Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 206 Get up and go back to sleep!

Node universe, Xishan base, underground part.

Looking at the much enlarged space door in the disinfection room,

The scientists present immediately shouted excitedly.

The experiment was successful!

The size of the space door is no longer a constraint on large equipment!

"Very good, very good!"

The leading scientist finally felt relieved after hearing Fang Jing's confirmed words.

They were unable to determine whether the space door was damaged.

But with the confirmation of Fang Jing, it will be absolutely true!

"I will never have to dismantle a spaceship again!"

In the distance, the scientist responsible for assembling the spacecraft was about to cry.

Finally, with the help of engineer Horos, the C-shaped spacecraft was put together.

The dismantled Prometheus and Kuvit had some problems again.

That engine-fighting scientist wants to die!

Even if there are design drawings, their current equipment cannot achieve this accuracy. If they are forcibly assembled, big problems will occur!

Fortunately, the space door can be expanded, and this situation will decrease in the future... right?

Woohoo, why wasn't this thing done before?

"Well done, it will be much more convenient in the future!"

Zhou Yuan was also ecstatic.

He knew very well what it meant that large equipment could pass through directly.

Why are small armored vehicles used in the charge on Paradise Planet?

Are there no new research results?

Of course not. With the advancement of science, floating delivery armored vehicles have been developed.

It’s just that the minimum diameter of this thing is eight meters, and it can’t fit into the space door at all!

It's fine now,

The torrent of steel that will hit in the future is a flying arsenal and armored vehicle!

Even some ship-borne weapons can be stuffed on the aircraft.

That scene and the firepower were absolutely explosive!

Zhou Yuan, a serious lover of strong firepower, his eyes instantly shone with eagerness to try.

"Let's go, Brother Zhou's experiment was successful."

Fang Jing was also very happy, but he was more concerned about the changes in the outside world in the two years since he left.

So after the experiment was successful, he took Zhou Yuan away from the scene at the speed of light.

"What, the six main artificial suns in the orbit of Mars have been ignited, and now the temperature on the surface of Mars has been controlled at 26° all year round?"

"Also, a huge icy comet was decomposed and integrated into Mars. Now, Mars also has a liquid ocean!"

Fang Jing's eyes widened in shock when he got the news.

Mars, with oceans?

Can you imagine that one third of that red planet has now turned into a blue ocean?

Fang Jing is unimaginable,

So he chose to watch the holographic projection directly.

"This is just the beginning. The selection of fast-growing plants has been completed. Soon, the surface of Mars will be covered with plants."

Zhao Guangyao explained to Fang Jing with a smile:

"The transformation of Mars has entered the final step. Once the atmosphere is completed, we can start building ground cities."

"Cities on Mars!"

"This will be our first 'developed' planet!"

Half an hour later, Fang Jing came out of Zhao Guangyao's office with his mouth wide open.

During his two years of expedition into the alien world,

The changes that have taken place in this universe are beyond his imagination.

The advanced technologies of Project 237 have begun to benefit the people through continuous decentralization.

Now, the transportation system has evolved from the ground to the three-dimensional one.

"Flying cars" equipped with high-performance batteries and electric propulsion engines have been put into use.

The inexhaustible electrical energy brought by the fusion engine has spread wireless charging technology throughout China.

Two years later, Fang Jing seems to have arrived in the future!

But what made Fang Jing a little bit dumbfounded was that there was actually an aunt doing a square dance with a holographic projection on!

Okay, very distinctive!

Just when Fang Jing understood the changes in the node universe in the past two years.

Alien world, Paradise Star.

In a square in Noda, the fainted engineer was finally cleared.

Cheng Yuan stood on the edge of the square, looking at the report handed over by the correspondent, smacking his lips and exclaiming:

"There are actually 230,000 engineers, which is beyond expectation!"

Cheng Yuan originally thought that 100,000 would be enough, but he never expected that this time he would directly capture 230,000!

This number!

Thinking about the Kyushu world, the robot excavator and shovel used to build the detention center looked like they were on fire.

Cheng Yuan shook his head.

The scale of the detention center for 230,000 people is comparable to that of a small city!

However, I thought that it was the world of Kyushu.

It’s just a small town, a small problem!

"Okay, we've finished cleaning up the trash, now let's start digging out the people we really need!"

Those left on the Paradise Star are basically trash fish.

According to Horos's intelligence, the real core scientists, the developers of Blackwater, and even the spacecraft's maintenance base managers, the biologists of the Deacon Project, will all remain dormant.

Until the fleet comes back and pick them up to start the next experiment!

"Horos said that these dormant engineers are all in the maintenance tungsten of the spacecraft."

These maintenance tungstens have precision equipment for manufacturing spacecraft components.

The node universe needs such equipment.

Of course, what is more important is the scientists who can create this kind of equipment.

"Group one, group two, get ready for action!"

Now, the entire square is surrounded by the Chinese coalition forces from the Node Universe and the Kyushu World.

There are spaceships in the sky and ship-borne weapons.

There are armored vehicles, super tanks, and heavy artillery on the ground.

Just catch a few scientists and do it!

Two teams of soldiers wearing exoskeletons quickly entered the hills behind the settlement according to instructions.

These scientists are dormant in the hills!

With Horus as a "good helper".

Finding his companions is effortless.

In just a quarter of an hour, the two teams found large dormant rooms.

What is a dormant room?

Answer: A room with thousands of dormant capsules at a time!

There are ten such rooms!

The scale of this scientist is ridiculously large!

Moreover, not far away, there is a huge dock, and the various equipment in the dock is really pleasing to look at!

In the command center, Cheng Yuan almost laughed crookedly when he saw the number of reports.

Damn, I accidentally robbed the engineer's house!

A team of 10,000 scientists, plus a super-large dock, if they are all convinced, they will learn all their technologies.

Wow, I can't imagine it!

"Captain, should we wake them up?"

Looking at the densely packed dormant pods that looked like insect eggs, a group of team members were a little nervous.

"According to the safety protocol, wake them all up. Do you have enough hypnotic gas?"

"We have enough. We will act immediately."

After confirming the order, a group of members suppressed their nausea and directly cut off the energy supply of the dormant room according to the design.

"Puff puff puff--"

The dense sound of deflation sounded.

Watching thousands of dormant pods slowly open,

the engineers who were sleeping and confused fell to the ground one after another.

The captain of a group took out a huge tank from his backpack, curled his lips and grinned:

"Lao Deng, are you awake? Get up and go back to sleep!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge tank immediately rolled into the dormant room with a "ding dong bang" sound!

The tank rolled, and a brown gas was released.

In the dormant room, the engineer who had just woken up and stood up with nausea smelled the gas.

Woke up in a daze, and then fainted in a daze.


I just woke up? ?

What happened!

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