Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 264 You are quite good at hiding!

The transport ship set sail with Fang Jing!

After this period of development, the affairs of several universes have been sorted out.

Before the ship set sail, Zhu Lao considered many aspects.

This universe and Jiuzhou technology have entered the sedimentation period, and it is difficult to have a major breakthrough in a short period of time.

The light speed engine has entered the design and manufacturing stage due to the equipment of the alien world.

The next step is just a matter of slowly grinding integration and experimentation.

The Pacific Rim world also began to build spacecraft with direct support from the industrial line and prepare for large-scale mining.

The manpower originally supporting various projects in the 237 plan has been vacated.

Since the people in the 237 plan have been vacated,

then it is time to start a new journey!

After all, the original mission of their 237 plan is to develop and utilize parallel universes.

"At the speed of the transport ship, even if it is extremely slow, it only takes 6 months."

In the spacecraft engine research room, Malte explained to Tang Weier and the others with some expectation.

"There will be a new parallel universe in 6 months, and I hope it has the technology we want!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Outside the laboratory, Horos, who came out of the biological laboratory for a stroll, knocked on the glass.

He looked at the three people who were distracted while holding the parts of his beloved spaceship with a cold face:

"What are you talking about? Keep an eye on it!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Tang Weier and the other two immediately lowered their heads like quails.

Why is this big brother always haunting me!

You have been transferred, so don't always think about your damn spaceship! ! !

Those eyes are as big as copper bells, which are scary!

Seeing that the three people have calmed down, Horos walked away a little unhappily.

But when he left, he also muttered softly:

"It would be great if there was biological civilization in the new world."

If the new world is really a different biological civilization,

He is absolutely willing to be a pioneer and rush hard!

After that, when he returns to the prison and sees the elder.

Is he still afraid?

At that time, it will be the Supreme Elder Dino who will be kind to him!

That's right,

All those who join the 237 plan, no, whether they are human or not, are looking forward to the new world!

After all, the new world represents new technologies, new insights, and new resources!

And these will shape the new future!

Of course, while looking forward to the new world, they must not forget to work hard on the ground.

The top technologies of several worlds, whether human or alien, are gathered together.

Different ideas, different routes, different concepts.

They are slowly blending.

However, what is surprising is that

the first technology to achieve a breakthrough is actually superluminal communication!

The communication science research group, using alien equipment, successfully restored the superluminal communication equipment on Prometheus and Kuvit.

In other words,

one of the puzzle pieces of the desire for this universe to become a republic across star systems has been collected!

Someone once said that the speed of communication and transportation will limit the size of the territory.

Imagine that it takes several years to go to another place at the fastest speed, and it also takes several years to communicate once.

So, can your territory reach there?

Even if you spend time conquering there, people will make trouble for you in the next moment.

This is the speed of operation and communication!

And now, superluminal communication has come out!

It’s hard to say about the Milky Way that spans 100,000 light years, but it’s time for several nearby star systems to be considered by this universe!

Mr. Zhu has already seen beyond the solar system!

Around the Pacific Ocean, the Pioneer star system, hosting 1 planet.

Under the towering ancient tree, a scientific research station was established.

Biologists from several universes gathered here and are studying this ancient tree.

“It can use biological functions to complete holographic projection and store data of the Pioneer clan for tens of thousands of years.”

“The other party’s biotechnology is really amazing.”

Pan Wei raised his head and stared at the ancient tree that looked like a skyscraper, smacking his lips.

They are the second group of biologists to come.

The previous group of Professor Dong Shihai had read the data and left, and they were staying to study.

"Such a big tree can contain the genes of intelligent civilization. Do you think it can also produce 'wisdom'?"

The question was asked by a biologist from the Eastern country around the Pacific Ocean.

These were specially sent by Mr. Wu to learn advanced technology.

"Plants produce wisdom?"

Pan Wei frowned and stared at the ancient tree carefully:

"Maybe there is really a plant civilization in the universe, but at least the ancient tree on the deposit 1 cannot exist."

Speaking of this, he looked at the many scholars behind him and joked:

"Otherwise, can we still survive?"


"That's right, at least this ancient tree cannot exist."

"The plant civilization that Professor Pan is talking about is the organisms with chlorophyll in their cells!"

"That's right!"

The people behind him also laughed.

However, beside them, Luo Ding, a biologist from the Kyushu world and a disciple of Xi Ruier, frowned all the time.

Although several biologists said it unintentionally.

However, this ancient tree can rely on biological function holographic projection,

Would it be strange if it has wisdom?

Its internal structure is even more amazing than optical fiber!

As for the question of whether it would attack humans if it had intelligence.

Luo Ding tilted his head and glanced at the spaceship in the distance.

If I remember correctly, there were always people guarding the high-energy weapons on the spaceship.

In this situation, attacking would be foolish!

However, all this is speculation.

"Can plants really achieve civilization or have intelligence?"

Luo Ding was thinking in his heart.

Relying on the system of plants, can it have intelligence?

Is this reasonable?

The two parallel universes are both animal civilizations, even including humans, who are also animals.

At this point,

he is really a little curious about what level plants will reach if they have intelligence.

In other words,

if plant intelligence is discovered,

their biology will open a new chapter!

It is a completely blank field after the technology of engineer civilization and pioneer civilization.

It is another life form that neither engineer nor pioneer civilization can imagine!

"Okay, no matter whether this plant has intelligence or not, let's continue researching!"

Pan Wei discussed for a moment and decided to start researching.

He stared at the huge old tree with his eyes, muttering:

"Why don't we just propose to dig up this tree!"

"That's amazing!"

"I propose it too!"

"By the way, will the higher-ups allow it?"

"I think so, since the data has been read."

"Will the tree die?"

"Yes, we should try not to let it die."

"It's okay, the data will be left behind when it dies, and we can divide it at that time, leaving me a piece of the tree heart."

"Then I just need a piece of bark."

"Hey, why divide it? I also need a piece of trunk for my lab."

"Me, me, me!"


You can imagine how cruel these scientists' words are.

In the distance, the towering old tree seemed to have sensed an extremely strong malice,

and its branches and leaves hidden on the back began to shake slightly.


This... is definitely scared!

That was at this moment!

"Ding ding ding--"

In the distance, an alarm signal immediately sounded on the spaceship!

Seeing the alarm signal, the biologist on board stared, rubbed his eyes in shock, and made sure he saw it correctly, then excitedly shouted in the channel:

"Everyone, everyone, just now there was a violent electrical signal fluctuation around this tree!"

"This electrical signal is extremely similar to the brain signal of a creature when it is frightened!"

"You may have scared it and scared it out of its original form!"

"Wow, this tree is really good at hiding!!!"

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