Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 212 0.2 seconds, I want all his information

At the United Nations General Assembly,

political representatives from various countries gathered together, looking at the general on the podium with serious faces.

The atmosphere was so solemn,

and dark clouds covered the entire United Nations building.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I reiterate again that it is impossible to completely defeat the monsters, or even close the gap, by relying on the stupid "Wall of Life Plan"!"

"We need to invest more and produce more level 5 mechas to deal with the more frequent landing of monsters!"

The general shouted at the top of his lungs and tried his best to appeal.

However, in the entire venue, only a few countries showed concern.

Most of the others even showed some impatience on their faces.

"Marshal Stek Pentecost, I think you know very well that we have paid enough for the Hunter Plan. This is a bottomless pit!"

Below, a representative of a European country shook his head with impatience on his face:

"No matter what, we will completely withdraw from the Hunter Plan and no longer pay a penny for these iron monsters!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"The Hunter Plan does not need to continue. The Wall of Life Plan can completely block those ugly monsters!"

"There is no need for us to pay unnecessary costs for the Hunter Plan."

African countries, Central Asian countries, and West Asian countries all raised their hands to express their agreement.

The United Nations General Assembly began to vote on abandoning the Hunter Plan.

On the scene, only the countries around the Pacific Ocean did not raise their hands.

But they were powerless.

In the end, the Hunter Plan was forced to be abandoned because the majority of countries withdrew.

At the same time, the Wall of Life Plan officially began.

Stek Pentecost clenched his fists, walked off the stage with his head held high, and blood began to drip from his nose when he sat back in his seat.

Blinking his eyes hollowly, wiping them casually with a tissue, Steck swallowed heavily.

The Hunter Plan was finally abandoned!


Especially the European countries, these damn termites, are so stupid!

Just because the gap is in the Pacific Ocean and the battlefield is in the countries around the Pacific Ocean, these guys, across the Atlantic Ocean and the continent, wantonly annex the industries and wealth of the Pacific countries while other countries are struggling to resist the monsters.

Now they are still not satisfied!

They want to turn all the countries around the Pacific Ocean into battlefields!

Anyway, they are standing behind the disaster in the Pacific Ocean, so it is natural for them to talk without any pain.

What is even more annoying is that after 11 years of war,

the wealth of the whole world has now flowed to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and Central Asia.

They are sitting back and reaping the benefits, and they are already rich!

Without their support, the Hunter Plan, relying solely on the countries around the Pacific Ocean, can't be maintained at all now!

"General Steck."

Just when Steck was thinking about what to do in the future.

Behind him, the voice of the Chinese representative woke him up.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?"

There was a glimmer of light in Steck's empty eyes.

China, as a participant in the Hunter Plan, has provided many top-level mechas for the Hunter Plan with its strong productivity during the 11-year war.

If there is support from China, the Hunter Plan may still be saved!

"I'm sorry, we in China actually support the Hunter Plan, but the general trend is hard to go against."

Chen Zhiming's face was full of regret.

Because the Pacific Ocean became a battlefield, the economy of the Eastern power inevitably suffered a major impact.

It's hard to support alone. Although the production line has not been closed, the Hunter Plan requires too much money, and they have been arguing in their country.

"The United States has decided to abandon the Hunter Plan and abolish your base."

"Although we can't continue to support you, we can provide you with a place to stay."

Although the Eastern power is playing a game domestically and it is difficult to support the plan now, everyone is unanimously disgusted with the Wall of Life.

The best defense is offense.

Everyone still understands such a simple truth.

The domestic dispute is mainly about whether to use mecha or coastal defense weapons.

"... A place to stay is not bad."

The light in Steck's eyes faded, he nodded, and was very grateful for the help of the Eastern Power.

"It's here."

Chen Zhiming pulled out a map from the tablet, pointed to Hong Kong, and smiled slightly:

"Greater Bay Area, welcome your presence!"

"Thank you very much!"

Although it did not receive full support from the Eastern Power, at least there is a place to stay.

Steck looked at the map of the Greater Bay Area, and his eyes rekindled.

He must completely solve the problem of the gap!


The United Nations is holding a conference.

At the same time, on a hill in the southwest hinterland of the Eastern Power.

A 6-meter-high mecha, painted all black, with a cold and rough style, suddenly appeared on a piece of farmland.

"Connecting to the network, the network connection is successful."

"The quantum computer module is hacking into the network, reading data..."

As soon as Fang Jing landed, the intelligent system of the quantum computer module installed on the heavy cavalry started!

It only took 0.2 seconds to hack successfully.

This is the upgraded version of the heavy cavalry!

Ridiculously strong!

In every aspect!

"Search for keywords!"

Fang Jing immediately ordered.

"Data loading, keywords confirmed."

"Clear location: Southwest hinterland of China on Earth; Time: June 2024;"

"A large amount of information such as 'monster', 'hunter' and 'hunter plan' was detected on the Internet, and the world was determined to be Pacific Rim."

After hacking into the network and satellite, Fang Jing didn't have to move at all, and the information of this world was read out.

It's really Pacific Rim!

"According to the information on the Internet, the Hunter plan has just been abandoned."

"General Steck is preparing to take his family assets to Hong Kong to set up a broken dome base!"

After Fang Jing sorted out the information, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This timeline is good!

It's still more than a year away from the original plot!

The alien pioneers are still testing, and the monster attacks are not so frequent.

"Try to contact first!"

Fang Jing grinned.

Since it's Earth, it's easy to contact the other party.

There's no need to send any drones like before, the quantum computer can be hacked directly!

The Wandering Earth plus the computing technology of the Engineer Clan, the quantum computer in Fang Jing's heavy cavalry is simply the crystallization of the crystallization of technology.

Running at full power, the network is like paper.

In the hinterland of the southwest, a secret base somewhere.

General Wang Zhenliang, who was using the regional network to check the batch number, looked at his military tablet with a confused face, and the screen actually began to jump by itself!

"What's going on!"

Standing up suddenly, General Wang's face was full of disbelief.

The network of their base has a dedicated orbital satellite?

The satellite uses a special encryption system, and the most advanced computers now cannot crack it even in ten thousand years!

As a result, it was cracked? ? ?

"It can only be a quantum computer, but this thing has not been made yet!"

General Wang Zhenliang calmed down, looked at the tablet in his hand, and frowned.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly!

Words actually began to appear on this tablet!

The screen was directly reset and words began to appear. What the hell? ?

"This, this is a coordinate, just one hundred miles southwest!"

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