Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 184 Fleet, assemble!

Xishan base, underground part.

In the disinfection room, Fang Jing was lying on a white medical bed with an IV drip on his hand.

He is not sick.

This little bit is actually some kind of energy liquid.

In order to supply the extra energy needed to grow the biological armor.

That's right, Fang Jing finally got his wish and took the biological armor to induce birth!

"How does it feel?"

King Sun was guarding him.

"It feels like my body is very hot, especially my skin."

Fang Jing closed his eyes and felt that his whole skin was getting hot!

"That's right, this is the accelerator at work, and it takes two hours to grow."

The growth of biological armor is definitely more difficult than wearing clothes.

It took two hours to grow a layer of skeletal and strange cuticles, which was already incredible.

Two hours flew by.

Fang Jing woke up from the game,

"How strange!"

He feels a little uncomfortable all over now.

It was like I had just had my teeth filled, and I felt a foreign body sensation all over my body.

"That's right. The foreign body sensation is obvious, but it will be fine after you get used to it for a while."

King Sun paid attention to the data on the medical cabin and saw that there was no problem, so he put away the probe this time.


After putting on the biological outer armor, Fang Jing's breathing pattern also changed.

In the past, breathing was done directly through the mouth and nose.

Now, when he inhales, the entire carapace, including the membrane covering his nose, supplies air to him.

It feels like having a breathing tube inserted!

Stand up slowly,

He looked down at the bone-like structures on his chest, abdomen, and arms.

Fang Jing grinned,


He has also been upgraded to an interstellar citizen who can survive directly on suitable planets!

Star Citizen, this concept was created by netizens.

After the information about the biological armor was released.

Netizens who have good intentions directly refer to people wearing biological armor as interstellar citizens.

Others are indigenous to the earth.

"Okay, Star Citizen, get ready to go."

On the side, Zhou Yuan, who was very familiar with Fang Jing, could see his thoughts at a glance.

After smiling, he reminded:

"It's time for us to get ready to go."

Yes, Fang Jing and the others are getting ready to go.

Set off to the alien world, to the planet where the engineers live -

Paradise Star!

Because the super-light speed ship is too far for Kyushu and this universe.

Until now, the spaceships of the Engineer family,

They are all in the dilemma of being dismantled but unable to put it back together.

Therefore, targets two light years away in this universe are unthinkable.

The only thing that can be plotted is the planet in "Alien: Covenant".

As long as you reach that planet, you can open up a new world!

Originally, such a rash advance was undesirable.

However, from Horos' mouth, there was news that made people unable to sit still.

On Paradise Planet, there is not only a support base for the spacecraft, but also a large number of "scientists" who are engineers!

the scientist? !

Hearing the news, he became jealous.

Everyone is jealous!

LV233 loses its fragrance instantly.

David was such a waste of nature, the original work actually directly destroyed the engineer clan on the planet!

Moreover, Horos reluctantly revealed that this Paradise Planet was just a transit planet and had no defense system at all.

Moreover, in the spacecraft system, there is a complete and safe channel!

No wonder David flew a spaceship over and directly won the best of the match.

No defense system!

With this news, it's not as simple as jealousy.

Those eyes turned green immediately!

Taking these circumstances into consideration,

The gathering place, scientists, is undefended, the route is safe, the distance is close, and the planet is habitable.

Combined with the detailed and safe star maps and route information of the Engineers,

The think tank couldn’t find a reason not to go!

Once there, once the planet environment is tested, construction can begin directly.

The planetary environment is much better than LV233!

Therefore, after nearly two months of argumentation, night shifts and back-and-forth discussions, thousands of plans were developed, and all possible problems were calculated in detail.

Finally, after surviving a few strong bald men, the think tank made a decision.

Abandon the unsuitable planet LV233,


Go to Paradise Star!

And this time, the method used was different from before.

The think tank decided to fight on two fronts, causing bugs.

Fang Jing took the fleet and set off directly.

Others are staying on planet LV233, waiting for the rabbit from Wieland Company.

On the LV233 side, wait until the support from Wieland Company arrives and catch them all before sending them directly to this universe through the space gate.

Then, take everything with you and evacuate the planet.

As for the fleet, at this time, Fang Jing and the others had almost arrived at Tiantian Star.

When the time comes, Fang Jing can just take back the space door and reopen it nearby!

In this way, the main line of this universe has been transferred from LV233 to the Paradise Star.

heaven star,

This is a "paradise" where humans can live directly on the surface!

As an outpost, here, you can even immigrate directly!

No David, no aliens here,

Mass immigration is not a delusion!


During the implementation of the two-front war plan,

there is no need to worry about the fleet.

Because, in addition to the space gate, don't forget that Fang Jing can teleport back by himself!

In this way, both sides can maintain communication.


In the alien world, on the planet LV233,

after several months of exploration, all the spacecrafts of the Engineers on the entire planet have been cleared out.

The number of spacecrafts has reached an astonishing 35!

And, among the 35 spacecrafts,

the search team found 26 engineers who survived by chance.

For intelligent species, the scientists of Kyushu gave due respect.

They were "invited" to Kyushu United University and given the same treatment as "prisoners of war", but with stricter epidemic prevention.

After all, it is different from alien snakes.

Alien snakes are dissected, and the bodies of the Engineers are dissected.

Living intelligent races,

this is an intelligent race, not a beast.

Killing, abusing and vivisection are another matter.

There are so many fresh, hibernating corpses, so they won't do anything that goes against the bottom line of humanity for such a small thing.

Besides, with the example of Horus,

these engineers are more valuable alive than dead.

The biotechnology of the engineers is really delicious.

The knowledge in their heads is more valuable than the structure of their brains!


on the entire LV233 planet,

a team of captains and crew members who are undergoing emergency training, wearing biological armor, are standing not far from the Prometheus, ready to go!

They are the crew members driving 35 spaceships to "Heaven Star"!

That's right, this time, the entire fleet is attacking!

Only the dismantled wreckage is left as bait.

"Everyone is already familiar with the specific operation of the spacecraft. Even Star Wars has been practiced hundreds of times in virtual equipment."

Old Zhu, wearing an extravehicular suit, scanned everyone and said loudly:

"This time, our goal is to occupy Paradise and make this planet our outpost."

"Everyone, do you understand the mission objectives?!"


All the crew shouted in unison.

They were excited and excited.

This is to expand the territory!

They will drive the fleet of the Engineers to occupy the colony planet of the Engineers!

In the distance, the imprisoned Horus had a gloomy face.

How to control the spacecraft, it did contribute.

And, without reservation.

Because, damn, there is a turtle biochemical man on the Prometheus, he knows how to control the spacecraft.

Old Zhu asked the two to write manuals separately.

If they don't match, then it's over.

Now, Horus is not just himself, it also has 26 tribesmen.

Well, this is also for his own tribesmen!

It comforted itself in this way.

But looking at the humans gathering in front of it,

it couldn't comfort the guilt in its heart.

Because, the target of these guys is——

the planet where they gathered!

Thinking about the defense of that planet,

it was basically nothing.

Horos's face became even uglier.

It was sure that it would not be long before the number of captured engineers would soar to tens of thousands!


It was too careless.

The engineers who originally thought they were invincible within the known range

did not think too much about defense.

What's more,

this group of cunning humans actually...

drove their fleet over there!

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