Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 270 Social death? I don’t want it!!!

In a few months,

there have been no major changes in this universe.

However, in the Kyushu world, Xi Ruier has made an amazing breakthrough.

The research on the life extension of the ancestral virus has been transferred from mice to primates.

Authentic rhesus macaques, used exclusively for experiments!

However, this research cannot be done quickly. The growth rate of macaques is very slow, and results can only be obtained in at least a few years.

This is also the real situation of this type of research.

Researching life span is not something that can be achieved overnight, and it cannot be successful by computer deduction.

In the end, animal experiments have to speak.

Engineer Horus is also very curious about this experiment.

Although engineers have conducted similar experiments before, and Horus can even live to more than 150 years old, relying on life span experiments tens of thousands of years ago.

However, this experiment has been stopped long ago under the crisis of racial decline.

Even the data is gone.

So Horus doesn't need life span now, but he will definitely need it in the future!

Of course, since he is interested, Xi Ruier is not polite.

Since you are here, let's draw two tubes of blood first.

Don't forget,

engineers and humans have highly similar genes, and maybe they can find the data of previous experiments from each other's genes!

Apart from this major event,

it was basically very peaceful during the time Fang Jing was away.

However, as the transport ship was about to return, this peace was instantly broken.

Earth, in the Houston Launch Center,

Although, Lao Mi was completely suppressed in this universe, and even cracked.

But his previous aviation achievements are still there.

Today, the launch center staff who are about to lose their jobs are bored drinking coffee in the control room.


As a result, suddenly, the detector sent a shrill scream.

"It's you again, how many times this month, alas!"

The staff had no reaction and stirred the spoon in his hand unconsciously.

This sound, he has heard calluses in his ears in the past few months.

It is estimated that it is another detector launched more than ten years ago, which found a "UFO" in orbit and sent back a signal.

Of course, everyone knows that this "UFO" is a spacecraft from a certain Eastern country.

It is precisely because of this that the staff did not react at all.

"Ah, it's so annoying!"

The staff member helplessly dropped the spoon, raised his head, and stood up to turn off the sound.

As a result, he walked up to it and looked down carefully.

Wait, why is the direction of the signal reversed?

The previous signals were all in the same orbit or from the same source.

However, this time, the source of the signal was actually outside the solar system!

The staff member looked at the source of the signal, then looked at the position of the sun, and rubbed his eyes hard.

"Am I seeing it wrong?"

After mumbling twice, he opened his eyes again,

"FXXK, the position of the signal source has moved at least 1 million kilometers!"

When he opened his eyes again, he cursed!

It's been less than a second, and the source of the signal has moved more than 1 million kilometers!

This thing, it's flying at superluminal speed! ! !

"What the hell???"


The staff in Houston were dumbfounded.

This thing is not only flying at superluminal speed, but also because the direction is just right to hit the transverse wave of the detector, and there is no cover at all, the signal is clear and scary.

"Quick, report it!"

Is it some alien? ?

The staff was frightened and immediately passed the communication to the minister with shaking hands.

In the command room of the launch center,

the minister just said calmly "got it" and hung up the phone.

Superluminal speed, this minister is not surprised!

This is not something that humans at this stage can do, and it flew in from the outer solar system, and they don't care about it?

The minister said: Haha, what's so surprising!

The staff didn't know, and he didn't know it?

A few months ago, their detectors discovered that there was a superluminal aircraft on Mars.

In front of him now, the data at that time was placed,

this speed, this signal, and the reaction at that time are exactly the same.

What, how did you say the United States detected this signal.

Brother, they are behind, not dead.

With such a large fluctuation, the space ripples caused by the jump, and the energy emitted are still very obvious in the solar system, right?

If it is not uniform, they can't see such a large light curve in the solar system?


Damn, the superluminal spacecraft has come out.

The minister had a blank expression on his face, and he had already started to complain in his heart.

This is not the heritage or remains of alien civilization, he was standing upside down and eating *.


The speed of the transport ship was very fast.

After arriving at the Kuiper belt, it slowly exited the jump mode and entered the residual speed glide stage.

The whole process of going to the interstellar dust zone was safe and sound.

When the speed of the spacecraft approached zero,

it had arrived at the port area of ​​the asteroid belt.

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan walked out leisurely with their people.

"Mr. Zhu, come and see the local specialties I brought."

Walking to the front of the welcoming team, Fang Jing carefully took out a small transparent box.

In the transparent box, there was a small stone.

Half of the stone is the grayish white color of ordinary stone, but the other half flashes colorful light under the reflection of the light.

"What is this?"

Zhu Lao was stunned for a moment, then reacted, pointed at the small box, and laughed:

"This thing is incredible, it is a stone from the interstellar dust zone two light years away, it is extremely collectible!"

"Of course, I carefully selected it."

Fang Jing nodded.

"After choosing from the meteorite pile for a long time, I think it would be better to choose the pure meteorite the size of a millstone and beat it into a golden toilet. How magnificent it would be!"

Zhou Yuan was standing aside, clicking his tongue and shaking his head.

Only Fang Jing could choose a piece as a souvenir, but he ended up choosing a diamond the size of a thumb.

There is no size limit!

If it were him, he would just use the golden meteorite as a toilet!

Experience the feeling of treating gold as dirt!

"……%¥% @"

Fang Jing rolled his eyes.

Vulgar, vulgar!

"Okay, let's go back to the base."

Seeing that Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan were about to start a new round of debate on "whether the golden toilet is vulgar or not\

,"Zhu Lao's mouth twitched.

Forget it, it's too much to watch.

"Mr. Zhu, the hint of the new world this time is very strange."

Fang Jing, who couldn't compete with Zhou Yuan, slipped away decisively and came to Mr. Zhu's side. Fang Jing said in a strange way.

How should he describe a stone?

Should he talk about its shape or its color.

No, it's useless!


Mr. Zhu frowned, thought for a moment, and then his brows relaxed, and he smiled:


"It's okay, the institute has a new batch of equipment. You just need to imagine the picture in your head, and I can draw it for you."

"Ah... there is also this equipment?"

Fang Jing's eyes widened.


My brain won't think of some pictures that will kill me later! ! !

Wait, I can't have this idea now,

otherwise I will die later!

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