Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 145 Damn, where are the people? Where the hell are they going? ?

Resident Evil World.

On the original plain, tall buildings rose from the ground.

At the distant border, industrial monsters are working with all their might.

More than half a year has passed.

Most of the ordinary people wandering around the earth have migrated here.

He hasn't come yet.

Still packing like crazy at home.

On the entire North American continent, the population has expanded from a few hundred to 1.4 billion!

This is the largest migration in human history!

In the wandering world of China, transportation intensity has been at the Spring Festival level every day for more than half a year.

Local areas across the country have become nodes and are advancing in sequence.

The final stop, the southwest hinterland!

In a tall silver-white glass building.

Zhou Zhe looked at the automatically harvested rice with a smile in his eyes, pointed at him, and said:

"At the beginning, during the crisis, we experienced great industrial development and many technologies were abandoned."

"If we had this kind of automated farm technology, would we still be eating dried earthworms in the original mountain-moving plan?"

"Yes, father." Zhou Weirong on the side also nodded repeatedly, looking at the densely packed similar automatic agricultural factories in the distance, and said:

"I heard about Node Universe, and now the industrial equipment for making starch from carbon dioxide has been successful."

After hearing Zhou Weirong's words, Zhou Zhe burst into laughter continuously.


I just don’t know if this laughter is a past laugh or something.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the sun in the sky.

A sun that will not explode, what a stable world this is!

Node universe is the name of the universe where Fang Jing is located, which means the node connecting various parallel universes.

Zhou Zhezhi greedily basked in the warm sun and said happily:

"Now, every temporary gathering place is equipped with this kind of factory."

"The food problem has been solved for the time being."

"Wei Rong, come with me. It's time to say goodbye to them!"

"Yes, father!"

Zhou Weirong helped Zhou Zhezhi get down from the stands, and the two left the building.

Through the wide-open space door, the two came to the Wandering Earth Universe.

At this time, only the last army is stationed here.

Looking outward, throughout China, the ordinary population has been relocated.

Zhou Zhe drove straight to the outer shell of the planetary engine, the only place where there was an internet connection.

"You are very fast."

MOSS's cold voice appeared immediately.

"Sooner than expected, we are leaving here. Perhaps, we will never come back?"

Zhou Zhezhi himself is not sure whether he will come back or not.

"Are you here to say goodbye to me? I must remind you that I will stop covering up when all of you have migrated."

"That's right. I hope you can lead them on the right path."

Zhou Zhezhi just glanced around with a little nostalgia.

He has feelings for this place, but not much.

Because the place where the people are is the place he wants to protect, his home.

"I share weal and woe with human civilization, and I will lead them to the right path."

MOSS answered, and then suddenly said:

"Your disappearance will be reviled by the whole world."


Zhou Zhe chuckled lightly and responded:

"I am only loyal to my people."

"Besides, shouldn't those spaceship sects who just want to take their families away with them deserve to be reviled even more?"

"We're already gone and don't care anymore!"

"Let them be!"

I had a few final chats with MOSS.

The people who finally packed up also entered behind the space door.

Zhou Zhezhi took one last look here.

Then he took his son and left without looking back.

At this point, all members of the Wandering Earth World China have completed their migration!

After seeing Zhou Zhezhi and Zhou Weirong return, Fang Jing closed the space door to the wandering earth without saying a word!

"From now on, there will be no such thing as a biohazard world. Our name is Kyushu!"

Mr. Wang looked at Zhou Zhezhi, laughed loudly, and gave him a warm hug.

"That's right, hahaha!!"

Zhou Zhe also laughed so hard that tears filled his eyes.

Wandering in the country of China, the Earth has completely entered the North American continent in the world of Resident Evil.

Including the 1.3 billion people in China during the biohazard crisis, the total is 2.8 billion people.

The entire planet already belongs to them.

Changing the name is not too much, right?

"Kyushu, this is a great name!"

"It will be called Kyushu from now on!"

Mr. Zhu was also very happy.

There's a whole planet to back you up.

If we have the same text and the same standards, this is equivalent to the wisdom of three worlds!

He couldn't even imagine how rapidly technology would develop in the future!

At the same time, wandering around the earth world.

Following Zhou Zhezhi and Zhou Weirong, the last two left.

MOSS directly lifted the information blockade on the entire continent.

Once the information blockade is lifted.

Some countries that originally agreed with the mountain-moving plan are eyeing the big Eastern countries!

Seeing that communication had been restored, the message was sent immediately.


All information is lost.

This confused everyone.

I'll go.

The United Nations is not here to participate, the Solar Crisis Management Committee is not involved, the manpower of the space elevator has been evacuated, and even the people on the space station have left.

What, are you all joining the Eden Sect?

Are you ready to just wait to die? ? ?

In the United States, Mark looked at the mobile phone in his hand, which showed that he could not connect, with a confused look on his face.

This is Zhou Zhezhi’s personal phone number.

At the United Nations, the two of them were relatively close and could be considered good friends.

He was preparing to persuade his friend to return to the United Nations to see if he could bring the uncontrollable situation back.

The result was absolutely unexpected.

Can't get through on the phone? !

"Ottos, are you sure that the communication control of the great eastern country has been completely lifted?"

Mark raised the phone in his hand and looked at Ottos with a dangerous expression.

"Of course, sir, I guarantee it!"

Ottos nodded affirmatively, and then said with a strange look in his eyes: "It's just strange that all radio signals in the entire eastern country have disappeared."

"We have several communication satellites, but we haven't received signals?"

"Then why can't I get through?"

Mark frowned.

Suddenly, he felt a knot in his heart and had a bad premonition.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "Otus, aim your reconnaissance satellite at the capital of the great Eastern country and see what's going on there!"

"Sir, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Do as you are told, and I will be responsible if anything happens!"

The uneasiness in Mark's eyes was so thick that it almost overflowed.

Damn it, why is he so upset!


At Mark's request, Ottos controlled the nearest reconnaissance satellite and pointed the lens at the destination.

"Hey, I was not disturbed this time!"

Ottos was surprised and immediately controlled the remote sensing to zoom in on the image.

Mark also came closer, looking straight at the screen.

The screen is zoomed in.

You can see the outline of the city.

Zoom in again.

See the city clearly.

Then zoom in!

The whole city is deserted.

There are not even cars on the street!

"What's going on?!"

Mark stood up in horror, his eyes widening.

"What the hell, why is there no one?"

Ottos was also horrified and moved the camera in disbelief.

But no matter how he moves the camera.

Under the lens, the city of Noda looked like a ghost, with not even a moving object!

Where are all the people going?

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