This is a silent world.

The entire planet was completely deserted, with only faint thunder and storms sweeping across and raging from time to time.

The vast land is full of exposed rocks and disintegrated sand.

A gust of wind blew by, raising dust.

In this huge valley, there is a loneliness that belongs to a different planet.


A swish sound——

A huge, dark giant that reflected the sharp color of metal suddenly appeared in the valley.

[Inspection in progress, gravity equivalent, air analysis]

[Analysis completed: 71% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 3% carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of unknown gases]

[Temperature, 2.724 Kelvin]


Fang Jing traveled to a new world.

However, it was a little different from what he thought. This time, he actually started directly from the alien planet!

This air content and temperature definitely cannot be the earth.

With 3% carbon dioxide, if Fang Jing breaks away from the heavy cavalry, he may not be able to last for two minutes before he is dead!

Die properly!

"Fortunately, the exoskeleton setting has been added. Otherwise, I would have been electrocuted by the power grid during the biohazard."

Electrocuted by the Electric Boar's power grid.

This is probably the most humiliating way to die!

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked around at the desolate world in front of him.

Currently, he is in a huge valley.

"Release the unmanned detector first."

In combat missions, intelligence comes first.

As the first person to explore the new world, Fang Jing's expert team prepared various detailed plans before setting off.

He only needs to execute it to ensure maximum safety!

"Okay, probe, let me see what this planet looks like, and what kind of world this is!"

Electromagnetic rifle muzzle expansion.

Insert the unmanned detector into the muzzle of the gun, connect the gun body to the heavy cavalry, and convert the energy from the gun body to the fusion battery supply.

After doing this,

Fang Jing raised the gun high, adjusted the power of the electromagnetic rifle to the maximum, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of low firing sounds sounded.

The afterimage flashed by.

The unmanned detector, relying on the kinetic energy of the "enhanced version" of the electromagnetic rifle, flew into the air at an unimaginable speed.

[The unmanned detector has been sent out and is scanning the terrain...]

[Gravity conditions detected, the unmanned probe will enter the planet's low-Earth orbit, loading...]

[Loaded, scanning, and transmitting data. 】

Fang Jing restored the electromagnetic rifle, and in front of him, an image of a planet slowly appeared.

This is a planet very similar to the earth. There are oceans and large areas of blue on the planet.

However, it is a pity that there is not a trace of green on the entire continent, and it is full of desolation.

At least from the outside, there may not be any life on this planet.

"No life?!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened.

It can't be lifeless.

Otherwise, this time travel would be too much, right?

The hint is a string of genetic information that is inexplicably very similar to human genes.

The place we traveled to was a lifeless alien planet?

Was there any mistake?

"Maybe the owner of that string of genes is on this planet!"

Fang Jingcai doesn't believe in evil. There is no way he could time travel for no reason. There must be something fishy!

"Detector, scan the world, looking for suspicious man-made structures!"

[The detector intelligent terminal has received it and has executed it. 】

He still doesn't believe it.

There will definitely be a discovery!

Outside the planet, on the Prometheus, the captain who was organizing the landing in orbit looked confused.

Because just now, on this target planet.

Suddenly they received a radio signal!

"Hell, how come there are radio signals in the human frequency band on this planet?"

"The signal comes from low-Earth orbit. Is there human exploration on this planet?"

"No, our colonial fleet did not come this far!"

"Has the signal been interpreted?"

"No, the ionizing radiation of LV233 is too strong, the signal is intermittent, and our reception failed."

At this time, the group of people who were about to land on the landing ship were completely confused.

On a planet that humans have never explored, radio signals that are highly similar to human signal frequency bands appear!

What the hell.

How is that possible!

However, there were two exceptions among the crowd.

Elizabeth Xiao and Holloway Charlie looked at each other, with surprise in their eyes.

LV233, this planet is where they came after searching for the remains of ancient civilizations on the earth and chasing clues.

Now, on this planet, radio signals similar to the frequency bands of human civilization appear.

Could it be,

The engineers who created humanity?

"They're really on this planet!"

A flash of ecstasy flashed across Dr. Xiao's face.

So does his husband, Charlie.

The two were so surprised that they almost hugged each other.

They will overthrow the Darwinian theory that has been developed for three centuries.

Prove that human beings were created by these engineers!

"We're landing soon!"

Almost instantly, Dr. Xiao and his husband looked at the captain eagerly.

"Oh oh oh, okay."

The captain glanced at the company's head, Vickers, and when he saw her nod, he immediately began to operate.

"Everyone, pay attention, I'm the captain, get ready for landing!"

"Ravel, Chance, land!"

"Okay, boss!"

On the Prometheus, a research ship with four engines separated from the mother ship and began to slowly land.

Passing through the planet's atmosphere,

the spacecraft slowly lowered its altitude.

What came into view was a desert, a tornado that reached the sky, and thunderous thunder was brewing inside.

Looking at the entire continent from a distance, here, it was silent, not like a planet where life could exist.

"No radio waves, no heat source."

"The radio waves just now disappeared, it seems that they are shy!"

"Haha, there is nothing in the desert, we should descend."

"Come on, cross that hill and take a look!"

"There, look there!"

Suddenly, Dr. Charlie pointed to a valley and said in surprise:

"God can't create straight lines, so we go there!"

"Oh my god, is that a relic?"

In the distance, the direction pointed by Dr. Charlie.

In a valley, two clearly visible straight lines seem to have constructed a wide runway.

At the end of the flat "runway" is a hill.

On both sides of this hill, there are regular building-shaped objects.

Like guards, the hill is protected by protective columns.

This thing clearly has "artificial" traces.

There is no doubt that this is a relic built by alien creatures!

"We will land there!"

Dr. Xiao and Charlie could not hide their excitement.

Good guy, at least one of their guesses is correct.

That is, there are really alien species on this planet!

This will be the first extraterrestrial intelligent creature discovered by humans.

And, it is also very likely that

humans have discovered their "creator"!

On the spaceship, Dr. Xiao and others were ecstatic.

In the distant valley.

Fang Jing, who was wearing anti-heat source detection and interrupted the radio transmission because of the detection of anti-detection means, was stunned when he saw the landing spacecraft that suddenly appeared from the opposite hilltop and was preparing to land in the distance.

What the hell, a spacecraft suddenly appeared!

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