Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 24: Hit the target with one shot

1 a.m. on July 31st.

The protective cover has been opened, and the rocket's body is completely revealed in front of people.

The straight arrow body is more than ten meters in diameter.

The tall arrow body is up to 150 meters long.

Storm 9 is mainly composed of 16 main engines and 28 attitude control engines.

The whole body is a cold white and black color, which is rare in Chinese rocket paint.

The fuel injection port is emitting condensation mist.

The entire rocket is like a sword standing in the mist with a cold light.

Countless lights shine on it.

Tonight, it is the undisputed protagonist of the world, and everyone's eyes are focused on it.

In the command hall.

The director of the aerospace industry, Zhang Zhaoming, looked at Zhu Chengcheng with some dumbfounding, and said helplessly:

"Mr. Zhu, can't we just give it a few more months? With our current funds, we can make a recyclable rocket and have a lot of money left over."

"What you want is recyclable, what you want is efficiency, just throw it away after use!"

Zhu Chengcheng rolled his eyes, unable to explain to this little bastard.

Do you want me to tell you that once a lunar base is established on the moon and cooperation with the wandering earth world is reached, the space elevator will not be a dream?

Moreover, the wandering earth world has a planetary engine.

It's just a hydrogen-oxygen engine rocket. To be honest, Zhu Chengcheng doesn't like it!

Wouldn't it be better to just give you a nuclear fusion engine after we finish the other side?

Chemical rockets can be recycled and used for landing on Mars. This is something China wants to do. It is not a technical issue. It used to be a money issue.

As for now, I don't like this thing at all.

Chemical rocket engines are just for transitional use. Throw them away after use. What's so heartbreaking?

How much is this worth?

After the exoskeleton battery technology becomes inferior, it will be decentralized to civilian use.

Earn it back for you in minutes.

"Yes, yes, you always get the money and technology for us, you always have the final say."

Zhang Zhaoming nodded helplessly after hearing Zhu Chengcheng's words.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

After the moon landing mission is completed, they are slowly working on recyclability.

"Mr. Zhu, there is still one minute before launch!"

While the two were talking, the researcher reminded them.

After hearing the reminder, the two people immediately returned their attention to the big screen.

"Attention all units, countdown to one minute to prepare!"

The clear and loud voice of the commander sounded.

"Dawn, the tower separation was successful."

"Understood, thirty seconds countdown!"

The entire hall immediately fell into silence after the last burst of instructions.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, the barrage also stopped tacitly at this moment.

Everyone who was paying attention to the live broadcast held their breath at this time, staring at the huge rocket in the screen.

At this time, space enthusiasts from all over the world and all countries are waiting patiently.

Fang Jing was in the base, guarding the hall with Zhou Yuan and other teammates. He also clenched his fists and felt nervous.

"Ten seconds countdown!"

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one!"



The live broadcast goes to the launch pad.

As the ignition command was given, the igniter burst into flames, suddenly igniting the fuel ejected from the rocket engine.

A huge ball of fire erupted from the nozzle of the rocket engine.

The giant rocket, one hundred and fifty meters long and weighing seven thousand meters, slowly rose in a burst of fire.

And, it's getting faster and faster.

Faster and faster.

Until people on the beach could only see the tail flame from the rocket nozzle.

On a dark beach in the South China Sea, a bright sun ushered in.

At this moment, the entire sky was like day, and the sky was illuminated brightly.

On the beach, tourists from all over the world looked up at the sky and exclaimed "Wow--".

The entire beach could only hear the sound of "wow".

Of course, there are also some Chinese quintessences such as "awesome" and "fuck" mixed in from time to time.

At the same time, in the command center, the commander issued the command again:

"Attention all departments, take-off time is 23 minutes, 45 seconds and 30 milliseconds."

"Wenchang, remote sensing measurement and control is normal."

"Xishan, the optical radar tracking is normal."

"Yuanwang-1, remote sensing measurement and control is normal."


Bursts of sonorous and powerful sounds resounded in the control room and were shown to the world through live broadcast footage.

All viewers and all Chinese people are extremely excited at this moment.

They didn't dare to cheer yet. Everyone was staring at the live broadcast and these aviation staff.

The rocket, under another lens, gradually disappeared into the clouds with the brightness of the bright sun.

The flight continued, but only the rocket's faint body could be photographed on the ground.

Simply, the live broadcast was switched back to the control center.

The camera on the rocket is recording its flight.

"Didi dididi——"

Suddenly, there was a rapid machine start in the control center, which made everyone watching the live broadcast feel nervous.

What's going on?

"The rocket has reached the expected height and the first and second stages have separated!"

The commander gives commands quickly and clearly.

"First and second level separation completed!"

In the picture, the first stage of the thick and sturdy rocket was pushed away and slowly fell towards the ocean, while the second stage ignited immediately the moment it was pushed out.

"Second stage ignition successful!"

"Entering the planned orbit!"


Until this moment, the command center burst into warm applause.

The tension on the faces of all the aerospace staff was swept away.

Some people stood up excitedly, some hugged each other excitedly, and some waved their arms excitedly.


In the distance, Mr. Zhu's eyes were also full of excitement.

The first launch was a complete success. This is a good start!

"The fairing is open, the solar wing sails are unfolded normally, and the payload has arrived at the planned location. Please ask each telemetry center to verify it."

"Wenchang verification is completed."

"Xishan verification is completed."


"Shuguang understands!"

Until this moment, the commander finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

This is a complete success.

The second stage rocket has a large thrust and the speed of entering orbit is naturally faster.

On the big screen of the command center, a big red screen instantly lit up.

It was written on it that the launch of the Storm No. 9 Yaoyi rocket was a complete success!

Tonight is destined to be an exciting night.

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere has been going wild since the beginning.

"It's a success, WTF, WTF, WTF!!!"

"Then the moon landing plan will begin, look forward to it."

"One shot hits the target, who else is there?!"



In addition to the carnival on the Internet, on the beach outside the launch center, people were singing and dancing when they received the news of the successful launch from their mobile phones.

There was also a group of middle-aged people who excitedly raised the national flag.

The national flag fluttered in the wind on the beach.

A group of people put their shoulders together, held hands, danced and sang "Singing the Motherland".

Just like when the J-20 flew low at the air show that year, they sang in unison amid the roar of the engine.

"Singing our dear motherland, moving towards prosperity and strength from now on!"

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