Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 167 It’s good to have no sense of crisis

Prometheus, airlock, armored vehicle.

Vickers and others sat opposite each other, looking at each other.

They never expected that they would encounter such a situation!

Scientific research can actually be dangerous!

"What do we do now?"

Dr. Xiao was a little angry. She was still thinking about the "engineer's" head!

She suddenly remembered something, turned to ask the captain, and said expectantly:

"Captain, you can control the spacecraft to lure the intruder out of the spacecraft, and then we can escape immediately!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

The captain shrugged, sat on the soft chair of the armored vehicle, and pointed out helplessly.

"Dr. Xiao, most of our spacecraft's intelligent programs have been controlled. Now, I'm afraid this spacecraft has completely escaped our control."

"Now, we just have to sit back and wait."

The answer given by the captain is that there is no solution.

Wait to die!

"A generous gift to Crab Te!"

After scolding angrily, Dr. Xiao, Charlie and others covered their heads and were very anxious.

But there is nothing they can do about their anxiety.

Outside, based on Fang Jing's initiative to destroy the Prometheus' computer, the entire spacecraft's intelligent system was completely defeated.

"100%, cracking completed, intelligent program, Cangjie has replaced the original program..."

"The Prometheus is changing the binding permission. The binding person is Fang Jing. The binding is completed!"

There was a crisp "ding——" sound from the headset.

The unfamiliar mechanical broadcast sound resounded throughout the airlock.

"Welcome aboard, Captain Fang Jing, this is Cangjie, please give instructions..."

Hearing this voice, Fang Jing twisted his neck and smiled suddenly.

The interception was successful.

Prometheus has changed its surname since then!

At the same time, in the armored vehicle, he heard this strange voice. Although Vickers could not understand the content, his face suddenly turned pale.

She realized something.

This spaceship has completely changed hands!

"It's completely over!"

Vickers murmured, holding on to the seat with a pale face.

Without control of the spacecraft, they had no chance of winning.

We can only pray that the intruder will not do anything to them.

That's what Vickers was thinking.

There was a "clang" sound, and a hole as big as a fist was punched in the side of their armored vehicle, and then something was thrown directly in.

"Shock bomb!"


A dull explosion sounded, and then, Vickers' eyes suddenly turned white.

She completely lost consciousness.

Not only her, but everyone in the armored vehicle was knocked unconscious by the flash.

Outside the car, Fang Jing was expressionless.

He wants to remove all distractions.

Including these crew members, and also the biochemical man-David!

Repair the holes in the armored vehicle, control the engine program, and open the airlock.

Fang Jing controlled two armored vehicles and drove directly out of the Prometheus. When he was far enough away, he took out the machine gun on his left hand and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Two armored vehicles, wheel hubs, were completely destroyed and lost the ability to move.

"My marksmanship is not unfamiliar, I hit it directly!"

Fang Jing curled his lips and shouted to Prometheus with satisfaction:

"Close the airlock, bring in two drones, aim their weapons at the two armored vehicles, and fire immediately if there is any movement!"

"Cangjie Intelligent System has received the instruction and is executing it."

The drone immediately flew out, controlled the muzzle in mid-air, and aimed it firmly at the two armored vehicles.

After doing this, ordinary people are ready to take out the heavy cavalry armor and check out the trophies.

But Fang Jing is not right.

He is a true "gou Dao" man.

He has one final step, sending a drone to search the entire spaceship.

He will not come out of his turtle shell until he is sure that there is really no danger!

If there wasn't such a big space inside the spacecraft, Fang Jinggao would have had to drive the heavy cavalry in!

Drones digging deep into the ground to find dangerous factors are already the product of compromise!

After a full half hour, after confirming that there was no danger in the spacecraft, Fang Jing entered the spare room.

After adding pressure, he formally came out of the heavy cavalry with his rifle in hand.

"The location, the medical cabin on the spacecraft, the target, the human genetic samples on it."

After getting off the heavy cavalry, Fang Jing quickly entered the spacecraft with his gun in hand and under the cover of the drone.

Being away from the heavy cavalry and without support, he felt very low sense of security, so he preferred to fight quickly.

This mission is to obtain human genetic samples from the medical room on the spacecraft.

Fang Jing still remembered Dr. Hillier's words.

The genetic information prompted by that mysterious machine should be human, but it was a human being designed by a "designer".

Therefore, the thing that opens the space door——

These are the genetic samples of humans here!

No matter what, it should be the engineer's genetic sample.

But now, everyone is alive on this spaceship.

He first went to collect human genetic samples, and then turned back to collect the genes from the engineer's head, which he had deliberately isolated in the airlock.

This is perfect!

With both things working together, he was confident and could directly complete the strongest start in history.

The first time you come here, open the space door!

Carrying the rifle, he cautiously came to the medical room, plugged in the memory, and while reading the data, Fang Jing took away several portable devices.

Finish all this without stopping.

Return to the spare cabin, enter the heavy cavalry, and return to the airlock.

Fang Jing carefully opened the cloth bag.

Inside, there was a head.

This head is at least 90% similar to humans, the only difference is that it is much larger.

This is the engineer!

In the alien world, the "creator" of mankind is also the "Satan" of mankind.

Because all the engineers' spacecraft docked at LV233 are destined for the earth.

They go to the earth not to see their own creations, but to destroy mankind!

The biological weapons on the engineer's spacecraft are to destroy mankind!

"Destroy mankind, engineer?"

Fang Jing narrowed his eyes and inserted the instrument in his hand directly into the head.

The reading of DNA began.

Speaking of which, the universe of the alien world is unexpectedly empty.

Humans can use superluminal spacecraft to mine in the core star area of ​​the Milky Way.

At this point, they have never encountered other intelligent life.

Here, Fang Jing has reason to doubt.

Have all other intelligent civilizations in the nearby galaxies been destroyed by the Engineers?

Yeah, it's very likely!

"So, in fact, the humans in this world have always lived in a civilization vacuum?"

Thinking of this, Fang Jing finally understood.

There is a reason why the people in the alien world are reckless.

They have been living in a greenhouse for hundreds of years and have never encountered any danger.

No wonder they have lost their sense of crisis.

"It's good to have no sense of crisis!"

"Without a sense of crisis, there is an opportunity to take advantage of!"

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