Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 150 Mine, all mine

The Jupiter Gravity took off without much cover-up.

The first is because the spacecraft is so big.

A 200,000-meter tanker is flying in the sky. What is the concept?

A skyscraper flies across the sky!

This cannot be concealed no matter what.

The second is that now, with the strength of the great eastern countries.

There is no need to be secretive about this kind of spaceship.

Harbor base, perimeter.

Wang Tianxiang is a military fan of the great Eastern countries and is also jokingly known as a wall-crawler on the Internet.

Pictures of things like the 003 aircraft carrier, the 076 amphibious assault ship, and even the former Shandong ship under construction were actually created by wall-crawlers like them.

It can be said that it can be punished and tortured.

Of course, that just looks like a punishment.

What he took was a civilian route, and what he photographed was a civilian shipyard!

What can be done and what cannot be done.

His family is clean.

After all, that shipbuilding yard, when the camera zoomed in, there were several huge Chinese characters, reminding him.

"The camera is pointed at the shipyard, and life is entering the prison cell!"

These words were no joke to him.

Those who are wall-crawlers just don’t cross the line.

Now, he was riding such a passenger ship and was passing through a certain shipyard.

"Yesterday, the satellite interference finally ended, and I thought my rent was going to be ruined!"

The leased civilian satellite has no interference in this area.

This is a signal.

He can enter!

So, he bought the ticket for this boat trip early this morning.

"Buzz buzz-"

The passenger ship's engine roared.

Holding the camera, Wang Tianxiang fixed his gaze on the huge dock he saw yesterday.

"That's the dock. The roof opened yesterday, revealing a vague giant ship!"

Civilian satellites have limited resolution.

So Wang Tianxiang only had a rough look yesterday.

Today, he is here to determine what this is!

Eyes looking at the camera.

Control the continuous enlargement of the picture, and the continuous enlargement.

The screen was facing the huge dock.


That's when.

A loud alarm sounded, which shocked Wang Tianxiang's mind.

"What is this sound?!"


The rapid and sharp siren was particularly harsh.

In an instant, not only him, but everyone on the boat and the people on the nearby shore were also attracted to the sight.

Everyone who heard the sound looked towards the cabin in surprise.

"What's going on?"

Some curious people stretched their necks from the room and looked into the distance in surprise.

At sea, Wang Tianxiang was also confused by the alarm.


Suddenly the alarm went off? ?

What happened?

"Wait a minute, the noise is coming from that dock!"

After he distinguished it, he was immediately sure.

The source of this alarm sound is the dock!

Having determined the target, Wang Tianxiang stared at it.


A faint roar sounded.

Wang Tianxiang's pupils shrank suddenly.

In front of his eyes, from the dock, there was a huge "bow" rising into the sky!

"This, this is a spaceship?!"

Wang Tianxiang was stunned as he kept the posture on his hands blankly.

There is no doubt that this is a behemoth.

The aircraft carrier docked next to it has become a foil.

The huge spaceship floated into the sky with a faint roar, and slowly flew upward.

It blocks the sun.

Shadows, covering the sky and the earth!

Wait until the spacecraft flies over the head of the passenger ship.

Wang Tianxiang only felt that looking up at the spacecraft, he also had a feeling of suffocation.

Fear of giants!

A spaceship of more than 300 meters.

Three football fields are flying in the sky! ! !

Wang Tianxiang was stunned for a while.

Looking at the spaceship in the blue sky, I could only shout excitedly and shouted:


The Jupiter Gravity set off.

It sets off at full speed and will take about five months to reach Jupiter's orbit.

Five months, almost half a year.

Originally, with the speed of the Jupiter Gravity, it could be even faster.

However, it is too big.

Navigate the vastness of space.

Meteorite detection is a very serious problem.

If going full speed ahead.

The Jupiter Gravity rover may be hit by a micrometeorite that is not detected in time, causing an accident.

Therefore, before there was "shield" protection technology.

The spacecraft can only sacrifice speed in exchange for safety.

This is helplessness within helplessness.

"They set out."

At the Xishan base, Zhao Guangyao walked quickly to Mr. Zhu and whispered.

Mr. Zhu nodded and said softly: "I understand."

After responding, he turned his head.

At this time, in the conference room, all the expert groups of Project 237, including insiders from the Academy of Military Science, were present!

"I called you here today. The task is very simple."

"We have fully received the database of the wandering earth world."

"But their technology is too extreme, almost all distorted in the direction of big industry."

"The purpose of my meeting today is to make a point!"

After a pause in his voice, Mr. Zhu said seriously:

"The technology of this universe must be developed comprehensively!"

"So, you must draw up a charter for me, which technologies can be acquired, and which technologies should be released carefully!"

This is the most important purpose of Zhu Lao specially calling everyone.

he noticed.

In the Academy of Military Sciences, there are scientists who actually rely on the technology library of the Wandering Earth World!

This is a serious matter.

So he wants to clear up his roots and impose stricter restrictions!

The meeting was clear.

The 237 plan will establish an independent industrial department. This exclusive industrial department can receive any technology without restrictions.

At the same time, the Academy of Military Sciences and the 237 Project were separated.

From now on, the Academy of Military Science will only selectively accept technologies, conduct reverse research and thoroughly understand them, and spread them to the entire society.


Both are not affected!

After the meeting, Mr. Zhu looked at a map on the tablet in front of him with interest.

This is not a regular world map, but a—

Star map from Earth to Mars!

Today's star map records the distribution of each meteorite group in detail.

Of course, the most important thing is the above points!

The Northwest Airport on Earth, the Xiyang Space Base, the Helium III Mining Center on the Moon, the Mars Transit Base on Mars, and the Asteroid Mining Area!

These five areas are connected.

It’s a big country in the East with an ambitious initial space development plan!

"One year..."

Raising his head slightly, Mr. Zhu murmured:

"By the time they come back, this route will have been initially completed."


"Our construction speed must be improved!"

Now, after some upgrades to the shipyards.

It is no longer difficult to build a space ship in half a year.

However, when we think about the future, the entire asteroid belt and the entire space will be densely packed with resources and minerals everywhere.

Mr. Zhu thinks.

not enough.

This productivity is completely insufficient!

Now the resources of the entire solar system are in the possession of the great eastern powers.

In the asteroid belt alone, more than half a million have been detected.

This is the asteroid belt!

Asteroids are celestial bodies much smaller than planets.

It can be a meteorite as big as a fist, or it can be a dwarf planet hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away!

This is a huge treasure trove!

Now, these things all belong to the great Eastern countries.

Mine, all mine!

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