Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 232: You have such a good thing, why don’t you open it earlier!

Just when the US First Fleet was helpless in the face of the approaching monster.

In the distance, a brilliant ray suddenly flew over, and almost instantly, it turned the level 6 monster into a bloody mist!

Such a violent scene made many crew members gathered on the deck dumbfounded.

What was that, what happened?

What is the situation now!


In the distance, seeing their companions suddenly die, the monsters were also angry.

They roared madly.

With limited intelligence, they just thought it was the fleet in front of them.

More than 300 monsters roared and rushed over.

The beasts surged, and even caused the sea surface to rise up in anger!

The roars of 300 monsters sounded together, and the sound was earth-shaking.

The excited hearts of the fleet members who heard this sound instantly cooled down.

No matter what it was just now,

Now, they are definitely finished!

At the moment they thought of this, a dazzling light suddenly shone in the distant sky.

What kind of light was that?

The pale color, cold and piercing, is extremely conspicuous under natural light.

However, it was this ball of light that rushed into the group of monsters that were roaring with their heads raised without hesitation.

Not only did it rush in,

but as it rushed in, the cold light suddenly exploded-

Any monster that came into contact with the pale light instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The blue blood instantly deepened the color of the entire sea surface.

In just a few seconds,

Three hundred monsters were directly slaughtered!

"What is that?!"

The intelligence adjutant stood on the dispatch deck of the aircraft carrier, looking at the scene in front of him, his pupils were shaking.

The three hundred monsters that made them helpless and could even destroy half of the entire United States were all solved in just an instant? ? ?

What on earth is that pale light!

"Look there, there is something in the sky, in the clouds!"

The munitions adjutant had a good eye, he pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

Axe and the intelligence adjutant, and everyone nearby who heard the exclamation immediately looked up at the thick clouds in the sky.

The sky, the clouds are white, and the sun is bright.

It seems that there is nothing, but if you observe carefully, you can still find something strange.

That is, there is a small reflective point on the edge of the cloud!

"Whoosh whoosh--"

A gust of wind blew, and the clouds in the sky were still far away.

The thing hidden in the clouds also showed its true form in the eyes of everyone.

It is slender, with a pointed cone shape on the top. The appearance is rough, but the reflected light is very delicate.

It is worth noting that there is a C-shaped flying object next to it.

In the center of the C-shaped flying object, a pale light suddenly appeared and flew away.

There were actually two...


"Is this a spaceship??!"

"Where did this thing come from??"

Seeing the spaceship reflecting the glittering light in the sun, the sci-fi appearance, and the terrifying weapon

All the crew members of the First Fleet of the United States were stunned.

Where did this thing come from!

They helped us destroy the monsters, but this is from the human side?

How could humans have such a high level of technology!

"Ex, look at the icon on the back half of the spacecraft!"

The intelligence adjutant had good eyesight. He wiped his eyes with his hands and couldn't believe it.

What did he see!

He was eager to find someone to confirm whether he had seen it wrong.

"That... that is!"

Ex widened his eyes and looked at the hand pointed by the intelligence adjutant.

I saw that the ends of the two huge ships in the sky were uniformly painted with a uniform logo.

In the middle of the two black horizontal bars, there was a not very eye-catching black five-pointed star.

And below, there were highly recognizable Chinese characters.

This is the identification mark of the military of the Eastern Power!!!

As the captain of the US military, Ex would never make a mistake in this thing!

After all, it is an old rival. I can tell at a glance whether it is the opponent's logo.

"Ruby, you've learned Chinese, look at what's under the logo!"

Ax's eyes almost popped out, and he asked the crew beside him excitedly.

"... Gulp!"

Ruby swallowed his saliva, and his mind immediately turned on the storm, using his lifelong learning of Chinese to identify those fonts.

"China... Liberation... Fifth Space Force-Kyushu Special Operations Group."

"Also, Engineer Special Operations Group!"

As Ruby relayed the words on the ship's paint in English, everyone nearby who heard it was shocked and lost their voices.

Is it really the PLA? !

Is this scientific, is this reasonable? !

This spacecraft is taken out, this weapon is used, even if you say it's aliens, I believe it!

"This equipment, you f*cking told me that it's from the Eastern Power?!"

Ax's jaw dropped.

He suddenly understood why the Eastern Power's actions have always been weird recently.

No wonder their navy retreated to the near sea.

It turns out that they didn't give up the open sea, but they are ready to completely solve the monsters that are about to land!


Axe's eyes suddenly showed ecstasy.

He took off his hat and waved his hands while shouting to the spaceship standing in the sky:

"Come on. Beat these asshole monsters!"

"Yes, stuff these monsters back into the damn gap!"

"Come on!"

After the shock, the crews of the entire fleet were excited to the point of madness!

There is salvation,

Humanity is saved!


Above the Pacific Ocean,

Silence and shock are the themes of today.

Just when the monsters began to touch the defense lines of the fleets of various countries, a pale light suddenly shot out from the sky.

Those desperate monsters, whenever they were illuminated by this pale light, would immediately turn into a ball of blood mist.

No one knows the principle of this pale light,

They only know that they are saved.

And the one who extended a helping hand was the huge C-type spacecraft floating in the sky!

The familiar logo and familiar words on the spacecraft shocked all the countries in the Pacific Ocean.

This, this is actually something from the Eastern Power? ? ?

What followed was disbelief,

The Eastern Power could have this technology, they could swallow this spacecraft alive!

Could this be some aliens pretending to be from the East to save us?

However, the news that followed really confirmed that these things flew out from the East.

"The US Keyhole satellite confirmed that these conical spacecraft and C-type spacecraft all flew out from the hinterland of the East."

"When they passed over multiple cities, they were photographed by residents of the East."

In other words, these spacecraft are really from the East!

This confirmed news simply made everyone dumbfounded.


Brother, we have been fighting against monsters for 11 years,

So you are just playing around? !

If you have such a good thing, why didn't you bring it out earlier? ! !

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