Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 178 The heart of the spaceship, it’s really a heart, right?

"Depend on!"

At Xishan Base, a roar suddenly came from Fang Jing's lounge.

Take off the black fully enclosed helmet on your head,


His chest heaved violently and he gasped for air.

Yes, after Fang Jing learned that there was a virtual reality game, he did not hesitate and ended his trip to Kyushu United University.

I got a virtual reality device when I came back, and then used the military network to

Sign up!

This is a virtual reality game!

Fang Jing is ready to kill everyone inside and compete vertically and horizontally!


As soon as he entered the military's real-time exercise game, he... died.

"Real-time practice game, it's really about fighting aliens!"

Thinking of the horrific scene that just happened, the cold sweat on Fang Jing's forehead was like a bursting dam, flowing wildly.

This game is not just about fighting aliens.

Also fighting supermodel aliens!

Damn it, not only is there an alien fleet of engineers, but there is also an attack object that is obviously a copied "water droplet".

He or she is still the enemy.

Throughout the battle, the Blue Army directly faced the Solar System Fleet, calling names one by one!

Fang Jing entered the scene.

It was so desperate. The biological weapons of the Engineer family were destroying the development bases on various planets in the solar system one by one.

Then, Fang Jing's fleet could only watch the "Water Drop" launch its unparalleled killing spree.

In the end, Fang Jing was taken away in a wave.

"Damn, the difficulty setting is unreasonable!"

Fang Jing sat on the bed, thinking about the scene just now, and couldn't stop mumbling.

How can there be any enemy training equipment that directly surpasses human technology by several generations?

Just when he was complaining like crazy.

"Ding ding ding——"

Fang Jing's confidential phone suddenly rang!


"Hey, this is Fangjing."

"Oh, Colonel Fang, have you also logged into the real-time strategy game?"

"That's right."

"Oh, you entered the wrong scene! You entered the scene in doomsday mode. The strength of the Blue Army, the director's settings are too outrageous!"

"The end...the end of the world?"

Fang Jing's mouth twitched.

No wonder, but this director is too impersonal.

The enemy forces in this doomsday scene are probably set up according to the Trisolaran civilization.

No, it’s an enhanced version of Trisolaran Civilization.

After all, engineer civilization is also involved! ! !

"That's right, you should go into the normal Star Wars version, that's where soldier familiarity is honed."

The voice on the other side of the phone chuckled:

"In the doomsday scene, the Blue Army is too strong and they will die inexplicably."

"I went to experience it a few days ago. As soon as the spacecraft took off, it was killed by the opponent's infrasonic hydrogen bomb."

When you go out, you encounter an infrasonic hydrogen bomb.

There is no doubt that the entire army will be completely annihilated.

Isn't this just like getting off the train and being sent home by a nuclear attack?

"So, how is the battle at the end of the day?"

Fang Jing was very curious.

One day during the exercise, the Red Army won at least one victory against the Zentraedi.

But Fang Jing found this "enhanced version of the Three-Body Problem" very confusing.

"Battle comparison, so far 109 losses and 1 draw."

As a result, the voice on the other side of the phone made Fang Jing's eyes widen.

Damn, a 109 loss is understandable.

What kind of god made 1 level!

“1 level???”

"Yes, there is 1 level."

As he said this, the voice on the other side of the phone said sadly:

"It's the coalition forces, Kyushu and our coalition forces."

"The fleet opened the battle line, and finally used the reunion of the flagship to change the field, distorting the strong connection of the attacking object, causing damage to it."

"In the end, after trying so hard to annihilate the whole army, I managed to destroy this beggar's version of 'Water Drop'."

"By the way, we barely protected a development base."

It's flat, but not completely flat.

After all, destroying the Beggar's version of "Water Drop" would already cost you your life.

As a result, behind this thing, there was a bunch of engineers' spaceships!

"This is to allow the soldiers to experience the intensity in advance so as not to slack off."

On the other side of the phone, a strange voice whispered:

"It is said that when the technology of Project 237 makes further breakthroughs, the 'Beggar's Edition Water Drop' will become more powerful, and will even reach the speed of light in the end!"

"Not only that, all science fiction film and television works that contain Star Wars elements have been integrated into it."

"And there are separate sessions."


Fang Jing heard this and called him a good guy.

The above-mentioned pertinence is a bit too strong!

Now we are preparing talents for Star Wars!

Once the equipment is in place, you can get on the ship and start fighting, right?

Fang Jing can imagine how confused the other party will be when encountering those warships in the universe in the future.

Why, how come the other party knows them so well? !

Alien world, in planet LV233.

Holding the structural diagram of the engineer spacecraft that had just been sent over, Cheng Yuan's pressure simply dropped sharply.

With the drawings, it will be much easier to disassemble.

As for where this structural diagram came from?

Cheng Yuan probably knew that this was a gift from Kyushu United University.

That's right, the one in the underground part.

Therefore, this thing must be authentic!

"The power system of the spacecraft is here, and the modules between it and the engine can be disassembled."

In the distance, a large number of robots were commanded to dismantle the spacecraft.

Now, the entire hill of the ruins has been flattened.

The hatch was opened, and the outer shell of the spacecraft was dismantled.

In this arc-shaped, C-shaped spacecraft centerline, a huge and hideous structure has been exposed.

The structure is embedded in the inner shell,

The complex shape and densely packed wires make people look horrified.

Because this is not like the cables of human spacecraft.

In the engineer spacecraft, the power device and engine are wrapped with not only cables, but also...

Biological structures like blood vessels clinging to the heart.

That's right, in addition to the cables, there are also things like biological meridians that begin to wriggle restlessly as they are exposed.

"This, this is!"

The supervisor Cheng Yuan, with his eyes wide open, looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked.

It is recognized that the biotechnology of the engineer civilization is very advanced.

However, it is unexpected that their spacecraft also has some biological characteristics!

Looking at the power equipment in the power room, which was wrapped by a kind of biological tentacles or tubular objects, Cheng Yuan felt a chill.

This thing, looking at it, is really too sanity-destroying.

It's like looking at a Cthulhu ancient god.

It's an eyesore.

"How to dismantle it?"

The head of the engineering team on the side had a look of despair on his face.


I thought there were drawings, so I should at least dismantle it a little.

You're teaching me biotechnology?

How can we dismantle this thing?

Use your head to dismantle it!

"Cut it off directly. The information says that these 'pulses' are used to transmit information and have no effect on the power system and engine of the spacecraft."

Cheng Yuan grinned:


"After removal, the samples are sealed and sent to Kyushu."

"A group of old men and women are clamoring for this thing."


This is one of the technologies that humans have not yet discovered.

Now, there is something for those scientists to study.

After all,

this field is still very unfamiliar to humans!

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