Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 17 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

In a palace in the United States.

President Fred, after reading the news from the right-wing media, stood up suddenly and smashed the computer on the desk.

"FXXK, how is it possible, this is impossible!"

Just now.

The intelligence department confirmed that the engine of the "moon landing rocket" has begun testing in a place in northwest China.

Moreover, just last night, the other side disclosed a standard exoskeleton armor.

After seeing the pictures sent by the Secretary of Defense, Fred was furious.

"Are our companies and our intelligence departments raised in vain? This is taxpayers' money. Such important intelligence was not known until the enemy announced it?!"

Opposite Fred, Pearl, the representative of the three major military-industrial complexes in the United States, Elaril, the director of the United States Space Agency, and Clyde, the director of the CIA Intelligence Bureau, all sat upright.

They also arrived here in the morning and were worried about the current situation.

"I thought they were just a joke like Li, but all the evidence shows that they are serious."

Elaril, the director of the Space Administration, said solemnly: "This is undoubtedly a signal of space competition!"

"This is the beginning of a new Cold War, Mr. President, I think the most urgent thing is to respond to China. We must complete the return to the moon before them!"

"... I will find a way to deal with this."

Fred's face was gloomy, his eyes swept to the director of the CIA, and nodded to signal him to speak.

Everyone present felt that compared to the mysterious exoskeleton, the moon landing was more worthy of their attention.

CIA Director Clyde had a hoarse voice and lowered his voice: "Mr. President, we have sent people to steal the orbital data of the other side's lunar landing spacecraft, and are preparing to send Starlink to block the other side's flight trajectory."

"Even if it is discovered afterwards, we can use the excuse that China did not communicate with us in advance as an excuse."

"It's just..."

Originally, this plan was perfect, and even Clyde's sinister move was to let the other side succeed in the first few times.

Then in the last launch of the lunar spacecraft.

Use high-power lasers to directly damage the opponent's spacecraft!

In this way, the opponent's astronauts are all wiped out. This kind of blow will take at least a few years to survive.

This will undoubtedly buy more time for the United States to return to the moon! .

"Just what, I don't want to hear just!"

Fred was a little impatient.

He slammed the table and roared: "Tell me the result!"

"The spy we inserted on the other side was discovered."

Clyde shrugged helplessly, and in Fred's eyes that wanted to eat him, he explained: "So we have completely lost the ability to control things, unless we forcibly stop the other side."

"That's why I came."

The representative of the military-industrial complex, Pearl, smiled slightly and said respectfully: "Sir, conventional methods can no longer stop the other side, so we have to use force."

"You want to start a war?"

Fred frowned.

If the two major powers go to war, if he really does this, the consequences will not be something he can bear.

"Of course not. We can't afford the consequences of going to war with another big country." Pearl rolled her eyes helplessly. Going to war with the world's second largest economy on the other side, President, you are really braver than me, I dare not think so. "What should we do?" This doesn't work, that doesn't work, Fred has never felt so difficult. Like dealing with Iraq and Afghanistan in the past, it's not like this, just waving your hand and sending troops directly, and it's done! "We can do something in the Korean area to make the other side feel pressure!" Pearl sneered and explained: "No defense is perfect. When pressure suddenly appears in the Korean area, take advantage of their diversion and the weak vigilance of the moon landing plan, and then invade and take away the data in one fell swoop." "In the words of China, this is... a feint to the east and attack in the west?" After Pearl's voice fell, the others present were silent for a moment. Fred narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head and looked at CIA Director Clyde, thought for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure you can take advantage of this opportunity to get the other party's data?"

"Mr. President..."

The CIA Director was going to say a few polite words to leave himself a way out, so as not to say too much and cut off his own way out.

"Give me a positive answer, Clyde!"

"I want to hear yes or no!"

Fred roared, staring at Clyde, and roared in a low voice: "I will never allow China to complete the moon landing!"

"At least during my term, it is absolutely not allowed."

"Clyde, you know, the election will be held next year. In this century, what will happen if they land on the moon before us?"

With a roar, Fred frantically picked up his water cup and smashed it to the ground with a "clang".

The sound of the broken water cup scared Clyde.

Then, Fred looked at him like a defeated lion with sinister eyes, and said loudly: "By then, my votes and my stocks will hit the bottom!"

"And you, Clyde!"

Pointing at Clyde threateningly, Fred narrowed his eyes and suddenly grinned: "You don't know the consequences."

Don't forget it.

In addition to being the president, Fred is also a big businessman in the United States, and he has unclear connections with the military-industrial complex.

If Clyde dares to say something negative.

Mississippi River, don't mind one more body.

"Yes... Mr. President."

Clyde heard the threat in Fred's words, he stood up, put his right hand on his chest, and bowed slightly:

"As you wish, we will definitely take the data while we have this opportunity."

"We lie, we cheat, we kidnap, we steal. We also have a course to teach these. This is the glory of the United States' continuous exploration and progress."

"We will do whatever it takes for this mission!"

"Very good, Clyde, I'll wait for your good news."

Finally hearing the answer he wanted, Fred nodded with satisfaction, then raised his head and looked at Pearl.

"The unrest in the Korean area is left to you."

"There may be some casualties, Mr. President, you need to mobilize the troops in Yokosuka and the Korean base."

Pearl nodded and kindly reminded the president.

"Casualties? Do you mean our soldiers? Or those monkeys in South Korea?"

Fred sneered, thinking it was really funny that Pearl mentioned this.

"We can promote our soldiers as heroes fighting for the country, and mourn the South Koreans who died in this incident."

"But do we really care about their life or death?"

"They are just a bunch of untouchables, not to mention those dogs in South Korea."

"As long as it does not damage the stock of my company and does not touch the interests of the elites, what does it matter if these people die?"

"Pay attention to the priorities, Pearl, and do things in secret. I don't want to see those untouchables surrounding my house."

Putting down the tuning fork in his hand, Fred waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Be quick, and Elaril, in an hour, I will see social media, all reporting news about our plan to return to the moon!"

"Yes, Mr. President."

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