Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 158 In this universe, humans are never alone

The probe of the detector was inserted into the white sedimentary rock column.

Sedimentary rock column.

This is Zhang Xu's last hope.

There are countless small holes in the inner cavity of these sedimentary rock columns. These small holes may breed the prototype of life in the underwater world of Europa.

These prototypes,

may be the key evidence to reveal the origin of life on Earth!


In the transcription room, on the big screen, the probe has begun to read the environment in the small holes in the inner cavity of the white sedimentary rock.

The data slowly appeared in front of Zhang Xu.

"Detector No. 1 found formaldehyde in the white sedimentary rock."

The countless small holes in the inner cavity of the white sedimentary column will produce a subtle acid-base environment, so the naturally generated proton concentration difference on the cave wall will stimulate the reaction, so that carbon dioxide and hydrogen come together to produce a series of organic matter, including formaldehyde.

And with formaldehyde, perhaps...

Zhang Xu has a little spirit, he now has a strong feeling.

The big one is coming!

"The same is true for No. 2."


"Detector No. 5, a lot of carbon dioxide and hydrogen."


Zhang Xu couldn't help but get nervous.

Damn, am I wrong?

Just when Zhang Xu was doubting himself and frowning,

The biologist who was reading the data on the side suddenly became excited, and he almost danced and shouted:

"Detector No. 6 has found something!"

"Ribose was found in the small hole in the inner cavity detected by detector No. 6!"

"A lot of ribose!"


Zhang Xu raised his head suddenly and immediately thought of the reason.

In a certain alkaline environment, formaldehyde will connect one by one, and then break off, turning into various sugars, including ribose, and even deoxyribose.

Ribose is the five-carbon sugar that turns in the middle of the nucleotide!

And with ribose, a phosphate on the left and a base on the right can form a nucleotide!

Phosphates are everywhere in the silent rock column.

Bases are generated by amino acids in the environment.

As we all know, amino acids are almost everywhere.

Moreover, as long as nucleotides are found, nucleotides can generate amino acids by themselves!

"Are there any amino acids?"

Zhang Xu's breathing became rapid, and he asked hurriedly.

"I was just about to say, Lao Zhang, there are not only amino acids, but also 20 different types of amino acids. Even in the small hole of the inner cavity No. 6, the prototype of bases appeared!"

The biologist's mouth was almost grinning.

Phosphate, ribose, bases.

The raw materials for the formation of nucleotides, aren't they here? !

With all the nucleotides, there is only one condition left to form RNA!


Only at very high concentrations will nucleotides condense into long strings to form RNA!


It can record information on the top, replacing DNA; it can catalyze reactions on the bottom, replacing proteins.

It can handle the entire central dogma by itself.

"Put detector No. 6 as a key focus."

Zhang Xu waved his hand excitedly, and immediately reported to Zhang Changchu, saying anxiously:

"Let all detectors pierce the next small hole in the inner cavity, and keep detector No. 6 still for the time being, and record the current environment in the cavity."

"Got it, and do it immediately."

Zhang Changchu heard the suppressed excitement in Zhang Xu's tone, and knew that the matter was very important, so he did it immediately.

The other five detectors immediately reselected the inner cavity and released the probe.

It's just that the detection result this time.

It made Zhang Xu even more crazy.

Because, there was an extremely important discovery on detector No. 1!

"Thermophoresis effect was found in detector No. 1, and high concentrations of nucleotides were found on the cold end wall of the inner cavity, and even, even a large amount of RNA!"

The biologist has stood up excitedly.

Because of the thermophoresis effect, high concentrations of nucleotides aggregated together and condensed into RNA!

"It's not over yet, the connected nucleotides captured organic acids and even generated long chains of amino acids."

Zhang Xu swallowed his saliva and clenched his hands.

I originally thought that detector No. 6 was already a special case.

Unexpectedly, there is another fierce general here.

Not only are there long chains of RNA, but there are also long chains of amino acids!

"There are long chains of amino acids. In this concentration environment, maybe the long chains will twist into proteins. Keep looking!"

"The probe is uploading data, and we are reading it!"

The biologist was shaking with excitement at this time.

His eyes are now filled with the reported data on the full screen!

This is a discovery that is enough to be recorded in the annals of human history!

They will be remembered by all future generations because of this discovery!

This will be a bold and colorful stroke in biology! ! !

"Old Zhang, good news!"

"We didn't find protein, but we found replicase RNA."

"In addition to replicase RNA, there are thousands of various weird and twisted RNAs, hahahaha!"

Another major discovery!

A large number of RNAs are constantly twisted due to the thermophoresis effect.

And in hundreds of millions of years, among the countless twisted RNAs, there happened to be one or two RNAs that twisted into the shape of replicase RNA.

This replicase RNA can use raw nucleotides and RNA information to replicate new RNA.

Thus, in RNA, the genetic mechanism is formed.

This is a mechanism that was exhausted in the natural environment by exhaustive method!

"I am almost fainted by this surprise."

Zhang Xu covered his head and was speechless with surprise.

The replicase RNA has come out. If this guy mutates in countless time and becomes reverse transcriptase RNA.

Then deoxyribose and RNA can be used to make DNA!

This is not impossible.

In this environment, RNA twists into countless shapes, and happens to twist into replicase RNA. In this process, it twists again and becomes reverse transcriptase RNA. It is completely possible.

Because, on a time scale of hundreds of millions or even billions of years.

Among countless twists, in exhaustive method, there is always such a coincidence.

Anything can happen!

And the evidence on Europa proves that these things did happen in this way!

Because, in the water world of Europa, these are in progress!

Zhang Xu couldn't even imagine what kind of shock this information would cause when it was transmitted back to Earth.

The origin of life has been a gathering place for all kinds of demons and monsters since ancient times.

The reason is very simple, because it cannot be disproven.

Scientific theories are also hypotheses.

Creationism, even alien creationism, these cannot be disproven.

Even among the people, creationism is very popular!

Zhang Xu disdains creationism.

Damn it.

You have to find a big daddy for yourself, right?

Either aliens or gods.

Now, their discoveries on Europa are just the current discoveries.

It is the most powerful evidence!

Life is born from the irregular movement of molecules.

As long as there is a suitable environment, life can be born with the accumulation of time and a little luck.

Even seeing the situation on Europa.

Zhang Xu has a bold guess.

In the universe, life is even widely present.

It's just that there are too many situations like Europa, because the environment of the planet is more difficult, and it is still difficult to breed!

In this universe,

human beings are not alone at all!

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