Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 175 There's still an old bitch here!

Alien world, spaceship ruins, cockpit.

Fang Jing looked at the engineer who fell to the ground and fainted, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He could clearly see the solid punch just now.

The engineer's eyes were so clear! Hey!

Suddenly I wanted to write a big word "miserable" on this engineer's face.

"It's done, Battalion Commander, the target is under control, bring the detention box in immediately!"

The Commando Captain hooked his hand.

The team members rushed forward and immediately restrained the engineer.

In this way, the unstable factors of life forms in the spacecraft ruins were finally resolved.

Next, seal those biological weapons separately, and you can happily study the spacecraft!

"The rest, the task of transporting the bodies of these engineers, is left to the cleanup team."

The commando captain had people carry the captured engineer alive and put him into a huge holding cabin.

The holding chamber will provide a suitable environment to maintain the engineer's survival.

Job done!

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan looked at each other.

Feast your eyes.

This is an intelligent alien creature! ! !

This trip was not in vain.

"Brother Zhou, there are many engineer ships on LV233. Perhaps it is not the only one that survived by chance."

Fang Jing's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"That's for sure. If there is one, there are two. Maybe the situation of other spaceships will be better."

Zhou Yuan definitely nodded.

With too many spaceships, anything is possible!

"Then tell me, are there any scientists from the engineer family among these spaceships?"

When Fang Jing said this, he was a little hopeful.

These are engineers and scientists whose paths are completely different from those of humans.

If they can get one and confirm each other, their scientific and technological vision will be expanded a lot, and some problems that are difficult to prove themselves will also be discovered.

More importantly, this will provide new ways of thinking!

"It must be there. It can't be just the crew. Just like the Kunming ship, although it is a warship, there will also be scientists from the Academy of Military Science stationed on it."

After all, even in the Age of Discovery, there were researchers who would follow the ships.

Zhou Yuanyi calculated that the possibility was quite high.

"And even if not, don't forget, there is a planet full of engineers."

The planet David went to in Alien: Covenant.

There is a family of engineers living together.

Moreover, what is even more exciting is that the engineers there are not on guard.

David and Dr. Xiao drove the engineer's spaceship and killed each other directly.

Can you plot something there?

Fang Jing also reacted, and then thought about it carefully.

The Prometheus fished for humanity, and the engineers also had a planet waiting for them.

Holy shit, this alien world is really a treasure among treasures!

As they spoke, the two of them had already passed through the inner cavity and arrived at the door of the ruins.

As soon as you go out.

The soldiers guarding outside immediately rushed up and conducted laser inspections on their appearance.

After no damage is found, spray and disinfect immediately.

Afterwards, the convoy Shi Shiran transported the engineers and drove to the temporary camp.

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan went directly to the command vehicle.

At this time, in the car, Cheng Yuan was writing a report with an expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Battalion Commander Cheng?"

Fang Jing asked nervously, could something happen? !

"It was Peter Wilander. He used a virtual device to call David and ask about the progress of the mission. I was reporting to the top on how to deal with it."

Cheng Yuan frowned.

Pete Wilander, call David?

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows and suddenly remembered that in the original work, David would also use virtual devices from time to time to report mission progress to Wilander.

Unexpectedly, this time, Weiland actually took the initiative to call!

Temporary camp, hibernating cabin storage area.

In a certain dormant cabin, Wilander was very confused.

Although he is also sleeping, using the equipment developed by the company, his consciousness has remained somewhat awake.

After being woken up by the "alarm clock".

Using the virtual device, he was even able to call David.

However, David didn't come to talk to him on time this time?

Could it be that something unexpected happened!

This amplified the fear in Wilander's heart, who had only a short lifespan.

It’s about facing the fear of coming to the end of your life.

"David, David?!"



There was only silence on the virtual channel.

This lonely silence made Wilander's last self-confidence about to collapse.

Did something really happen? ?

"I'm here, sir."

Suddenly, David's voice appeared on the virtual device.

"David, where have you been!"

Wilander was relieved when he heard David's voice. His voice returned to its high and cold tone, and he asked:

"How's it going?"

"Unfortunately, sir, something went wrong with the mission. We met...another group of...people."

David's voice was calm.

In the virtual world, a panoramic view of the Prometheus suddenly appeared in front of Wilander.

In front of him, the events that had just happened were repeated quickly.

This is David projecting his memory into the virtual world.

This is also Wilander's way of obtaining outside intelligence.

"This, how is this possible!"

Seeing the groups of old armored vehicles and the extremely weird electromagnetic gun tanks in old bottles, Wieland's voice trembled, and the entire virtual world became volatile with his emotions.

"Calm down, sir, it has happened."

"Now, we are all prisoners of the other party, including you."

David's voice was still very calm, and he honestly played the role of an emotionless robot.

"What are the other party's conditions?"

The violently shaking virtual world returned to stability, and Wieland calmed down.

"The other party needs you to provide Wieland Company with evidence that you are not dead, and then they will edit a newsletter to Wieland Company."

David glanced at the distance, the black hole pointed at his gun, and answered truthfully.

"Want to contact the company in my identity?"

"Old armored vehicle, where have I seen this flag before, when I was young..."

Peter Weyland frowned and was silent for a long time. He reacted and exclaimed:

"Are these people time travelers?"

"I don't think so. They all speak Chinese and know us very well."

David spoke slowly, paused for a while, and explained:

"The armored convoy came down from the Prometheus. The spacecraft can't hold so much information."

"I guess they laid wormholes on the spacecraft."

"I can't understand."

David couldn't understand it, and Weyland was silent.

"What can they give me?"

Weyland is dying of old age, and he is not afraid of any threats now.

Let him cheat his own company, yes, but what's the price?

What about the reward for him?

"You should not be able to refuse the reward from the other party."

David spoke calmly.

In the virtual world, another string of memories began to play.

This string of memories is David watching a video.

The video is in a...somewhat backward biological laboratory.

A white man with gray hair was fiddling with a genetic testing device.

Then, the screen was zoomed in on the computer.

"This... this is!"

Seeing the screen on the computer, Viland became excited.

The entire virtual world was shaken by an earthquake.

"Is this true? Is this true!!!"

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