Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 252 I got cheated!

Outside the main sequence star system where Paradise Star is located,

A... somewhat old cargo spacecraft has exited the jump mode and is slowly slowing down.

"Although this ship is a bit old, the speed is not bad and the space is large enough!"

A little old man in the cab chuckled and patted his beer belly.

"Mart, Qiaosen and Tangweier are not lying to us, right?"

Thomas shook his head and looked at the stars in the distance with some concern.

"We know that Qiao Sen has a good character."

"But in the letter, Tang Weier gave me a somewhat sinister feeling."

"That's right, Tang Weier is a very calculating person. He couldn't have persuaded Qiao Sen to lie to us, right?"

On the side, Jones, who had had the opportunity to work as a colleague with Tang Weier, complained a few words.

"Impossible, there's no way those two could trick me!"

Malte shook his head affirmatively.

It's just that when he said this, he glanced at Thomas and Jones in front of him with a guilty conscience.

Although he can guarantee that he will not be cheated, there is a chance that these two guys will not.

After all, that is Tang Weier!

"You have said so, so we are a little relieved."

Seeing Malte's firm tone, Jones reluctantly nodded and comforted himself:

"With Mr. Villante's endorsement, at least this spaceship is really given to me."

"Although this spaceship is old, it is still valuable!"

Mr. Wieland, you wouldn’t use such an expensive spaceship to trick them! !

No, no one should be so boring!

Thinking of this, Jones and Thomas were completely relieved.

"Okay, I received Qiao Sen's response. I have obtained the coordinates. It's time for you to dispel your suspicions!"

Malte pointed to his ears, with an excited look on his face.

On Earth, he offended big bosses in the scientific research community because of his crimes.

So even if Wieland uses him again, it will just delegate him to manage the equipment cemetery.

His dream in this life is the same as that of Tang Weier and Qiao Sen.

Just continue to work on the launch equipment of the spacecraft!

It is precisely for this reason that he is relatively familiar with Qiaosen and Tangweier.

Of course, he has a better relationship with Qiao Sen, but Tang Weier always feels that he is too treacherous. An honest person like him does not like to hang out with such a treacherous person.

Afraid of being sold, I have to count the money for him.

Fortunately, this time it was a letter from Qiao Sen.

Qiao Sen, well, is still worth trusting.

"Okay, let's get ready to enter the orbit of the Paradise Star!"

Malte grinned twice and said hehe:

"I can't wait to study alien spacecraft!"

"Let that bastard Sver know that it doesn't matter if I, Malte, offend him, we can still have a good time!"

The old transport ship quickly entered the orbit of Paradise Star with the final deceleration.

Arriving at the orbit of Paradise Star, the eyes of the three people on board the spacecraft showed astonishment.

Because there are actually huge satellites floating in the orbit of Paradise Star.

Upon discovering this anomaly, the three of them not only failed to be vigilant, but... relaxed!

Because this satellite looks like a human structure at first glance, but the structure is a bit old-fashioned.

So what, their spaceship isn't either?

As long as it is a human structure, it means that there are human activities on this planet.

"It's good to have human activities. I'm also worried that Qiao Sen and Tang Weier will be abducted by aliens with poor technology, so I asked us to bring a truckload of equipment over."

Thomas breathed out.

As long as it is a creation of human beings!


Suddenly, there was a strange noise in the cab.

"'Mom' checked the spacecraft. Is there something wrong?"

Malte heard the noise keenly, and he quickly became vigilant.

In space, this kind of noise is a sign of danger.

"...The quality inspection is completed, there are no abnormalities in the data, and there are no abnormalities in the Carter transport ship."

The shipboard artificial intelligence ‘Mom’ paused for a few seconds before responding.

The three of them didn't pay attention. They paused for a few seconds, probably checking the spacecraft.

Of course, in the corner that they couldn't see, the terrain map that was originally scanned by the scanning radar suddenly changed in a flash.

On the map, the squares and gathering places marked in green disappeared!

"Scan the entire planet and determine the locations of Prometheus and Kuvit, 'Mom'!"

Jones was still worried and ordered his mother to determine the location of the spacecraft.


The holographic projection on the cab changes immediately,

The ground profile on Paradise Star is constantly changing, and two spaceships suddenly appear near the corner.

"The scan is over. Prometheus and Kuvit are just ten kilometers away from the landing point."


Jones let out a heavy breath.

"It seems that there should be no problem."

Even ‘Mom’ has determined the locations of the Prometheus and the Kuvit.

The two spaceships are still there. Is there any large gathering place on Paradise Planet?

It seems that only Tang Weier and others are here.

"Okay, now that we've determined that there's no problem, let's land!"

Looking at this planet as gorgeous and beautiful as the Earth, and thinking of the precious alien spacecraft ruins on it, Malte's hands trembled slightly.

The engine of alien intelligent civilization,

A spaceship structure more advanced than human beings,

He's really coming!

The huge transport spaceship, carrying cargo, descended very quickly.

Although the performance of this spacecraft is not top-notch, it is still the top product of Wieland Company. To some extent, it is even more perfect than Prometheus.

In particular, its consideration of ergonomics during the landing phase even made the three people in the cockpit of the spacecraft not feel strange at all.


There was a flash of smoke, and Wieland's unique landing logo suddenly lit up on the ground.

"Hahaha, the people who came to pick us up are here!"

Malte immediately started landing according to the landing signs, and the spacecraft began to descend steadily.

"Something's wrong. Where are the other two spaceships?"

Jones stood on the porthole and looked into the distance, but did not see the spaceship in the distance.

"Here, there is so much smoke and dust outside that it would be strange if you could see it with the naked eye from a distance of 10 kilometers!"

Malte pointed to the signal sources of the two spacecrafts on the radar, turned to Jones and chuckled:

"The little girl is too cautious!"

"Okay, we are not far from the ground, the landing bracket is extended, ready to land!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The spacecraft shook for a while and successfully landed on the ground.

"Okay, let's go down quickly!"

Marte thought about the alien spacecraft and was so excited that he couldn't contain his excitement. He stood up and rushed towards the airlock.

Jones and Thomas looked at each other helplessly and could only follow.

The three people put on protective isolation suits and got off the spacecraft directly from the airlock.

Not far away, several military green low-altitude flying vehicles flew directly towards the target with smoke raised.

Then, he stopped in front of the three Malte people.

"I said Qiao Sen, your Kuvit still carries this kind of flying armored vehicle..."

He was about to quarrel with his friend Qiao Sen, but when he saw the people getting out of the car, Malte's voice gradually became quieter.

On the flying armored vehicle, several soldiers wearing black exoskeletons, holding electromagnetic rifles, wearing some kind of masks, and uniformly colored equipment walked down slowly.

Seeing this scene, Malte's expression gradually solidified.

The smile disappeared from his face.

It is absolutely impossible to carry people on board the Prometheus spacecraft and the Kuvit spacecraft who look like the military.

Malte realized instantly.

Damn it, Qiao Sen is cheating on him! ! !

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