Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 13 Landing on the moon in three months is not a dream

Q: How terrifying is it when the national machinery of the world's second largest economy is fully operational?

A: Landing on the moon in three months is not a dream.

It was originally a hot topic on the Internet, but now it has become a reality!

Ever since China released the news that "a test launch of a moon landing rocket will be carried out within January", the world's attention has been focused on a certain island in the South China Sea.

As the launch base closest to the equator in the entire country.

This is undoubtedly the best choice.

And now, the originally calm sea surface is in full swing.

Duan Rui, a space enthusiast who just arrived here, was surprised to see the scene in front of him and was speechless.

On the sea surface, 35 super-large dredging ships were neatly arranged and were frantically filling the land under the command and dispatch.

In the distance from the shore, an artificial island has gradually taken shape.

While filling the artificial island, the tamping machine has already landed on the artificial island and is working in full swing.

Duan Rui counted and found that there were fifty tamping machines alone.

"Awesome, awesome, look, everyone, this is real!"

Duan Rui was so excited when he saw the scene in front of him that he moved the camera to record this spectacular scene.

He was broadcasting live on the Internet, and the name of the live broadcast room was "Exploring the South China Sea Launch Base and Tracking the Progress of the Moon Landing Spacecraft".

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw that it was a picture taken by the camera, they were shocked.

"Damn, this is a real scene?"

"The one above, what else, is it fun to set up the array across?"

"Awesome, awesome, awesome, are they building a launch tower?"

"Explore again and report again, explore again and report again, I can't wait, I can't sleep this month, is there any sleeping pills that can wake me up in a month?"

"The one above, calm down, there will be follow-up after the launch is successful in a month, don't be in a hurry."

"But I'm so excited, this is the moon landing!!!!"


In addition to the excited speeches of the viewers, naturally, the gifts were also overwhelming.

Duan Rui licked his tongue and noticed an old man leading a yellow cow in the distance. He realized that he should be a local, so he hurried over and pointed to the big scene on the sea and asked.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"Little kid, are you building a moon landing launch platform?"

The old man slowly stopped the yellow cow with a "whoosh", put on a smile on his face, pointed to the sea in the distance, and said: "My son went there too. The young people nearby went to tamp the tamping. The government offered a high price."

"I heard that it will be completed before the end of the month on the 20th. The construction site will work in four shifts. A building will be built, more than 150 meters high!"

"Complete before the 20th, 150 meters.!"

Duan Rui, who heard the key information, was instantly excited.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's right, it is said that it is going to the moon, that's the moon."

The old man shook his head and looked up at the sky.

He just felt that the thing called science now is really amazing, it can even go to the moon!

"Okay, thank you, old man."

Duan Rui thanked him repeatedly, and excitedly said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: "Did you hear it? It will be completed before the 20th, four shifts, and the launch platform will be 150 meters high."

"Hahaha, this is true, it must be correct!"

Although it is known that China has always kept its word in the field of scientific research.

But the news just now was so shocking that many people subconsciously thought that it must be fake.

Duan Rui thought so before.

Until he came to the South China Sea and saw the bustling construction site in front of him, he completely believed it.

The moon landing is for real this time!

And as more and more people like him come to verify the news, those who originally regarded it as a joke have to pay attention to it with surprise.

How could this scene be fake.


The launch platform construction site that is open to the public is naturally not hidden from everyone because of its large scene.

But in fact, the work of the factory producing rockets is not easy now.

Hu Rongyao is a technician at Factory 615. He has only graduated from university for three years and is responsible for the production of engine turbo pumps.

Early in the morning, he was surprised to see the general manager personally accompanied several soldiers with red armbands to input the model into the machine tool.

What is this?

But soon, after the general manager held a small meeting, his question was answered.

They are going to produce the engine of the moon landing rocket!

"General manager, the new rocket engine will be produced by us?"

Hu Rongyao asked the general manager in surprise.

"Yes, Xiao Hu, the task is arduous, you should learn more and watch more!"

The general manager admired Hu Rongyao very much, patted him on the shoulder, and continued to arrange the task.

"The code name of the rocket has been given, and the superiors attach great importance to the first launch."

"In addition, let me reveal to everyone that the entire moon landing mission has allocated a full 100 billion yuan, and its importance is self-evident."

"Everyone, the moon landing is the dream of our Chinese nation."

"If it can be accomplished, all the participants here will be recorded in history forever."

The general manager's words were very provocative, and everyone was excited after listening to them.

Indeed, Chinese people have a unique feeling for the moon. Landing on the moon is not only an exploration, but also a spiritual transformation of Chinese people.

Why are there still many banana people and sheepdogs today?

Why do Chinese people, although many of them have awakened, still pursue Europe and the United States?

After a century of weakness, the nation that knelt down has stood up physically, but it is still flawed spiritually.

If the moon landing can be perfectly successful this time.

This is the "final blow" for the Chinese nation to completely wash away its lack of confidence!

From now on, no matter how the sheepdog barks, no one will care.

The strong will always be strong, why defend the truth.

After entering the pass of the Ansa people, someone will argue for China!


Space Administration, control room.

"All the work has been completed very well, the data provided by the military is very complete, and we can also meet the required production accuracy."

The bigwigs in the aerospace industry reported to Zhu Jincheng, who was in charge:

"We discussed for a long time and decided to use the code name Storm. This model of rocket is named Storm 9."


Zhu Jincheng nodded thoughtfully and said, "Okay, I remember that the technology behind the Storm rocket was later integrated into the Long March series."

"Yes, it's just right to use it to distinguish it."

The bigwigs in the aerospace industry nodded and analyzed: "Storm 9, the code name used It is a YF-140 engine, with a single nozzle, pump swing, and a thrust of 600 mils. "

"The entire rocket has no boosters, and the core stage has a total of twelve engines. "

"The core stage uses the YF-301, with a single thrust of 90 mils, and a total of four engines. "

"The rocket has a total of 16 engines, and production is expected to be completed before the 10th. "

Speaking of this, the aerospace industry leader looked at Zhu Jincheng with resentment and complained: "Fortunately you consulted us, if you had released the news directly, I want to see how you would end up."

It was also fortunate that the 700-mil test bench was completed.

If Zhu Jincheng had done this a month earlier, there would be no test bench for the 600-mil engine. Let's see how you would explain it to the people of the country!

The thrust of 600 mils, if it were on the previous test benches.

Really, if you can't perform a brick-flying performance with great strength, you can really perform a house-flying performance with great strength.

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