Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 228 It seems like I’m in trouble!

In this universe, under the Xishan Base.

At this time, the underground space of Xishan Base is very famous.

Now, the entire mountain has been hollowed out by heavy equipment, and the hidden space within it is ridiculously large.

The huge enclosed airtight transfer area has a very large space door in the center.

This is a space gate expanded by a space distortion instrument.

During this time, this universe and the Kyushu world have gained a clearer understanding of the space gate.

By twisting the instrument, they can only expand or shrink the space gate. The limit of expansion has not yet been determined, and the limit of shrinkage is 2 meters in diameter.

As for the right to close, of course there is none.

In the underground transfer area, in addition to the huge space door, other things are also very noticeable.

There is a whole circle surrounding the space door - battleships!

This is no ordinary spaceship, but a genuine military warship!

The head is like a pointed cone, the hull is slender, and the appearance is rough, but the inner processing is astonishingly fine.

This battleship combines rugged heavy industrial style and sophisticated high-tech style!

Not only that, but next to the battleship, human crew members wearing biological outer armor and electronic holographic combat helmets were stepping up their inspections.

Yes, there is biotechnology on the spaceship!

In addition, next to these spaceships, there are also very familiar C-shaped spaceships.

Engineer Horos is leading a large group of his fellow humans to review combat plans with human combatants under the holographic projection.

Such a scene,

The picture of the human and engineer fleets put together is really spectacular and amazing.

Just when the transit area was extremely busy,


Fang Jing's figure suddenly appeared at the predetermined location.

The moment he appeared, he immediately fell into a familiar faint.

He tilted his head and fell to one side.

Fortunately, the expert group is very familiar with this matter.

Zhou Yuan, who had been waiting aside for a long time, easily hugged Fang Jing.

Then, he was placed on the medical examination table with ease.

The results showed that it was completely normal!

"Brother Zhao, Fang Jing is back and there is no abnormality in his body."

Zhou Yuan checked the results and reported them immediately through the communication system.

"I've received the data and news here. You take him to the rest cabin."

Zhao Guangyao curled his lips,

When people come back, the space door will be opened soon.

Glancing at the twenty warships parked in the staging area, he was filled with pride.

"Haha, there are fifteen battleships, 541 meters long and 91 meters wide. They are equipped with four small controllable nuclear fusion engines, two active and two backup. The power is quite sufficient."

Although this spaceship cannot exceed the speed of light.

But isn’t there someone in front of me?

Mr. Zhu murmured, looked at the plan, and chuckled.

This time to "resist" the invasion of the parallel world by the Pioneer Clan, the Engineer Clan took the initiative to serve as the vanguard!

There is an old interstellar civilization called the Engineers as the main force.

They just need to play support and Yin Yin will be fine.

Biological civilization versus biological civilization,

It’s quite a show!


The electronic eyes of Mr. Zhu's mechanical body turned slightly. He glanced at Zhao Guangyao and reminded him softly:

"We must not let down our guard against the Engineers. The only participants in the battle are Horos and others who were captured in the first batch."

Prisoners also need to establish divisions and checks and balances.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fun if the other party betrays you.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu, everything has been taken care of."

Zhao Guangyao nodded calmly.

Today, he has quite a bit of Mr. Zhu's style of doing things.

"Well, that's good!"

Mr. Zhu's tone was relaxed. The fleet in front of them and the "secret weapon" in it were their greatest support!

Around the Pacific Ocean, in the deep sea, is the outpost of the pioneer clan.

Heluo, who had been waiting for a long time for the level 6 monster to come back, was completely panicked.

"Why haven't you come back yet??"

The two pliers shook. If it were a human, it would be covered in sweat.


Looks like I'm in trouble!

"Quick, read the master brain data!"

Realizing that he might have messed up, Hullo immediately connected to the mastermind and searched the memory of the level 6 monster that was released.

The monster's memory will be transmitted to the master brain in real time through "synaesthesia".

Huerluo trembled with his pliers and carefully read the memory.

As a result, I immediately saw the scene of a level 6 monster being beheaded!



The level 6 monsters he released, which the Pioneer clan planned to release on a large scale, were actually killed easily!


How is this possible!

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, I want to report it immediately."

Hullo couldn't care less. Human civilization had changed, and they had to respond immediately.

However, what makes him unable to figure out is what happened on earth!

Why did their combat effectiveness suddenly increase so much!

In their 11 Earth-year experiments, they have completely figured out the technological level of life on this planet.

The advanced mechanical technology is still a weak civilization on the planet.

If you hadn't thought about infecting this planet and the creatures on it to propagate the "pioneer" family,

If they really wanted to destroy this mere human civilization, the army would have overwhelmed it the day the wormhole opened.

Their pioneer race is a biological civilization that has reached its peak.

We were once in a dilemma where our genes could not reproduce.

But, fortunately, they finally solved the problem!

The way they choose is to survive genetically.

Yes, the original pioneer clan was limited by the shackles of their own civilization knowledge. Because they had not encountered an equivalent biological civilization as a reference, they could only take dangerous risks and chose this method.

By colonizing organisms on different planets, genes can survive.

You can understand him as a kind of parasite,

The original genes of the pioneer family are no longer able to reproduce.

Therefore, they directly package their genes and use "Monster Blue" to contaminate organisms on other planets, transform planets and biological environments, and allow these genes to parasitize new species.

In this way, through the reproduction of organisms on this planet, their genes are also preserved.

During this process, the creatures on this planet naturally transformed into "pioneers".

Until the genetic potential of the colonized parasites is drained, the pioneer family will open a new wormhole and start the next colonization.

And humans are their newly selected targets!

As for this lobster-like body, it is the previous target.

Huerluo was dripping with cold sweat, and he realized something was wrong.

The crimson mecha in the memory of the level 6 monster, and the sword in the opponent's hand, were very wrong!

The technology condensed on that sword has surpassed that of humans on this planet for several generations!

It is simply impossible for humans to have this kind of technology! ! !

Even if they pick up the remains of other advanced civilizations, their smelting technology will only destroy the material.

Moreover, the internal atomic force of this material is already on the verge of collapse.

Even for them, it is difficult to get them out.

After all, biological civilization, since the pioneers opened wormholes for grazing, many technologies have been lost.

They've already opened wormholes, and they don't even bother to build spaceships anymore.

Why build a spaceship?

They have become a parasitic civilization. They have to change nests every tens of thousands of years. They span thousands of light-years. They are fighting weak civilizations. The spaceships are completely useless and are just a burden.

In a word, the Pioneers have been invincible in the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy for too long, even longer than the Engineers.

Those who should have degenerated have already degenerated, and they are completely the same as engineers.

This is why, after hearing their news, the engineers

I surrendered in a moment of excitement.

The problem of gene reproduction in biological civilization will really be a huge obstacle in the later stages!

If we can't get over it, the entire race will decline or even become extinct!

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