Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 194 Why do I feel a chill on my back?

Alien world, on planet LV233,

The Prometheus is still docked at its original location.

However, out of caution, there are quite a few things hidden in the valley far away.

For example, high-energy laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, plasma cannons...

Anyway, whatever weapons this universe and Kyushu have, they have deployed them here.

With that kind of firepower, it would be easy to deal with one or several unsuspecting spaceships!

"The satellites in orbit have also been hidden. Now, we are just waiting for the guest Kuvit to arrive."

In the cockpit of the Prometheus, Cheng Yuan's intelligence adjutant looked confident.

Just a few months ago,

The message sent by the Kuvit has arrived.

After receiving information from the Prometheus spacecraft,

The Wieland Company headquarters took it very seriously and immediately dispatched the Kuvit spacecraft non-stop.

Ship name: Kuvert

Purpose: Heavy defense scientific research vessel

Weapons: None carried

Personnel: 16 biologists; 32 spacecraft dynamicists; 10 spacecraft structural scientists; 5 spacecraft control scientists; 6 material scientists; 2 linguists...

Received the ship information transcribed by the Kuvit,

Cheng Yuan was shocked at first, and then almost stopped laughing.

What's surprising is the heavy defense,

After seeing the results clearly, this heavy defense is against stellar storms!

It’s the weapons that laugh.

Damn it, what a treasure ship.

Another unarmed scientific research ship, a boatload of "treasures"!

Except for the last linguist, ethicist, alien culture scholar, captain and so on,

There are treasures all over this boat!

After reporting this information,

Mr. Zhu smiled from ear to ear.

He had thought that Wieland Company would send a big gift, but he didn't expect that the gift would be so big!

It's so big!

Now, the only spacecraft ruins on planet LV233 that are being dismantled have been dug out and camouflaged.

Just waiting for the Kuvit spacecraft to arrive,

Then, jie jie jie, catch them all in one fell swoop!

No, that's not right, you can't say that and sound like a villain.

It should be said, wait for the Kuvit spacecraft to arrive, and then deceive the crew on it... Please come out!

Please, please please!

"Battal Commander, according to Kuvit's signal, they are very close to our position!"

The intelligence adjutant made his judgment.

"The other party is probably slowing down. What does the lens say?"

Because Kuvit will definitely detect the ionosphere of planet LV233, they put on a disguise.

As for communicating with each other, they use laser communication.

"The lens said that they observed a contraction of light outside the star system, which should be the curvature track of the Kuvit."

"The contraction range is getting smaller, and the other party should be slowing down."

"Are you sure there's only one spaceship?"

"Look at the track, there is only one ship!"

Kuvit has arrived outside the star system!

Cheng Yuan took a deep breath and clenched his hands.

Here it comes, the day has finally come!

"Have Prometheus send a message to inform Kuvit of the location of the spacecraft and let him land nearby!"

"Understood, sending message, waiting for their reply!"

On the Prometheus, a message was quickly sent outside the star system.

After sending,

On the planet, the entire laser communication remained silent.

About half a quarter of an hour later,

The Kuvit message came back!

"We have received the position information and are slowing down. The spacecraft has brought supplies for you. (PS: Vickers, you are doing a good job!)"

information received,

Everyone on planet LV233 immediately locked the location of the Kuvit!

"It is confirmed that the target is only one spacecraft, which is at the edge of the star system, and the muzzle target has been calibrated!"

"Already calibrated!"


Cheng Yuan took a deep breath,

The fish I have been fishing for for so long is finally getting hooked!

Aboard the Kuvert,

Because it has arrived at the target star system, the sleep program on the ship has been closed.

Captain Swick stood on the command podium and looked at this complex star system in the holographic projection.

Here, there are the remains of extraterrestrial intelligent civilization.

And it’s the remains of a spaceship!

This will bring huge benefits to Wieland and their shareholders.

Unimaginable benefits!

"Do you have any information from the Prometheus? They should have captured our track, right?"

"Not yet... Oh, sir, the Prometheus has sent a message, it's the specific coordinates!"

On the side, the crew received the information and immediately called up the star map.

"This is a habitable planet in a star system. Prometheus is docked on the planet. The specific location has been determined, Captain?"

"I'll reply to them personally!"

Swick's lips curled up.

He put his hand on the holographic projection, typed a sentence quickly, and added a sentence at the end.

Vickers is the captain of the Prometheus, right?

Well done on this!

Although all shareholders in the company strongly opposed it and called Villante a "tyrant\

,"But I really discovered something...

Hey, oh my gosh, it smells so good!

Yes, it conforms to Jingze's first law.

After the message was sent, Swick's face was full of anticipation.

Relics, here we come!

Then, he immediately ordered:

"Go to the coordinates sent by the Prometheus immediately!"


While the spacecraft slowed down to its final stage, the pilot controlled the spacecraft, made a big turn around the star system, and began to load the entire star system.

However, just when entering the LV233 system.

The driver didn't know why,

I exclaimed the intuitive feeling, and felt a chill in my heart!

This feeling is amazing,

It's like... being targeted by something?

What's going on? illusion! ?

The driver turned his head and glanced at the testing instrument.

The closer we get to LV233, the denser the radio waves on the planet become.

Of course the Kuvit was plugged into the signal source.

Detection instruments determined that the signal source was indeed coming from the Prometheus.

Moreover, the information on the call was also an exchange between Prometheus crew member Elizabeth Shaw and several colleagues.

Everything looked fine.

However, even though this was no problem, it made the driver feel panicked.

"It feels like I was attacked by a wolf last time I was hunting..."

The driver murmured.

This planet, LV233, gave him a terrifying feeling of tranquility before the storm.

"Huh, Elizabeth Shaw, that neuroarchaeologist, she was wrong this time."

However, Captain Swick apparently did not notice the abnormality.

He heard the familiar voice on the Prometheus and snorted coldly.

Obviously, he was very upset about Wieland's deception with a few stone tablets of information from these two archaeologists.

However, what is surprising is that

These two liars, like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, really guessed the right place.

"No need to check more, there is nothing wrong with the Prometheus, we will land directly!"

Swick can't wait to see the remains of alien intelligent civilization!

"Yes, yes."

The driver took a breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

The orbital landing button was pressed.

The spaceship did not hesitate and plunged into LV233!

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