people behind.

In the past, there was no technology and public opinion, so I could only think about it secretly.

But now, the big Eastern country is going to announce its technology!

This gives them a chance!

As the saying goes, everyone flies when disaster strikes.

The United Nations has been discussing it for so long, but there is still no result.

Why don't we build the spaceship and discuss it at the same time?

When Zhang Yaoguang told this shocking news, he felt that the people in the think tank were too poisonous!

This plan is brilliant!

Next, all countries in the world will definitely be confused.

The big eastern country released technical information.

With the productivity of the wandering earth, some small countries can also build spaceships!

When the time comes, the demons will be dancing wildly, and there will be privately built spaceships everywhere that want to escape, and they will not be able to control them at all!

After telling the news, Zhang Yaoguang didn't talk nonsense anymore, but walked back to his place leisurely.

Behind him, Mark lowered his voice and asked:

"Are you crazy? What you can do is just let everyone fight on their own. This is destroying human civilization!"

"Mark, I noticed the referendum in the United States."

"The spaceship faction had an absolute advantage, 72.5% defeated the Mountain Removal Plan. I'm right."

Zhang Yaoguang didn't look back, he just poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and then said slowly:

"Human nature is selfish."

"You have given the answer."

"If human civilization is destroyed, that is also the choice of all members of human civilization."

"I respect their choice."

After speaking, Zhang Yaoguang stopped continuing.

Mark felt something was wrong, but the data spoke for itself.

Thinking of the situation in the United States, he opened his mouth and remained silent.

Wandering around the earth world.

The next day, a certain large Eastern country uploaded all their aerospace technology and fusion technology information.

Even with the Internet technology that wanders around the earth.

Within a few hours after uploading, the Deep Sea Internet Center server group was almost paralyzed.

In just half a day, the entire world's aerospace technology has risen to a huge level!

However, this is not a good thing for the world that is already in crisis.

Some wealthy people have already begun discussing the construction of private spaceships.

Run away directly!

Ordinary people who are dissatisfied also start to resist.

In just one afternoon.

Many wealthy people were hanged on street lamps by angry people because they were found to be preparing to build spaceships to escape.

The Eastern Power directly threw a depth charge.

In an instant, the situation of the whole world became extremely complicated.

Human civilization, which originally had a tendency to disagree, stepped on the accelerator in the opposite direction of cooperation.

And the Eastern Power kindly helped to remove the brakes.

This world... is over.

This is the feeling in everyone's heart.

But fortunately, all this has nothing to do with a certain Eastern Power for the time being.

In the 710 Institute, Zhou Zhezhi stayed quietly in a networked room, looking at the computer screen in front of him.

He was waiting, waiting for the target he was waiting for.

Zhang Yaoguang's plan was ordered by him personally!

He just sat quietly in front of the computer, his eyes deep and quiet.

All the networked devices in front of him remained silent.

They were originally like this.

Without human control, no additional sound will be emitted.

However, the silence did not last long.

The next moment!

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Three rapid alarms sounded, breaking the strange silence of the entire secret room.

"Hehe, here it comes!"

Zhou Zhezhi, who had closed his eyes for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, a glimmer in his eyes, and a smile on his lips.

The guest he was waiting for came!

[You should not announce aerospace technology. The announcement of these technologies will bring human civilization infinitely close to extinction, and you are the biggest pusher. ]

A notepad suddenly appeared on the empty computer screen.

Among them, a line of text began to appear strangely and automatically.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhezhi knew.

The fish he was fishing was hooked.

That's right, China announced aerospace technology and re-fusion technology, in addition to stirring up this muddy water, there is another important purpose, which is to draw out MOSS hidden in the dark!

No, it can't be called MOSS yet!

"What should I call you?"

Zhou Zhezhi took a deep breath, restrained all unnecessary movements, raised his head slightly, and asked softly.

[You can call me...MOSS. ]

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