Tearing space shield,

The potential of this shield far exceeds everyone's expectations.

Even engineer Horus was frightened by the human's wild imagination.

Because, the request for shield technology to be installed on the ship was not only approved, but also personally approved by Zhu Lao.

We must use the tearing space shield to make weapons!

Since the introduction of neutron jet weapons, it seems that kinetic weapons can only be used as auxiliary.

However, the expert group has a different view.

They always believe that kinetic weapons have not reached their peak.

The two sides are arguing,

It just so happens that the tearing space shield technology gives the kinetic weapon faction hope.

"We can't simply abandon the development of kinetic weapons just because energy weapons are powerful."

The fluid mechanics expert in the expert group said to everyone earnestly:

"I don't deny the power of energy weapons, but no matter how powerful they are, they are more likely to be targeted."

"So, while we focus on energy weapons, we should still retain the research on kinetic weapons."

"At the same time, this idea should also be retained on warships. In the future, kinetic weapons must be installed as supplements on warships!"

"I agree with this view."

The neutron beam injection R\u0026D personnel affirmed his objective statement.

Moreover, he also keenly perceived that this tearing space shield seemed to be very suitable for making weapons.

Defense and offense have different paths to the same end!

Everything can be a weapon!

In the end, the responsibility of using this technology to make weapons fell on Li Zhengmei, an expert in kinetic weapons.

His idea was also very simple.

Wouldn't the tearing space shield create a layer of distorted space around the hull?

Use this area to cause damage!

Just a little modification is needed to add vibration to the distorted space area!

That's right, a spaceship in jump mode is a huge "weapon".

The distorted outer space is the best means of killing.

You just need to increase the power and change the continuous frequency to the oscillation mode.

In this way, a space shock bomb is born!

And this space shock bomb was actually produced before the shield tearing!

On the Mars orbital base,

Wu Tong looked at the gray equipment in the dock with a curious look on his face.

What is this?

Painted in black, about 20 meters long and 7 meters in diameter, it looks like a submarine without a command tower.

No, it's more like a lying missile.

"What is this?"

Wu Tong asked the dock commander next to him in confusion.

"This is the target you are carrying, the space shock bomb."

The commander pointed, then turned on the holographic projection and swiped his hands.

In the distance of Mars, a huge asteroid was identified.

"No. JH-1299, your task is to map the capabilities of this weapon, pay attention to recycling, and the manual has been sent to the ship."


Wu Tong nodded slowly.

Space... shock bomb?

From the name, it is a kinetic weapon, related to space.

It should be powerful, right?

After muttering to himself, he opened the holographic mission book and raised his eyebrows.

JH-1299, this asteroid is not small, with a cross-sectional area of ​​200,000 square kilometers!

Moreover, the mission is to directly use this space shock bomb to hit the asteroid? ? ?

What kind of operation is this!

The dark space is far away from Mars.

However, the empty space is not as cold and lonely as usual.

Because, in the radio frequency band, a harsh song came.


Because of the rise of the mining industry in the asteroid belt, the asteroid belt is now very busy.

Every day, many small mining ships set out from the "Forward Mining Base" floating near the asteroid belt to visit here.

"KM-3D255 small mining ship, according to the "Applicable Provisions for Navigation in the Solar System", except for special cases such as special ships, emergency rescue and distress ships, any ship is prohibited from occupying public frequency bands."

"Turn off this song for me immediately!"

Near the asteroid belt, in a blue and white police ship, the police on duty looked at the ship flying in front of him, which was openly broadcasting on the public screen, and picked up the intercom to page immediately.

According to regulations, all ships must have a paging system that cannot be shielded, interfered with, and cannot be damaged by the crew.

The paging system uses a specific frequency, so the other party will definitely hear it.

Soon, a sizzling response sounded on the police ship.

"Oh, oh, oh, sorry, comrade police, I tuned it wrong, it's turned off!"

"Okay, okay, you don't have to go there."

"What's wrong, comrade police, please don't revoke my ship driver's license!"

The driver on the mining ship was panicked.

No way, will your driver's license be revoked for playing music?

"What are you thinking? The direction you are going to has just been designated as a temporary military exercise area. Change the route and go find the meteorite."

"Oh, thank you, police comrade."

The mining ship obeyed the order and turned immediately.

At the moment of turning, the middle-aged man in the cockpit opened his mouth suddenly.

His eyes were fixed on the probe.

"This is it!"

On the probe, a smooth and cold warship with a black paint was slowly flying by.

Compared to the warship, his mining ship with a blue cat printed on the outer wall was simply garbage.

At the same time, he also saw a scene that he would never forget.

Next to the dark and cold spaceship, a small black projectile flew by.

The speed of the dark projectile was very slow, and it felt slower than his mining ship.

But at the moment when he looked over curiously.

In the distance, far away from him,

there was a sudden burst of bright silver light around the projectile.

The silver light was not very bright, but just faintly surrounded the surface of the projectile, a shallow layer.

But the dark space became the best foil, so that the mining ship driver felt it was really a bit dreamy.

The silver halo composed of light was just like the unfolding light wings.

Then, the area around the projectile became illusory and blurred.

When the driver came to his senses, everything in front of him had disappeared.

"Just now that was..."

His pupils shrank, and he realized keenly.

He might have seen something incredible just now.

That silver light like a wing of light, what is that? ? !

"No, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything!"

In an instant, the driver reacted very quickly.

He didn't see anything!

Pass by, pass by, leave quickly!

At the same time,

On the warship in the distance, Wu Tong glanced at the "mining ship KM-3D255" on the radar.

The other party was very smart and knew what to see and what not to see.

"Captain, the space shock bomb has been activated and is about to hit JH-1299."

Wu Tong retracted his gaze and said in a serious voice:

"Pay attention to record and see the power of this new missile!"

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