Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 268 Matching Problem

In this universe, in the meeting room of the Sky Army Mars Base.

A video conference is underway.

Military representative Zuo You stood at his seat with a serious expression.

In front of him were representatives of the three armed forces, the person in charge of Project 237, and the bigwigs of various plans.

They also had serious expressions at this time.

Especially the representatives of the Academy of Military Sciences and the Science Committee of Project 237, whose hair was messy and their eyes were bloodshot. If you look closely at their backs, you will find that they are still in the laboratory.

"Our spacecraft is now facing a very serious problem. After the introduction of artificial intelligence, this problem can no longer be ignored!"

Zuo You supported the podium with his left hand, clenched his right fist and waved it, his voice sonorous and powerful:

"The crew can no longer keep up with the reaction rhythm of artificial intelligence."

"The method of controlling spacecraft in the Earth era navy is no longer partially suitable."

"We must make adaptive changes!"

When he finished speaking, everyone on the scene was flipping through the information he sent.

Zhu Lao glanced at it and spoke first:

"General Zuo, I read the virtual training exercise report you provided. This problem really needs to be solved urgently."

"In the 567th exercise, facing the enemy's star-destroying neutron beam, the artificial intelligence of Ship No. 6 gave the operation of using the ship's hull to resist and deflect the attack to avoid the fate of the mother star being destroyed."

"All the crew members on the ship were ready for this action, but because the attack was sudden, according to the ship's command level regulations, this command can only be issued by the captain."

"And it was because of the few tenths of a second that this command was transmitted that Ship No. 6 missed the opportunity to make this move."

"Also, when Ship No. 9 in the 602nd exercise avoided the enemy's attack, it was also destroyed because of the few tenths of a second that the artificial intelligence and the captain's command were transmitted."


Zhu Lao simply repeated the situation in the document, scanned the scene, and continued:

"There are many such situations, I I won't repeat it. "


As soon as the voice changed, he said in a serious tone, unwavering:

"It was these few tenths of a second that actually influenced the direction of the war!"

"I will never allow our fleet to face such a big hidden danger in the future when facing interstellar wars and fleets that will fight to the death and destroy the star-killing clan!"

"The 567th exercise allowed us to see the warriors on the No. 6 ship who dared to sacrifice themselves to protect the mother planet!"

"But it also made my back cold, what if it was not an exercise?"

"The safety of our soldiers' lives, the mother planet, the motherland, and countless compatriots!"


After speaking, Zhu Lao slammed the table hard, his face became serious and cold:

"The problem of delay in matching artificial intelligence and human commands must be solved."

"In addition, the principle that the captain's three-person platform command permission is greater than the manual command permission cannot be changed in the slightest!"

After Zhu Lao finished speaking, the space force representatives at the meeting nodded.

No problem, this is what they wanted to say.

After that, everyone in the audience immediately turned their eyes to the representatives of the Academy of Sciences and the Science Committee of Plan 237.

Feeling the seriousness of the eyes, the two representatives coughed lightly, nodded hard, and said tiredly:

"After General Zuo's report was issued, we immediately started a discussion. We will definitely solve this problem!"

"That's right, we will definitely solve this problem with all our strength!"


The problem encountered by this universe fleet is unprecedented.

Even the old civilization in the universe, the engineers, have no information to refer to.

Maybe the engineers have encountered this problem before and solved it well,

But now it has been tens of thousands of years since the engineers dominated the Milky Way.

In these tens of thousands of years, they have been bullying the "little friends" and fighting asymmetric wars. The military technology tree has long been crooked to the point where I don't know where it is!

Yes, it is crooked.

Long-term asymmetric wars will lead to the abnormal growth of armed forces.

Just like the United States in this universe, after several Middle East wars, asymmetric naval battles have been fought for a long time, and it has actually spawned a "sea-to-land" deformed child like Zumwalt.

Originally, this ship was good at asymmetric naval warfare.

In other words, it was fun to bully other countries that did not have equal naval protection.


With the rise of the naval power of the Eastern powers.

This weapon, which was born for asymmetric warfare, immediately showed its true colors.

Because, in symmetrical warfare, it has no soil to survive.

So, the United States could only look back in disgrace, watching the Eastern powers come up with an epoch-making 055 destroyer, and quietly began to design ships that were equal to it.

The United States has only been traversing the earth's oceans for a few decades, and it has become like this.

The engineers have been traversing the Milky Way for tens of thousands of years!

Tens of thousands of years!

Since he became the hegemonic civilization, he has only bullied others.

All the wars he fought were asymmetric wars!

So when this universe asked how to solve the problem of time delay between artificial intelligence and commanders in ships,

Horos was confused.

No, is this a problem?

Does this problem need to be solved?

Please, when we fight the enemy, we always do so by attacking them face to face if possible and using black water; if we cannot attack them face to face, we attack them with long-range energy weapons and then attack them face to face.

What, you still have to consider the issue of command coordination? ? ?


Mr. Zhu pretended not to ask.

Yes, engineers don't need to consider this issue.

That's because, in the Milky Way, the civilization that can threaten yours has long been exterminated by you in your "glorious era".

Now in the alien world Milky Way, those little melons and dates, do you still need to worry about this issue?

But this universe is different!

Who knows that in that parallel universe, you will suddenly encounter an enemy of equal or even stronger strength.

Humans have to consider this issue!

"Mr. Zhu, maybe we can use neural connection technology."

The experts of Project 237 pondered for a moment and suddenly made a suggestion.

"The commander of the fleet will stay in the solution directly, and then use neural connection technology to sense the entire ship."

"In this way, he can achieve zero delay with artificial intelligence!"

"This plan is good!"

The military personnel nodded fiercely.

"But it's good, but if this technology is adopted, our original intention of preventing problems with artificial intelligence will change."

The scholars of the computing group frowned.

"If there is a problem with artificial intelligence, the captain can be directly controlled."

"This is too risky."

"We can set permissions!"

"Not appropriate, artificial intelligence may not only have internal problems, but also be directly controlled by a powerful enemy, just like we controlled Malte's transport ship. If there is a problem with artificial intelligence, the risk is too great!"


The transport ship driven by Malte was directly controlled by artificial intelligence. As a result, the other party did not react until they were caught.

They were deceived all the way!

Now, the research team is in a dilemma.

They have to use artificial intelligence, but also guard against artificial intelligence.

At the same time, there are zero-delay instructions.


This is simply making it difficult for them!

The scientist in charge of this project was instantly overwhelmed.


How to solve this problem!

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