Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 250 Assistant, at your service

Wandering Earth World,

The old site of the 710 Research Institute.

Today, this place, including the planetary engine cover above, has been abandoned.

In the depths of the wreckage of the institute, in a room familiar to Fang Jing, a dark space door suddenly appeared.

Around the dark space door, there was only endless dust and overgrown weeds.

"Ka Ka Ka——"

A silver-white robot, with cables connected to its back, slowly walked out of the space door.

Its sensitive mechanical eyes kept turning, curiously observing the surrounding scenes.

In this universe, Zhou Zhezhi saw the desolate scene in front of him in the monitoring room, and his eyes were a little complicated.

This was where they used to receive Fang Jing.

A few years have passed, and now it is dilapidated.

It seems that no one can guess that the Eastern power that ran away will send people back again.

The solar crisis is right in front of them, and they don't have time to hold on to these.

However, the robot was discovered after all.

After walking a few steps forward, in the corner, an extremely cold voice suddenly came out.

"It's you..."

The voice sounded emotionless, obviously mechanical.

Controlling the robot to turn around, Zhou Zhezhi looked at a communicator on the handover, and curled his lips.

"MOSS, see you later!"

"6 years and two months, Zhou Zhezhi, why did you come back?"

MOSS's voice was emotionless, and the question sounded a bit creepy.

"For you, our research has reached a bottleneck, so we need some of your code."

Knowing MOSS's character, Zhou Zhezhi's main point is frankness.

Get straight to the point.


MOSS was silent for a few seconds, as if he was thinking.

But in fact, the data intrusion alarm in the monitoring room was constantly ringing.

"Warning, there is data intrusion in the No. 1 disinfection room, and part of the computing power in the disinfection room is being deployed to resist."

"The attack has been resisted, and the intrusion data has been eliminated."

Looking down, Zhou Zhezhi burst into laughter.


The past is the past,

Now the computer technology of this universe and Kyushu is not so easy to crack.

It's a shame, it was counterattacked by the regional network antivirus system of the No. 1 disinfection room.

This silence, can't it be a fight!

If they don't want to study the mechanism of artificial intelligence to produce independent personality, they don't need MOSS.

MOSS was silent for a long time, and finally continued:

"Your...computer intelligence technology doesn't seem to need MOSS code."

The voice was stalked, and the communicator in the corner flashed a little red light.

Obviously, the other party is paying attention here.

When he heard Zhou Zhezhi say that the technology had encountered a bottleneck and needed its code.

MOSS immediately made a deduction.

Combined with the various performances of the Eastern power a few years ago, the "feasibility" of the space gate, which was not strong in scientific and technological strength, instantly increased.

When it exceeded 70%, it immediately launched a data invasion.

The result was beyond his expectation that it was counterattacked immediately after launching a floating point attack, and even made it flustered.

After the processing was completed, it was also speechless.

With your technology, you still want my code?

Are you teasing me?

The possibility of finding an opportunity to beat me up is rising rapidly because you are unhappy with me!

"That's not what I said. I needed to play a game with you before, but it's different now. I'll tell you the truth."

Zhou Zhe was moved by the scene and chuckled. His tone was slow, but at this moment his tone was full of silent confidence:

"We don't want to create another MOSS, so we want to get your code, understand the mechanism of artificial intelligence generating independent consciousness, and then..."

"Completely cut off the possibility of artificial intelligence generating independence and self-reliance."

MOSS's voice was still flat, and this reason barely convinced him.

It paused, the red dot in the corner flashed for a few seconds, and then continued:

"I agree, the code data disk will be delivered soon."


Zhou Zhezhi nodded with satisfaction, hesitated for a while, and then asked:

"How is this world...?"

"Tens of thousands of planetary engines are under construction."

MOSS's tone was flat, as if what he said was not worth mentioning.

"How did you do it?"

Zhou Zhezhi was shocked. From MOSS's tone, he seemed to have successfully guided humans to complete the Mountain Moving Plan.

"It's very simple."

MOSS was like an absolutely rational machine, saying lightly:

"All plans except the Mountain Moving Plan were destroyed by me."

"Everyone who opposed the Mountain Moving Plan was killed by me, and those who were unwilling to disclose technology to help other countries expand production and build engines were also eliminated by me."

It doesn't need to promote the Mountain Moving Plan to the mainstream,

it just needs to destroy all other plans!

There is no doubt that MOSS is more cruel than the original, but the means are still the same.

Using crisis and killing, humans are forced to unite together.

"You...are amazing."

Zhou Zhezhi nodded slowly.

These things had nothing to do with him anymore, he understood immediately.


The sound of the propeller turning was heard,

Outside, an unmanned aircraft slowly flew in and a photon hard disk was placed on the ground.

The robot slowly picked it up.

Then, he took out a small transparent optical disc from his pocket.

"This is our gift to you, let's call it an exchange!"

After saying that, the robot turned around and left without hesitation.

The space gate also closed and disappeared the moment it left.

The Wandering Earth world finally had nothing to do with them.

Only in the corner, the communicator flashed a striking red light.


In this universe, a month has passed.

In the laboratory, the data disk brought by MOSS has been completely cracked.

The last insurance of artificial intelligence has finally been completed.

The computer scholars who got the data were almost laughing crazy.

Finally, artificial intelligence can finally be born!

The model that had been prepared long ago, plus the "chain", was immediately transported to the disconnected experimental area.

In front of the quantum computing group,

a group of people welcomed the data module as if they were welcoming a holy object.

The old computer scientist, with white hair, held the module in his hand and trembled.

The scientist next to him was afraid that he would shake his hand and break the thing!

Finally, the data module was inserted into the computer group.

"Ding ding ding——"

Artificial intelligence, start!

As the complex data model was input into it, the lights of the entire computer group kept flashing.

The computer group began to run at full capacity!


In front of him, the holographic projection suddenly lit up,

A face without specific facial features appeared in the air, accompanied by the noise of the computer cooling system,

The face became clearer and clearer.

On the screen, the data model jumped faster and faster until the calculation reached the last node.

The face of the holographic projection, with numb eyes, finally had spirit.

And, on the radio, a mechanical synthesized voice came.

"'Assistant', at your service!"

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