Pacific Rim, on Pioneer.

On the entire planet, only the area around the outpost was unscathed.

The dense dominant species are waiting for the storm outside to subside and can use the power of plants to capture the planet at any time.

However, its priority has unknowingly receded.

Because the artificial sun has been delivered!

Thanks to the expanded space gate, five super artificial sun direct engineer spacecraft were dragged over.

Taking advantage of the gravity gap in the center of the C-shaped spacecraft, the artificial sun was easily lifted up like a toy ball.

In the combined fleet,

After spreading black water everywhere, Horos drove back in the spaceship and happened to see this scene.

Why did the Engineer Spaceship hit a ball?

Horos was immediately stunned, judging from the short video of a human he saw at the base.

This should be a hint to their engineers...

Does this mean they used a ball? ? ?

Horos:? ? ? Is it because our performance is too poor?

"Commander-in-Chief, what are these instruments?"

Horos asked cautiously on the communication channel.

"Oh, it's for attack. It just happens to be transported in your spaceship."

He Fan chuckled twice and said to Horos: "Just in time you are back, let's see its power."



Horos was a little confused about the function of this iron ball.

Is this the fundamental logical difference between biological civilization and other civilizations?

Ignoring Horos's doubts, He Fan in the flagship immediately ordered loudly:

"Put on the program for the artificial sun!"

"The program has been connected!"

"Go over the ocean immediately and prepare to drop!"


Five C-type spacecraft controlled by humans immediately controlled the spherical artificial sun and left the outpost and came to the top of the ocean.

"Deploy the artificial sun and return immediately."

He Fan had no expression on his face and said sharply with murderous intent:

"The artificial sun is turned on at full power, and the intelligent system immediately plots the path forward."

"Every part of this huge ocean must be swept clean!"

"Didi-di-di, di-di-di-"

On the holographic projection, the intelligent system responds immediately.

A map of Pioneer's entire ocean was projected onto it, and the positions of the five artificial suns were plotted.

Then, yellow dotted lines appeared on the projection, and instantly the entire ocean was filled with yellow dotted lines.

That’s the path forward for artificial suns!

At this time, on the sea,

The five spaceships, separated by 600 kilometers, were close to the sea and delivered to the artificial sun, but they all disappeared in a flash.

Not running?

That is a high temperature zone of 300 kilometers.

At this distance and at this temperature, if you don't run, you will be like flying a spaceship towards the sun - seeking death!

The spaceship has been vaporized for you.

The five spaceships are just like the bombers that delivered nuclear bombs in the century.

After casting, he ran away, afraid that he might not run away, so he didn't dare to stay for a moment.

"Okay, you have arrived at a safe location."

He Fan chuckled twice in front of the command podium. Can't a super-light spacecraft run 300 kilometers?

"Start the artificial sun now!"

"There might even be a base for the Pioneers hidden in this ocean!"

"Make sure it's clean."

Commander-in-Chief He Fan exhaled heavily after speaking.

After all, it had been going smoothly for a long time and there was less bloodshed. He still had a slight resistance to the order of complete extermination.

I clenched my fists. For the first time, I could allow myself to do this.

Next time, don’t be soft-hearted at all!

"Yes, the execution code name has been determined, Artificial Sun——"

"start up!"


As five hot pebbles were dropped, the soup in the stone pot boiled instantly, and the neatly arranged prawns were completely cooked in less than a few seconds.

The fresh fragrance immediately filled the room.

"Hey, oh, ok, ok, use your chopsticks, use your chopsticks, we are going to Oceania later. Don't you want to hunt kangaroos? Kangaroos have been overpopulated there recently!"

Zhou Yuan said hello twice, raised his chopsticks and went straight to the prawn.

"Well, this white flint soup is so fragrant! It is indeed a famous Shaanxi dish!"

Smelling the sudden aroma, Fang Jing's appetite increased, and he picked up a large shrimp with his chopsticks.

The prawns, which were still raw at first, were cooked immediately after the pebbles were placed on them for just a few seconds.

This taste is incredible!

Fang Jing, who was relaxing while traveling in Kyushu, finished three big bowls of rice!

Pacific Rim, Pioneer Planet Undersea.

In the Undersea Gene Bank Observation Station, several pioneer tribesmen stamped their feet anxiously.

"What should we do? Someone invaded us first. The entire planet's surface has almost been turned over!"

"The bombing hasn't stopped yet, it's been two days!"

"We can't even contact the base on the ground. I guess we are the last ones left alive, right?"

“What should we do, what should we do???”

"Why don't you just stay here? There's enough food anyway, and there's plenty of room for activities here!"

"Hey, this is a good idea. Let's wait until the other party retreats before we go out!"

The pioneer tribesmen of the submarine base quickly made their decision.

They decided to keep going.

The other party wants to blow up for several days, but their position is not easily accessible.

The interior is at a constant temperature and has a self-circulation system, so they can live forever!

After making the decision, they, who were originally anxious, immediately gave up.

Whatever happened, happened.

However, their good days only lasted for a few hours.


"Wait, there is a huge heat source signal passing over our heads???"

"How hot can a heat source signal be? Our base has a magnetic shell that can withstand hundreds of millions of degrees."

A lobster man lying in the rest area waved his claws, extremely indifferent.

What heat source, it can't hurt them at all!

"But, but..."

The lobster man who reported it, his voice was obviously full of fear, he said in horror:

"But, the temperature of the core of this heat source is 300 million degrees or more."

"And we are just at their 200 million degree temperature!!!"


The lying lobster man trembled and fell off the rest area immediately.

"How much did you say?"

"200 million degrees..."

The lobster man reported the observed temperature extremely helplessly.


This temperature silenced all the pioneers present.

"There are still 2 cycles before contact, estimated to be 15 Earth seconds."


No need to say anything.

The pioneers in the base just waited for death.

This temperature directly burned them into lobster meat.

Fifteen seconds later, a blazing hot light shot out.

The base shell that could block the high temperature of nearly 100 million degrees was instantly melted.

The 300-mile ocean that was directly vaporized turned into ashes.

If you stand outside the Pioneer Star at this moment, you can see such a shocking scene.

The ocean on the entire planet is rapidly declining.

Five hot light balls rolled back and forth in the ocean, and the entire ocean was boiling.

On the other side of the planet, the endless heavy rain was carrying the dust in the sky, creating a monstrous natural disaster.

"The boiling sea plan is completed, the bombing mission is completed, and the black water coverage is completed. There is no trace of the pioneers on this planet except the outpost base."

He Fan sat in the command position, staring at the planet that had completely changed its appearance on the holographic projection, and was silent for a long time.

The pioneers are too strong, so humans can only keep attacking.

Otherwise, once the opponent reacts, the situation may turn around in an instant.

Therefore, you must be ruthless, and you must be ruthless in the direction of completely exterminating the opponent!

Beside him, Horus was silent.

This... is too damn cruel.

They destroyed a faction, and only used black water to kill intelligent creatures.

You directly destroyed all the life forms with genetic material on this planet, and dug the planet three feet deep!

However, he didn't say anything.

After all, this pioneer is also aiming to exterminate parasitic humans.

It can only be said that this is an interstellar war, a race war.

Entering the interstellar, destroying stars and planets is a common thing.

One careless mistake, the race is exterminated!

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