Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 196 It’s the same old habit again!

The Kuvit research ship has Wieland's most advanced artificial intelligence "Mom".

As an advanced artificial intelligence system,

Sensing someone invading the spaceship,

It made a decisive decision and closed the airlock!

Intruders must not be allowed to enter the inner cabin of the spacecraft!

"'Mom' has detected an intruder and is preparing to disinfect the airlock with high temperature. High temperature warning!"

In this regard, "Mom" also has reaction methods!

Directly seal the airlock door of the Kuvit,

Close the door and set fire!

High temperature, thousands of degrees of high temperature will kill all intruders!


Almost instantly, the airlock door began to close!

"The intruder's hacking failed, the hacking failed..."

While the airlock was closing, inside, commandos were also trying to hack into the Kuvit.

"Mom" felt a lot about this

Hahaha, with such a weak technology, you still want to hack into my artificial intelligence?

With this level of data technology, the weapon is probably still a gunpowder gun.

In this case, you can’t penetrate my bulkhead—

Turn them all into ashes in the flames!

The airlock door is closing!

As long as the airlock door is closed, these intruders will die.

Even if they can't be burned to death at high temperatures, stewing them can kill these "creatures"!

Their last chance to hack "me" and be saved is gone!

"The intruders will be eliminated..."


However, popping the champagne at halftime is also known as a way to die.

Just when the spacecraft was focusing on "suffocating" the invaders.

"Mom's" operation to judge the intruder's weapon level based on the hacking data led to a dead end.

Because, if it is an ordinary civilization, it can indeed be judged in this way.

But this is this universe!

One, today’s high-tech civilization relies entirely on picking up and inferring!

Although my data technology can’t be hacked, it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same!

"Assemble the electromagnetic gun and load it in one shot!"

The commando leader saw that the airlock door was about to close, and he knew that artificial intelligence must have a solution.

Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered.

Then, the gunner pulled out a stick directly from behind his teammates...

150mm pipe!

Then, from behind another teammate, he took out a tungsten alloy head and tail metal graphite armor-piercing bullet.

Tungsten alloy head, imploded graphite, tail fin.

Once it hits the server, the server will be forced to shut down!

Since artificial intelligence cannot be frightened, then we have no choice but to ignore martial ethics and pull out your wires!

"Prepare one round, aim at the target, and fire!"



The gunner was skilled in his movements, holding the muzzle of the gun, aiming it at the right position, inserting the shell directly into it and firing it immediately.

Just listen to a "bang" sound,

The 150mm electromagnetic gun metal bullet left a huge concave gap on the upper deck of the Kuvit's airlock.

Moreover, because the kinetic energy was too great, the entire area around the gap had been melted.

Now, it is still red!

The electromagnetic gun came out and penetrated the entire Kuvit almost instantly!

Again, no one would add armor to the cabin of the spacecraft.

A wide gap leads from the airlock to the entire spacecraft.

In a certain floor of the machine room, cannonballs flew out of the graphite,

Almost instantly,

The entire communication service on the Kuvit was interrupted.

This was one shot, killing the server system and communication system together!

In the inner cabin, the pilot was stunned.

What on earth is going on!

They just got off the spaceship,

First, the captain and the scientific expedition team were attacked, and they were caught listening to the radio.

Then, "Mom" suddenly started to disinfect the airlock cabin at high temperature.

As a result, suddenly, there was another explosion.

Then, in the entire cockpit, the screen flickered.

The spacecraft self-check system prompts,

The Kuvit was attacked by naval guns, and there was a crater inside that almost penetrated the entire spacecraft!

The spacecraft's artificial intelligence system "Mom" was directly destroyed...

"No, the airlock door of the spacecraft is controlled!"

"Intruder, the intruder is coming!"

In the ship, some brave men took out the small pistols they carried with them.

Those who are afraid tremble all over,

There are desperate people slumped in their seats.

The weapons he carries can shoot through a spaceship with one shot.

Most of them are desperate.

Especially the desperate and frightened ones, they quietly moved their positions farther away from the person who pulled out the gun.

They are afraid,

When the time comes, these people will be blown into a pile and smeared all over themselves.

There was no suspense in this assault battle to seize Kuvit's spaceship.

From the moment the Kuvit set off, the outcome was already doomed.

The express delivery that I have been waiting for for more than two years has finally arrived, and I am holding it firmly in my hands!

Cheng Yuan, who was hiding in the valleys on both sides, looked at the lights on the spacecraft and let out a breath.

It seems they don't need to take action anymore.

The commando team had already captured the spacecraft.

"Let's go out and see the crew of the Kuvit!"

Beside the ruins of the spaceship,

Swick squatted on the ground holding his head, being handcuffed behind his back, with a look of confusion and sluggishness on his face.

This, what is going on.

Vickers, didn't you say there's no danger here? !

Why, as soon as I came up, I was pointed at the head with a gun!

Just now, the gun was directly attached to the glass cover of his protective suit,

less than three centimeters away from his head.

That was the moment when he was closest to death in this life!

"You, you are..."

Just when Swick was about to question the soldiers in front of him who were obviously human.

In the distance, in the valley, there was a strange sound,

and then the ground rumbled and shook.

Swick turned his head in confusion, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

What did he see?

From the narrow roads on both sides of the valley, a long and narrow convoy rushed out in a swagger, wrapped in dust and smoke.

The convoy was,

armored vehicles, vehicles with at least 200mm electromagnetic guns on their heads, as well as plasma guns, laser weapons...

These are all anti-ship weapons!

Seeing this, Swick completely understood,

This is a trap, these people are fishing,

Kuvit is the fish!

"Wait, you are military, right? Even if we repeatedly violate the navigation regulations, you don't have to retaliate against us like this?"

Swick panicked, his voice trembling, and glanced around.

"This, this is a remote place, far away from the civilized world, you, you are the military, don't mess around!"

Good guy, Swick thought Cheng Yuan and his men were military personnel who deliberately ambushed and retaliated against them because they were unhappy with them.

But it's also imagined,

Cheng Yuan and his men were originally military.

When Swick and his men left, they didn't even bother to look at the military.

For him to have such an association, it's really, really...

It's what he deserves!

Isn't this what he deserves?

If Cheng Yuan and his men were the military of the alien world,

they would have taken action against Weyland Company long ago,

safety issues,

one can't do it once,

but Weyland Company is, again and again, a habitual offender!

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