Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 243: Transforming Mars

One year has passed,

In this universe, the transformation of Mars has finally come to an end.

The originally red planet now has a huge ocean thanks to the powerful transformation of human beings.

Moreover, on land, patches of fast-growing species have withered.

Instead, there are "one generation of fast-growing species" that can survive for a long time.

One-generation fast-growing species, as the name suggests, only grows rapidly in the first generation, and its offspring will return to normal.

So it is all nonsense to say that manpower cannot defeat nature.

Of course, if we don’t have enough technical strength, we can’t defeat nature.

If the technical strength is enough, it will naturally be nothing.

Isn’t this a living example? At least through biotechnology, humans have basically mastered the laws of plant growth and withering!

Mars Ground Base Testing Center;

Today's data report shows that nitrogen in the Martian atmosphere accounts for 78.1%, oxygen accounts for 20.9%, and carbon dioxide has reduced to 0.031%. Gases toxic to the human body in the air have disappeared.

After several years of plant transformation,

The atmosphere of Mars has finally been modified to be exactly the same as that of Earth. It can only be said that it is almost the same!

Nitrogen is produced through chemical reactions of various nitrogen-containing substances during plant reproduction.

Of course, some effort was spent in the middle.

Fortunately, the results are gratifying.

Today's Mars really looks like a "small Earth".

Ocean, land, forest, grassland, desert, rain forest, snow mountain...

There are eleven more suns!

Well, the rest feels no different from the earth, except for the last eleven suns, which somewhat spoil the scenery.

The people of Project 237 did not come to Mars in person.

However, thanks to the communication equipment on Kuvit, the ceremony near the Mars base can be broadcast live in the base without any delay.

on Mars,

A new city will be located on a plain, surrounded by dense grasslands and lush forests.

However, what is more strange is that the entire grassland and forest are very quiet and eerily quiet.


Animals adapted to Mars' gravity are being transformed.

In other words, there are only plants on Mars now.

Testers who tried to live could even sleep directly in the forest.


Just send a signal and night will turn into day!

You can sunbathe for as long as you want.

Ahem, but this is how the testers can play. In the future, when the entire population is relocated, the day and night changes here will still be the same as on the earth.

But the more interesting thing is,

The weather forecast for Mars is a real weather forecast.

Because by then, even rainfall will be controlled.

Standing on the plains and beside the forest, a majestic city will rise from the ground!

In the future, this city will be home to tens of millions of people, and it will have automated agricultural factories and automated livestock factories that supply the entire city.

The carbon dioxide and excrement produced by the urban population will be collected and supplied to automated agricultural factories and automated livestock factories.

A perfect ecological closed loop will appear on Mars!

Forests, lakes, and grasslands will become the best resting places for residents.


Cities don’t have to be limited to high-rise buildings either.

If you don’t like the cold and cold steel jungle, you can also build your own cozy home with a yard in the suburbs.

As long as it is within the planning area regulations,

You can build whatever you want, as long as the land management is sufficient.

Such a large Mars has a surface area of ​​140 million square kilometers, and oceans account for 19%, about 20 million square kilometers.

Simulating Mars with oceans in ancient times

The remainder, 120 million square kilometers, excludes uninhabitable areas.

That’s not a big deal at all!

Not only is the land not a thing, transportation is not a thing either, three-dimensional transportation, flying cars with electromagnetic pulse engines.

What's more, the cost of building a house will also be ridiculously low.

Make a call, make an appointment, and the robot construction team will appear!

the whole of Mars,

Tens of millions of square kilometers of land, this is a vast blue ocean!

9.6 million square kilometers can support 1.4 billion people.

Mars will become a big country in the East, another beginning of population explosion!

Xishan base, preparation room,

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan were making friends.

The holographic projection above the head is live broadcasting the opening ceremony of Mars.

During the delayed live broadcast on TV, the host's excited voice lingered in Fang Jing's ears, but in the middle of hearing it, he suddenly stopped and took a puff of powder.

The host read out words seriously that made Fang Jing confused.

"With the completion of the transformation of Mars, Sun Quanjun, the Mars administrator appointed by the capital, officially went to the Mars base to take up his post."

"On the day he took office, Captain Sun expressed several opinions on the development of Mars. The meeting pointed out..."

"What the hell, Mars balls are long???"

Taking a piece of paper to wipe his mouth, Fang Jing coughed twice, then picked his ears and suspected that he heard wrongly.

Suddenly a long ball appeared!

He almost became a chief after hearing it!

"There's nothing surprising about this. It's very simple and real."

Zhou Yuan handed over a packet of paper, glanced at Fang Jing, and said calmly:

"How down-to-earth, the highest official in charge of the development of Mars, isn't that the Mars Ball Director?!"

"The naming above has always been so simple and crude?"

Fang Jing coughed twice. It had to be said that the title of "ball leader" was really... "domineering".

"What's the problem? Isn't there still a river leader?"

After hesitating, Zhou Yuan felt that this name was quite good, simple and clear.

Fang Jing was speechless.

When you think about it, it makes sense.

Okay, okay, ball captain Sun Quanjun.

Whoever came up with this name couldn’t wait for more than two seconds.

"Originally there was a Star Lord, or maybe Mars simply became the Firefly Province."

Zhou Yuan shook his head and explained:

"The boss doesn't like the word "lord". It needs to be used to save ground, but we can't mix it up anymore, so we just let the ball leader call it first."

"But then again."

After a pause, Zhou Yuan chuckled and continued:

"My cousin's family is planning to completely move to Mars."


Fang Jing has been traveling around Kyushu World in the past few months, and he really doesn't know much about the situation on Mars.


Zhou Yuan chuckled lightly:

"The land will be allocated as soon as you go, and the first batch of houses to be built will be discounted at 20%. This is broken, and the local government will pay for it!"

"Work distribution, free basic medical care, and basic food rationing."

"You will also receive additional contribution points when you have a child, free education, contribution points subsidies for raising children before they become adults, food subsidies, toy subsidies, extended leave subsidies, and a 4-hour work system for parents before the children reach junior high school..."

"He'll still get his salary back!"

Zhou Yuan counted the numbers in detail with his fingers, suddenly raised his head and said solemnly:

"I feel like I have to go to Mars in advance to get some land."

"Nima, with such good conditions, it would be unreasonable not to go!"


The land of dreams! ! !

Mr. Zhu: The main reason is that the productivity is so developed, so why am I still greedy for manpower?

Are workers faster than smart robots?

Energy, almost unlimited, can be converted into burning stone to generate electricity. Minerals, the entire solar system is my pasture. Mining personnel, if they are not afraid that too many people will lose their jobs at once, who would use manpower? ? ?

If we weren't afraid of turning people into trash, this benefit would be even more outrageous!

Benefits are there, but at the same time, people must be encouraged not to become useless.

As long as you don’t starve to death, as for a better life, you can only study hard and strive for it!

By the way, bring me the population.

It's over after birth,

As for education, Mr. Zhu has prepared a complete set of education plans.

Several parallel universe education experts held meetings for half a year,

The interstellar era education syllabus has been discussed for half a year.

You, the waste of parents in the earth age is not a problem. The country has raised you, so you don’t need that little energy.

However, your child will definitely be cultivated into a hexagonal warrior with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills!

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