Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 236: Turn off your phone after showing off, cool!

Chen Zhiming felt that the US representative had a very creative mind.

The US side felt that Chen Zhiming had a very creative mind!

To be honest,

the parallel universe is not much better than the time traveler!

"Parallel universe?"

"What does Chen mean?"

"Is this possible!"

"How can it be impossible? Who can make such a big spaceship on the bright earth?"

"That's right."


With Chen Zhiming's confession, the entire UN General Assembly venue exploded instantly.

Parallel universe!

Before they could make a fuss, Chen Zhiming pressed his hand and introduced solemnly:

"Yes, the logo you see is the Eastern power in the parallel universe!"

"Now, the fleet has entered the gap, I will introduce our enemy, the pioneer clan!"

Chen Zhiming did not reveal too much about the parallel universe and immediately turned the topic back to the enemy.

And with his introduction, many UN representatives realized it belatedly and sweated profusely.

It turned out that the opponent's plan was so vicious!

If they really implement that bullshit "Wall of Life" plan, they will definitely die miserably.

Fortunately, fortunately!

"Everyone, I have told you what happened."

Chen Zhiming's mouth curled up, and his real purpose came!

"The parallel universe is attacking the pioneer civilization. The space gate has limited transportation capacity. We urgently need to establish an ammunition supply center outside the space."


The voice paused, Chen Zhiming narrowed his eyes, and said somewhat "awkwardly":

"You also know that the previous twelve hunter mechas have emptied too much of our working capital."


As soon as Chen Zhiming finished speaking, everyone present understood.

Immediately, a European representative cursed in his heart.

Damn, if I remember correctly, the twelve hunter mechas, you will get our money to make up for it later, right?

You just want to plunder...

Seeing that Chen Zhiming's eyes looking at this side gradually became sharper, the corners of the European representative's mouth twitched.

Plunder, no, raise some money to help the forces of the parallel universe reduce the logistical burden?

"We understand!"

The European representative immediately stood up and nodded vigorously.

Give it, how can we not give it?

If we don't show you a monster, that's too much.

The other party's spacecraft is painted with Chinese, what else is impossible.

"Yes, yes, we all agree!"

"The United States also agrees."

Hearing the voices of all the representatives agreeing, Chen Zhiming smiled in his heart.

Use your money to learn the technology of the parallel universe and use it yourself.

This way, all costs are saved!


"Well, please transfer the raised funds to our account immediately."

"Everyone, those who have money will pay money, those who have mines will pay mines, and those who have no money and no mines... Hey, buying our products is also considered support!"

Chen Zhiming clapped his hands lightly.

His eyes narrowed with laughter.

This time, we can make a lot of money for the country.

The cost is spread out, and there is also external water.

He will wait for promotion when he returns!


This universe, the underground part of Xishan Base.

After the space gate opened, Fang Jing did not leave with the fleet, but returned here.

The fleet was going to war, and he might even make things worse if he went there.

It would be better to eat and drink in the base and play virtual reality games.

He could also go to Jiuzhou World for a stroll if he had nothing to do!

Of course, the most important thing is now.

Fang Jing turned on his phone, opened a certain message, and clicked on the chat box of his best friend Lin Xi.

He sent six pictures in a row.

Each of them was a handsome photo of him standing in the cockpit of the Red Storm!

That posture, the sense of machinery around him, nothing to say!

Five minutes later,

Best friend Lin: "????"

"Which comic exhibition did you go to, the simulation cabin?"

Fang Jing: "Look at this texture, this color, this light image is a simulation cabin?"

Best friend Lin was silent.

Fang Jing curled his lips, he knew that his goal had been achieved.

Then within a minute, his certain message, at a terrifying speed, had 99+ unread messages.

Best friend Lin: "Fuck, is this true???"

"Where is it!!!"

"Answer me?"




Having whetted the appetite of his best friend, Fang Jing turned off his phone and suddenly became cheerful.

"Let's go, take advantage of now, go to Jiuzhou for a good trip!"

Due to confidentiality restrictions, Fang Jing cannot move around freely in this universe.

But this does not mean that he can only stay in the West Mountain Base!

Don't forget, there is also Jiuzhou World!

He is in Jiuzhou World, so he can go wherever he wants?

He moved as soon as he said it, and he went through the space gate to Jiuzhou World.

It's just that something is wrong in the transit square of Jiuzhou World.

In the center of the huge square,

Dino, the highest elder of engineers, was holding a scepter, so excited that his whole body was about to be deformed.

Dancing with joy, as if he was crazy.

"What's going on?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows, what's going on.

"They are studying the pioneers' technology and have made key progress."

Zhou Yuan had been in the Jiuzhou world, helping to check the number of hydrogen bombs. When he saw Fang Jing coming over, he put down his work and walked over directly.

"Key progress?"

Fang Jing was puzzled.

"Yes, it is said that it is the gene reproduction technology of the pioneers. The technology used in a certain generation can help them get out of the genetic "great recession."

Zhou Yuan patted his head and tried to recall:

"It seems that their genes will be completed, and the road of biotechnology can continue."

"No wonder they are so happy."

Fang Jing understood and touched his chin.

No wonder more than 20 engineers hugged each other and cried.

"Hey, but we can't give them things directly."

Zhou Yuan shrugged:

"The other party's technology is already better than ours. Let them develop without restraint."

"But it can be regarded as a thought."

"That's right."

Fang Jing shook his head.

As long as he is a brain, it is impossible to let the engineers continue to develop.

The other party will still work honestly in their hands next.

When there is a chance, they will naturally let them go.

The two stayed quietly, watching the scene of the engineers hugging and crying in the square.

A race that has reached the end, with no progress in technology for tens of thousands of years and a declining population.

Finally saw hope.

At this time, no one could empathize with them.

This is the unique joy of their civilization.

Fang Jing was jealous and turned his head to ask:

"How is the attack on the pioneers?"

"Maybe, there should be survivors."

Zhou Yuan looked at the hydrogen bombs being pulled out in trucks and licked his lips.


Fang Jing opened his mouth and looked in the direction of his gaze.

"Still transporting them in, how long has it been bombing?"

"9 hours..."


Taking a deep breath, Fang Jing groaned for a few times and couldn't speak for a long time.

The hydrogen bomb has been bombing for nine hours.

Is there still life on this planet? ? ?

Three seconds of silence for the pioneers, Amen.

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