Mars, node island.

Actually, it can't be called an island. 500,000 square kilometers is larger than Sichuan Province!

It's no problem to list it as a province.

This island is the new site of Project 237.

Fang Jing and his team took a spaceship and landed directly in the center of the island.

At this time, dozens of giant construction machines were working in an orderly manner on the island under the control of the intelligent system.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of the tamping machine was deafening.

It is worth mentioning that the construction machinery designed on Mars is slightly different from that on Earth.

Since the gravity on Mars is only 0.38 times that of the Earth, the base of the construction machinery has been increased.

"The construction is now in the outer area, and the inner core area is still underground."

Old Zhu saw the doubt in Fang Jing's eyes and explained:

"However, fortunately, the living area has been moved to the ground."

"Haha, the population of the 237 plan is now enough to support the construction of a city."

"In the future, when you are free, you can follow Zhou Yuan to wander around the city on the ground."

Fang Jing put his face on the porthole, looking at the slowly approaching ground, and then looking at the vast and boundless ground.

This node island is too big!

Looking down from the spaceship at this time, it is an endless grassland.

The breeze blows, and the dense green grass sways in the wind.

This rich breath of nature makes Fang Jing's mood happy.

This place will be their new home in the future!

"The underground facilities are exactly the same as the Xishan base, but the key transfer room and disinfection room have been expanded several times."

After the spaceship landed, Zhao Guangyao, who had arrived long ago, immediately came to meet him.

As he led everyone down the elevator, he introduced:

"On Earth, the Xishan Base only has a Level 4 biological defense standard, but here, we refer to the engineers' biotechnology and some data obtained from the pioneers to construct a Level 9 biological defense standard."

"At the same time, the entire base has also upgraded the supervision system, introducing intelligent programs and quantum computing libraries."

Walking through the construction site on the grassland, take the elevator to the underground part.

When the elevator door opened, Fang Jing opened his mouth in shock even though he had expected it.

The original Xishan Base was good, but the passages were a bit cramped, and the walls were painted half green. The decoration style was really not flattering.

It can only be said that it was very much like the Cold War style of the last century.

But now, the new Xishan Base on the Mars Node Island!

The wide and bright corridors, with red dots flashing from time to time above, are the detection rays emitted by the laser.

In the underground part of the entire base, all corridors, ventilation ducts, drainage and line ducts are equipped with this detection ray.

The ray developed based on biotechnology can identify the identity of organisms.

It can be said that even if there is an extra cell in the underground part of the new Xishan base, these detectors can scan it for you!

The protection level of the new Xishan base has reached the terrifying level of "invulnerable".

"In addition to some system upgrades, in order to take care of the feelings of the project members, the layout here is exactly the same as on Earth."

Zhao Guangyao took everyone to walk around.

Fang Jing smacked his lips. Except for the larger space and more advanced equipment, the layout of this place is really unchanged.

Even his room, where the virtual equipment is placed, has not moved!

The comrades who moved are really thoughtful.

The new Xishan base, these careful designs instantly made the first batch of personnel feel warm in their hearts.

Familiarity, a sense of familiarity, can adapt well.

It's like going home!


Fang Jing's task at the base is to rearrange the space door.

Then, he and Zhou Yuan ran to the ground preparation room.

Two "space cars" were found from it.

The modified robot spent two hours to complete the transformation of the space car and installed the most "powerful" engine.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz--"

The engine was roaring,

The two base street guys stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!

A cloud of dust flew up, and the two colorfully painted space cars immediately turned into afterimages and rushed out of the base.

"Brother Zhou, I'm definitely faster than you!"

"Nonsense, I'm faster, weld the accelerator for me!"

Anyway, they were wearing a buffer exoskeleton.

Even if the car exploded, they would be fine.

The accelerator is welded, rush!!!

"Tatt tatt tatt."

At the same time, in the sky, several unmanned helicopters followed the vehicle.

They are not responsible for the safety of the two.

The vehicle with the support steel (planetary engine) anti-collision frame installed, how many miles would it take for it to crash into something?

At least it should be at the level of 10,000 kilometers per second.

This plane is here to watch the show.

After all, if the car flips over, we can still take a picture of the two people's predicament and send it back to the base.

It's just right for everyone to see the joke.

Here, the two have already started driving on Mars.

The first batch of 5,000 people who set out almost at the same time as them, the Mars immigrants, have arrived in the orbit of Mars.

Zhang Tao is the lucky one among the lucky ones. Not only did he win the lottery, but he was also the first population to arrive on Mars.

"We have reached the orbit of Mars!"

On the ship, all the immigrants wished their faces were growing on the portholes.

When they left Earth, the magnificent blue planet amazed them.

Now, this Mars makes them look forward to it even more.

"I see, I see, this is Mars, why is it different from what I read in the book before?"

"You are studying management, how long have you not watched the news? This is Mars after transformation!"

"It's so beautiful, there is an ocean in the north and land in the south."

"There are clouds, lakes and rivers above, and I also saw the Arctic ice cap. It's too exaggerated. This planet was transformed by us, by humans!"

"This will be our home in the future!"

"Where are we going to land?"


On the spacecraft, people stretched their necks, opened their eyes wide, and looked greedily at the beautiful scenery of Mars outside the window.

People are already looking forward to building a new home there.

They are like adventurers who can't wait to set off after discovering the new continent.

"We are going to land in the first city on Mars!"

On the ship, a young man waved his hands excitedly, his eyes sparkling, and he introduced loudly according to the booklet:

"The first city on Mars, Yongri City!"

"Mars is Yongri, Yunhan is scorching!"

"Although this Mars does not refer to the current Mars, Yongri City and its jurisdiction will become the well-deserved capital of Mars!"

"Yongri Yongri, ten artificial suns will all change their orbits here."

"This city will always have a suitable temperature, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and it is the most suitable city for human survival on Mars!"

"We are actually the first batch of residents in Yongri City!!!"

The young man fastened his seat belt, danced with joy, and was very excited.

Yongri City,

will be the beginning of their new life!

This place will not only be the center of Mars in the future, but also the center of the entire solar system!

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